"I hope to buy a dimension engine in the Tyrone sector."

Guilliman said and looked at Greyfax.

The female inquisitor had already begun to show off, concentrating on enjoying the comfort of the bath and not expressing her opinion.

"The tithes you handed over to the empire have been piled in the warehouse by the high lords. It is not easy for even the 500 worlds of Ultramar to obtain a dimensional engine."

"So I'm hoping to get some here in Tyrone, the latest and most advanced ones."

Guilliman's request was expected, but Qin Mo did not immediately say yes or no, but said: "I have prepared a gift for you."

At this time, the water in the pool began to condense, revealing the orbital dock of the Tyrone system.

Because the water is transparent, everyone can see the inside of the orbital dock, which is made of water.

There is a ship there that is thirty kilometers long but has no additional weapons.

"An industrial ship." Qin Mo pointed at the ship and said, "It can manufacture cruiser-class and frigate-class ships, as well as dimensional engines. As for the raw materials, it is easy to solve. It only needs to input materials composed of atoms. "

Guilliman couldn't believe that Qin Mo was so generous.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, was counting on Guilliman to use the power and status of the original body to promote dimensional engines in the empire. It would be better to give him the manufacturing capability directly.

The engine was used and built by the Primarchs... and its promotional effect was no less than Guilliman's arrival on Terra in the Dimension Engine Battleship.

"Thank you very much." Guilliman nodded his thanks.

Kaul, who had been silent from beginning to end, was no longer calm.

Industrial ships are rare in the Adeptus Mechanicus. Caul really hopes to own an industrial ship, but considering that this is a gift to the original body and not to himself, it must be that the Tyron sector manufactures such industrial ships. It’s not easy either, so I still don’t speak.

"This industrial ship doesn't have a name yet, you can name it for it." Qin Mo said.

After a brief pause, Guilliman said, "Let's call it Friendship."

"What a good name." Qin Mo nodded thoughtfully.

After talking about the Dimension Engine, Guilliman felt that the purpose of his trip had been achieved.

However, he remembered the Five Hundred World of Ultramar and decided to obtain some things from Talon that could make the Five Hundred World better, such as advanced technology...

"I have arranged a residence for everyone, inside this building." Qin Mo stood up from the pool and looked at Guilliman after speaking, "One of my guards will be responsible for taking care of and protecting the original body."

Immediately, Anreda took the elevator to the top of the building and saluted Guilliman.

It was impossible for Qin Mo to be a tour guide for Guilliman without doing anything, so Guilliman could also expect that he would arrange a guard.

Whether this guard is simply here for protection and care, or has surveillance duties, this is quite normal in Guilliman's opinion.


Arreda led Guilliman to the residence arranged for him.

After Andreda left, Guilliman walked around the residence, looking at every item here.

A five-meter-long bed, some large furniture that can be used in daily life, and some weird technological items.

Guilliman couldn't figure out how to use everything just by looking at it, but fortunately there was a thick stack of instructions in the drawer of the bedside table.

After reading the instructions at a glance, Guilliman tentatively called out: "Butler."

A woman appeared out of thin air in the room and walked up to Guilliman: "Please state your request."

"I want to read books," Guilliman said.

The woman nodded, raised her hand and released a projection from the roof, turning the entire room into a library.

It was all illusion, and when Guilliman picked up a book he could tell that the book was even a projection.

For normal people, these projections are enough to make them think that a book is really appearing in front of them. But for the senses possessed by the original body, the book simulated by this projection is the same as the real book when held in the hand. the difference.

Guilliman took out ten books and placed them on the table in front of him, and turned on the projection master control device to adjust the books to automatically turn pages.

Ten books open to the first page at the same time and turn to the next page a second later.

Guilliman sat at the table and read carefully.

This is a book about the past events of the Tyrone Sector, which records the origins of the Imperial Guard and the Lord of Tyrone.

Books written by the Ecclesiarchy say that the Lord of Tyrone is a messenger of the Emperor.

A book written by the Tyrone Sector Academic Affairs Department states that the Lord of Tyrone was originally a soldier of the 44th Regiment of the Planetary Defense Force.

The few remaining regimental commanders' memoirs stated that they did not remember ever seeing Lord Tyrone as a soldier, and there were many speculations about his origins. Some, like the state religion, believed that he was a messenger, and some believed that he was a resident of the Undernest. One of them, or a descendant of a certain scientific research family...

In a book titled "The Iron Fist of Lord Tyrone: Memoirs of the 87th Armored Regiment", it is written that the regiment leader Duncan once encountered a doctor while fighting in the nest. The doctor said that his neighbor who was also a doctor had treated Tyrone. The evidence is that there are black lines on the body of Lord Tailong.

But the book also said that the doctor who treated Lord Tyrone later died in a gang fight. After that, no one took off Lord Tyrone's clothes to see what happened. Who knows if this is true or not... But the book also says By the time Tyrone One was unified, the Lord of Tyrone asked the Praetorians about a doctor.

"It seems that the Governor of this sector doesn't want to hide that he is a Star God."

Guilliman's voice echoed in his mind, and he realized that he had not taken off the wraith bone device on his body.

"He may have guessed that we guessed that he was the C'tan." Guilliman responded to Evrené in the other room.

If you still have doubts while watching the military parade, you will be sure after taking a bath.

There are only two possibilities for allowing water to ignore the barrier of armor and contact the skin. Either the physical rules are distorted, or the armor made by Caul will allow water to enter.

It can be seen that Qin Mo really does not want to hide it, because it cannot be hidden from the original body and the spirit clan.

But this makes Guilliman feel more at ease, because if you want to cooperate, the first thing you have to do is to be honest. No one will feel reassured by allies who are secretive and have many secrets, even if such allies with many secrets are brothers. .

"Tell me, was Lord Tyron's reaction during the military parade an act or was it from the heart?" Guilliman recalled the previous scene.

Qin Mo looked at everything he had built, showing such strong emotions.

Although Guilliman believed that Qin Mo was not pretending with his own insight, after all, the Eldar had more perception and knew more about the Star God, so he wanted to hear Evrené's opinion.

"Unless he is a Star God who specializes in fraud, other Star Gods are not very good at acting." Evelene lamented, "His love for the humans here is like the love of the Eldar's creator for the Eldar. See it as a source of attraction. A masterpiece that I am proud of, an assistant that I can absolutely trust..."

Guilliman nodded, took off the wraith bone device and continued reading the book.

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