Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 350 Mutation Treatment


The giant gate leading to the observation deck opened upwards after a roar.

Before the floodgates fully opened, Adam slapped his face, put on his best spirit, and stepped into the observation deck.

Lord Tyrone and his guards stood in front of the giant porthole of the observation deck.

"Performance is very good." Qin Mo turned to look at Adam, "Whether it is the battle or your psychological performance."

The main control intelligence has calculated the psychological condition of every member of the fleet. Everyone is mentally healthy. They just feel uncomfortable, but have not been more seriously affected by the subspace whispers.

Although mortals like the crew who are not soulless will most likely be corrupted if they are whispered by the Great Demon himself, this is just like the main force of Tyranids arriving in the galaxy can destroy the entire galaxy, but the main force of Tyranids is always on the way. reason.

Big demons don't have that much energy to waste on mortals. They waste a lot of energy just to appear in the real universe outside the maelstrom zone. How can they have time to perform rituals and talk to mortals' ears.

"There is a crew member in the fleet who was affected by subspace energy and his body mutated." Adam said.

"Not one, but two." Qin Mo had already learned about this.

There are two crew members. Their psychological test results show that they are very strong-willed and their minds are not affected by the whispers. However, perhaps due to physical reasons, they have undergone some mutations due to the influence of subspace energy.

One had two tentacles, and the other had an extra mouth.

People in the naval department of the Tyrone Sector had imagined the consequences of fighting in a galaxy with majestic subspace energy, and had made plans for the conceivable consequences.

The two mutated people will receive treatment, and then receive closer psychological attention after treatment, and will be placed on small battleships in the fleet.

There is nothing they can do about it. Their will is very strong, but their bodies are easily affected and there is nothing they can do about it.

"Go back to Tailong and send the two mutated crew members and the captain of the Path of Glory to Taiwei Yi's hospital." Qin Mo ordered.

"The captain of the Path of Glory?" Adam's heart tightened, "He also..."

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded, "I just checked Saiin's condition, and his condition is particularly serious. The cabin he is in has begun to turn into flesh, and his flesh and blood are integrated with the cabin, and his spirit is a little better. It’s not normal.”

Hearing this, Adam showed no expression on his face, trying hard to suppress his feelings of sadness for Sain.

Before becoming the captain of the Path of Glory, Sain was just a crew member selected from the army and among the first batch of cadets at the Tyrone Naval Academy.

Sain was Adam's weapons officer during the only initial cruiser attack on Tyron II.

As a member of the Order of the Servers, Adam had tried to avoid any emotion, but it was hard not to be saddened by the tragedy of his old friend, Sein.

"Go back to Tailong. It's over." Qin Mo patted Adam on the shoulder.

"Yes." Adam saluted, "The Path of Glory only has a bridge left. From now on, it will..."

"It will become a flagship in the future." Qin Mo replied.

Qin Mo had already learned from Uslan that the Path of Glory only had a bridge left. He had already planned before entering the maelstrom to put the bridge of the Path of Glory into the flagship.

A seventy-kilometer-long ship, equipped with numerous carrier-based aircraft hangars, small docks, and small black stone obelisks, its firepower and functionality are comparable to a giant flagship of a fleet.

Three days later.

All members of the Tyrone Navy returned to the Tyrone Galaxy and lined up to enter the orbital dock for maintenance.

Including Sain, a total of three people who were mutated by the subspace energy were sent to Taiwei first.

Tymon is an artificial satellite of the planet Tyrone 1. It can be regarded as a miniaturized medical world. There are only medical departments and medical practitioners on the entire satellite.

On Tymon, a hospital was established to study and deal with the effects of the warp on the human body.

"This guy's condition is more serious than the first two."

"It's more than serious...tsk."


Two soulless doctors stood in front of the large scanning machine, talking about Sain while waiting for the scan results.

Sain was placed in the scanning machine along with the corporeal pod.

The soulless doctor could no longer tell where Saiin's eyes were. They discussed for a long time and felt that a piece of purple rotten flesh with cracks and tendrils at the bottom should be the visual organ.

Or have no visual organ.

The existence of these two soulless doctors not only made Saiin uncomfortable and driven him crazy, but also affected his mutation.

After entering the Tyrone Star Sector, the flesh-and-blood capsule began to become explainable by physical rules. When it came to the two soulless doctors, it turned into a mutant in the concept of reality. If it was not intubated, Used to transport oxygen and nutrient solutions, it will rot and die.

Just like the Death Guard Space Marines who were unable to maintain physical existence because of the activation of the Black Stone Obelisk in the Battle of Cadia.

"Captain Sain, I need you to cooperate with us in doing a test." A doctor walked up to Sain, "If you are still conscious and can hear what I say, please wave the fifth tentacle from the right at the top. "

"Are you crazy? There are no bones in his tentacles. How can he swing them?" Another doctor warned while checking the results of the flesh scan.

Sain wanted to tell the doctor that he was still alive and normal and not to cut himself open and soak himself in a specimen jar, but he couldn't speak.

You can say that in the subspace and the maelstrom, but in front of the soulless people, your body is really rotten meat with no rules, and there is no way to say it.

"The brain wave instrument shows that he still has thinking activities and is normal."

"How do we treat him?"

"It should be highly prosthetic. After all, his spine is gone, so we can only find a way to replace it with a prosthetic body."

"Let's do it, I'll apply for a batch of prosthetics."


Doctors began to operate on Sain.

He was separated from the cabin, and after an instrument was used to determine where the brain wave thinking activity was, this part was inserted into a life support device and cut out from the entire irregular flesh and blood.

The two soulless doctors began to attach various prosthetic bodies to Sain that replaced the original organs and physiological structure.

At this time, Admiral Adam was standing outside the door of the operating room, looking at his old friend who could no longer be recognized through a layer of glass.

The more the operation went on, the more uncomfortable he felt.

The doctors began to deal with Sain's "head" in detail, cutting out his head from under the ten layers of fleshy membranes and the bones that formed the bone. Then they saw a glass ball hanging from the tendrils like a lantern.

When tears began to ooze from the tendrils, the doctors realized that these were actually Sain's eyes.

"Sorry, Captain Sein."

"After examination, we found that you no longer have the physiological structure for the anesthesia to take effect, so you have to endure it a little longer. In addition, based on our previous experience, you have to stay awake during the operation, which is good for the operation."

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