Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 372 This Kaul is a bit weird

"I know, I will find a way to help you."

"I just mentioned it to prevent you from knowing what happened if the Tyrone Sector loses contact with you one day."

"Don't be ridiculous. Being targeted by subspace creatures would be a disaster anywhere, but Talon will definitely not be destroyed."


Holy Terra.

Guilliman stood on the bridge of the Friendship, talking to Qin Mo who was far away in the Tyrone star sector.

In the communication just now, Qin Mo talked about the undead and the weakening of the reality membrane, and also asked if the trip to Terra went well.

Guilliman has just arrived on Terra.

The people of the Tribunal had known this news for a long time. When the Ultramar fleet arrived at Terra, the people of the Assassin's Tribunal boarded the ship and said that the Tribunal wanted to investigate whether the original body was the real original body.

Now that the Ultramar fleet has arrived at Terra, this huge fleet and the elite Ultramarines from the five hundred worlds of Ultramar are enough to prove the identity of the original body. The Inquisition did not send anyone to check, but only sent people to participate. A welcome ceremony for the Primarch.

Now that the ceremony is being prepared, Guilliman will have to wait a few days before he can make his grand entrance in front of the people of Terra.

Qin Mo raised his hand to close the communication: "That's all I have to say, hang up now. The cost of communication across light years is quite expensive."

Guilliman nodded: "I will try my best to help you and your sector."

Communication ends.

Communication stations within the dimension pull back signals from Talon to Terra.

The equipment dedicated to dimensional communication within the Friendship is also gradually shut down.

"We can go to the surface." Call entered the bridge and bowed.

"So fast?"

"Not fast. Although I have tried my best to convey the order of the original body to simplify the welcoming ceremony, no matter how simplified it is, it will take at least two months to prepare. However, before the preparations for the ceremony are completed, the Imperial Army said that the original body can come to the palace first."

"I see."

Guilliman nodded, and did not immediately go to the surface of Terra with Caul. Instead, he thought about things in the Tyrone sector.

The Lord of Tyrone uses all his strength in everything he does, just like the war machine he created is too pursuing a saturation strike, and this is the same thing now.

The Tyrone star sector has established a void defense line where the reality membrane has been weakened. The celestial bodies in the galaxy where the defense line is located will be pulled to the shortest distance as possible, and then the giant double-ring space buildings seen in Tyrone before will protect the entire galaxy.

People in the sector, men, women, old and young, are undergoing military training.

The warships built for the Blood Angels and their sub-chapters have been delivered, and full production of various types of Tyron standard warships has begun.

And these are not all measures.

Qin Mo hopes that the original body can help at the critical moment.

Guilliman did not think that the Tyrone Sector needed the help of others to cope with the upcoming troubles, but whether it was necessary was one thing, and whether to help was another matter.

Thinking of this, Guilliman ordered to Caul: "I hope to meet with the Martian Forge General and the senior officials of the Ecclesiarchy."

Caul did not answer immediately, but asked Guilliman: "Why?"

"I hope to convince these two forces to send people to Tyrone. The Ecclesiastical Church at least has experience in subspace-related matters. They can help the Tyrone people purify the corruption that has appeared. The Adeptus Mechanicus can help protect the machine soul." Guilliman Tell him why, and then start thinking about why Kaul asked himself, it doesn't usually work like this.

After thinking about it, Guilliman believed that Caul had something to say and did not want to end the topic too quickly.

"The Tyrones should need more military help later." Caul said and provided a piece of information to Guilliman.

This information shows that there is a research institution within the Tyrone sector that specializes in the study of subspace. Its members are all soulless people wearing suppressors. They are studying how to analyze phenomena related to subspace, as well as the nonsense of the National Religion and the Adeptus Mechanicus. Why rituals are useful, and in turn finding ways to curb the effects of the Warp.

"It's better to send them there, it will be useful." Guilliman shook his head, "Of course there will be military help. I probably can't let other chapters and the Astra Militarum be mobilized and deployed by me right away, but Five A hundred worlds capable, I will immediately send astrological messages to Calgar so that he can be prepared to support Talon."

Call nodded.

Guilliman glanced at Caul and then asked: "Speak directly if you have anything to say. The relationship between us is not just that of superiors and subordinates."

"I want to be a Foundry General," Call said.

"You are really direct." Guilliman was stunned by Caul's words.

A sage like Caul, who is full of enemies in the Adeptus Mechanicus, wants to become a Forge General... This is unlikely, because the Forge General is the representative and leader of the Mechanicus, and the person sitting in this position must be able to obey Public.

Moreover, the Empire and the Adeptus Mechanicus are not superiors and subordinates, but an equal cooperative relationship. At least on the surface, Guilliman does not have the legal basis to issue orders to the Adeptus Mechanicus.

As long as the Olympian Agreement signed between the Emperor and the Adeptus Mechanicus has not been broken, Guilliman will have to be cautious in dealing with matters related to the Adeptus Mechanicus.

"Change your request." Guilliman didn't want to refuse Caul directly, but he couldn't agree to him.

Those who have merit will be rewarded. This is the rule of the Five Hundred Worlds.

Caul's service was immense, and Guilliman would grant him anything he asked for, except the casting of a general.

Kaul himself knew this, and he lowered his head and was silent for a few seconds.

Guilliman speculated that Caul would probably ask for a forge world or something... This should be no problem, just create a new forge world for him.

Kaul hesitated for a long time and finally came up with a new request: "If I compete for the position of Forging General, you have to help me make suggestions."

"Let's talk about going to the palace for a while." Guilliman tidied his hair, turned off the Hand of Command weapon function on the Armor of Destiny, turned around and walked out of the bridge.

Caul followed Guilliman silently.

Caul will accompany him during this trip to the palace, because Guilliman learned from him that the Emperor had arranged a mission for Caul in advance ten thousand years ago. He felt that Caul must have a more important mission. Accompanying him to the Emperor might help him gain guidance.

Even if there is no guidance, even if the Imperial Guard prevents Caul from seeing the Golden Throne, then Caul should enter the palace and go somewhere closer to the Emperor.

Belisarius Cawl, this naturalist, spent ten thousand years studying the Armor of Destiny and the Primaris Space Marines for the mission given by the Emperor and the request of the primarch, and transformed himself into what he is now for the mission. He deserved to be close to the Emperor, he deserved it.

"The efficiency of the Adeptus Mechanicus is too low now." Kaul suddenly said, "Actually, you were supposed to enter the palace yesterday, but the transport plane prepared for you went through a lot of ceremonies just for its activation."

"Really..." Guilliman nodded in agreement.

Seeing the Primarch's approval, Cawl continued: "If you make me Forge-General, the situation in the Adeptus Mechanicus will definitely improve."

"You might as well get there in one step." Guilliman pretended to take off the Armor of Destiny. "Here, I will wear this armor for you. From now on, you will be the original body. Not to mention Mars, the empire will be yours."

Kaul didn't answer, and became a lot more honest. He rushed to the apron with the original body in silence.

As Guilliman walked, he felt that Caul seemed to have changed, which was quite strange.

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