Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 369 War Etiquette

"Please get up."

An arm stretched out in front of Qin Mo.

It was a bright silver skeletal arm.

Qin Mo raised his head and saw Kelun, who was standing in front of him and stretching out his hand.

Behind Cologne are its coffin guards.

These coffin guards did not attack and were just standing there blankly.

"Letting the opponent stand with his head held high to face the upcoming duel is the most basic fighting etiquette of the Necrontyr race." Coren said.

Qin Mo glanced at Kelun, put ten meters away from the iron skeleton, and then stood up.

Coren no longer bowed his body, retracted his arms and stood with his head held high, his right hand holding a spear tightly, and his left hand holding a large shield.

At this time, the overlord's guard carried an energy field device on his shoulders. This device released a circular energy field with a radius of one kilometer.

The undead warriors wanted to enter the energy field and attack Qin Mo, but no matter how they advanced, they could only spin in place at the edge of the energy field.

That device modified the space.

"Look what you did." Qin Mo stood up and pointed at the scorched earth under his feet, "You abused time to look back and made the reality structure of the entire star region fragile. The reality film is now as thin as a piece of paper!"

"Yes." Coren nodded, "Then what should I do, give up all my advantages and wait to be slaughtered by you? But even if you win this war, you will not be able to absorb my soul."

Qin Mo stared at Ke Lun.

Coren stared at him too.

One of the Star Gods who caused the destruction of the Necrontyr race was here, but Coren did not hate Qin Mo.

"You know, I hate most of your kind, but I don't hate you." Coren bowed slightly, raised his shield in front of him, and tapped the shield slowly and rhythmically with his spear, "But we It’s the enemy, your kind, who caused our entire species to become what it is now.”

Qin Mo hated Colen to the extreme. This lunatic did not understand the consequences of what he had done and how much trouble he had brought to the real universe.

If only it had taken less time to look back, Qin Mo would not have hated Column so much.

So, Qin Mo gave the coldest response: "You asked for this on yourselves. You made a deal with the Star God, you walked into the biological transformation furnace, and it is entirely your own fault that you became the ghost you are now. I am very confused, you guys Do the Silent Kings never do anything serious? They hate the Old Saints just because they can live forever, and then they start a war in heaven and turn the subspace into the horrible state it is now."

Column listened calmly. He couldn't get angry at the Silent King's criticism. On the contrary, he agreed with it, but there were still some things he should say.

"It is not our choice to enter the biotransformation furnace, at least not for everyone. A considerable number of people do not think biotransformation is a good thing."

"But what can we do if we don't enter? The Star God and the Council of Three Saints control the entire race, and those who disobey will only die."

"This is not a choice, this is submission in the face of power."

"Just like the Nightbringer began to slaughter my compatriots as soon as it got its living metal body, but we still had to hold our noses and cooperate with it, as a last resort."

As he spoke, Coren began to circle around and hit the shield harder.

Qin Mo looked at Column and wanted to ask it if it really thought this was a fair duel and that it could deal with him.

"After the Necrontyr race was destroyed."

Coren banged the shield as hard as it sounded like music.

"The metal descendant of the Necrontyr race, the overlord of the Coron Dynasty challenged a star god in a fair duel with a mortal body. This is the most magnificent epic!"

"Duel me!"

"According to the ancient war etiquette of the Necrontyr, the victor sits on the throne and gains the territory, while the defeated kneel down, kowtow, withdraw their troops, and are willing to accept defeat and never regret it!"


"Okay, I'll satisfy you." Qin Mo took a step forward, shortened the distance between himself and Colon to face to face, took out the scepter from the dimensional space and struck Colon on the head.

The scepters penetrated the shield like overlapping pieces, shattering half of Coren's head.

Kelun also fought back, taking a step back while thrusting his spear at Qin Mo.

When the green-light phase spear thrust out, Qin Mo had just pulled the power armor out of the dimension and put it on his body in an overlapping manner.

Then a crisp collision sounded.

The phase spear drew a spark on the power armor and was bounced away.

Seeing this, Coren was even stunned for a moment, and quickly took two steps back to look at his spear.

The phase gun tip was still functioning normally, but it did not penetrate the power armor, and even just left a scratch on the power armor.

This is obviously not materialistic.

Qin Mo himself was confused. He didn't expect that the phase weapon didn't penetrate the power armor. He was already prepared for the phase to penetrate directly through his body...

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Mo realized that his power armor might have been given a special function by mortal will, just like the scepter in his hand and the chain sword he had used before.

The classic skin of Lord Tyrone is holding a chainsword, a scepter, and wearing power armor.

Now the black stone in the obelisk is stimulating psychic energy. The negative impact of the diffusion of psychic energy prevents the Star God from distorting the laws of physics on a large scale. The advantage is that the weapons and equipment with special effects have become stronger.

"Do you want a fair duel?" Qin Mo took off his power armor and threw away his scepter, "Then we agreed, if you lose you can't use time to go back."

"Turn off the Black Stone and deactivate the Time Scroll." Coren ordered the guard, then nodded to another guard.

The guard placed his shield and spear flat on the ground and took two steps back.

Qin Mo stretched out his arms, and the spear and shield rose into the air and fell into his hands.

Before another round of duel began, Colen even took off his armor. Like Qin Mo, he did not wear any armor and only held the Long Contradiction card.

"It's a pity that I became a machine, otherwise my body would be as strong as yours." As he spoke, Kelun looked at Qin Mo's strong body covered with black lines.

The two began to fight again.

This is only superficial fairness. Qin Mo, who has become a star god, is far superior to Column in terms of physical quality and reaction speed. Even if he doesn't use the power of the star god at all, he can still beat Column.

When the two faced each other head-on, they stabbed each other with the spears in their hands.

Colen's spear drew a blood mark on Qin Mo's neck, but the blood mark healed as soon as it appeared.

Qin Mo's spear penetrated Colon's body from bottom to top, with the tip of the spear entering under the ribs and emerging from the neck.

Coren's power unit was destroyed, and his body fell to his knees, but his hands still clutched his shield and spear.

"According to the ancient war etiquette of the Necrophobes." Column's eyes turned to look at Qin Mo's face, "The victor sits on the throne and gains the territory, while the defeated kneel down, kowtow, withdraw their troops, and never surrender. Regret.”

Qin Mo nodded.

Colen also wanted to conduct a defeat ceremony as stipulated by etiquette before withdrawing his troops, but Qin Mo was no longer patient.

"Take your troops and withdraw from the Tailong Star Area." Qin Mo pointed at the scorched earth, "Now."

The two beams of light on Coren's head dissipated, and its coffin guards picked up the body and turned away.

The undead army stopped firing, turned around and retreated under the iron man's fire, heading towards the wormhole opened by the obelisk.

Qin Mo was a little confused when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that the overlord named Column was so arrogant in martial ethics that he actually withdrew when he said he would.

I don’t know what obsession Coren has, but he can’t think of a duel with the Star God...

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