Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 319 Lord of the Ultramarines

"We have to do more important things right away. We don't have time to talk nonsense with you, Inquisitor."

Call continued to focus on controlling the equipment without even looking at Greyfax.

The two are actually acquaintances.

After the Battle of Cadia, when both the Tyronian and Imperial Navy departed from the Gates of Cadia, Belisarius Cawl arrived in the system aboard his Seeker King.

At that time Horst and Greyfax were investigating the Blackstone Obelisk, trying to find out how the Lord of Tyron used these ancient alien creations.

Kaur also came, and the three of them investigated together for a long time without finding anything, so they had to give up in the end.

Greyfax was sent to the current galaxy to investigate the secret sect that was closely related to the Eldar. She did not expect that the reason why Caul was unwilling to stay longer to study the Black Stone Obelisk was because he said he wanted to do more important things, and this thing is Come near the extreme star field?

Glancing at the living saint next to Call, Greyfax suspected that the living saint who disappeared when the Black Stone Obelisk was activated and now appears on the King of Explorers must have something to do with Call.

Kaul was silent and began to search and separate things about living saints and aliens into the data chip.

On the way here, the ship encountered a storm and the demons invaded. Celestine and the raging Space Marines suddenly appeared to help.

The next step is to dock in a star system that does not even have a name to repair the King of Explorers that was damaged in the battle. At this time, the traitorous Space Marine Chapter is plundering the star system. At the critical moment, two Eldar are leading them. The army helped to relieve the siege.

Caul separated all these memories from his brain, then pulled out the data chip and stuffed it into an encrypted compartment on the floor, so that Greyfax could not read the memories using either technical or psychic means.

"The storm has not subsided yet." The navigator's voice entered Kaul's mind.

Call looked at Greyfax and warned: "You can watch whatever you want, or you can sit in the bridge for a while, but don't force me to throw you out."

The Adeptus Mechanicus still has to give some face to the Inquisition. If it were any other sage or even the Foundry General, they would not issue threats when faced with the investigation. However, it did not surprise Greyfax that Caul said such words. Even within the Mechanicum, this sage was a heretic, and he was no longer afraid.

Considering the gap in combat power between himself and Caul, Greyfax lowered his hand on the crossbow.

"Charge the dimensional engine." Call shouted.

"You actually installed a dimensional engine on your ship?" Greyfax lowered his hand and put it back on the crossbow.

However, at this time Greyfax did not want to bring Caul to justice on the spot, but wanted to escape unscathed after discovering that Caul was cooperating with aliens and heretics.

"Get out." Call had urgent matters to attend to, and Greyfax was practically dancing on his patience.

Caul even considered teaching the people on the ship a lesson during the voyage, so that they would not be frightened when they saw the Inquisitor, and not to bring Inquisitors, especially those like Greyfax, on board.

"She can't leave." The Eldar in red armor said in very standard Gothic.

"That's right, at least she can't leave until we reach our destination. We want to avoid the possibility of being intercepted by the Tribunal on the voyage." The female Eldar with braided braids agreed.

Call thought for a moment and looked away from Greyfax: "Set sail."

The dimensional engine installed by the Explorer King in Agrippina began to release energy, sending the Explorer King into the dimensional space.

Greyfax was about to ask Caul to stop at this time, but the next second the ship had already entered the extreme star field. If she wanted to return to her ship or ask the crew to come over for support, then her ship We have to find a way to cross the distance of a hundred light years first.

"You will pay for this!"

When the two Skitarii vanguard Alphas were called over by Caul, Greyfax gave a stern warning.

"Believe me, if I succeed, no." Call shook his head slowly and watched Greyfax being taken away by the vanguard and sent to house arrest.

The King of Explorers continued sailing in the Ultramarine Star Territory until it arrived at Macragge, the home planet of the Ultramarines Chapter.

Two days later.


The Lord of the Ultramarines, Chapter Master Calgar, is running around several new camps on Macragge, dealing with matters regarding the selection of a new batch of Ultramarine recruits.

Think tank director Tigurias followed the chapter leader and reported to him recent events.

"The last batch of recruits who failed in their transformation have been sent back to their hometowns."

"I only found out about this yesterday. I don't know why there was a sudden storm recently, so the astropaths were slower in transmitting information..."

It is not uncommon in the history of a Space Marine Chapter to include those who fail to reform in every batch of recruits.

Calgar felt sorry for those recruits who failed to transform, but all he could do was hope that even if these people did not become Space Marines, they could live a good life as civilians in the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar.

"Another thing. Belisarius Caul, the sage of the Adeptus Mechanicus, has just arrived in the galaxy. They used the dimensional engine." Tigurias continued to report.

Calgar had a complicated expression when he heard the words Dimension Engine.

The Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar will not be hostile to this kind of technological creation and the people who make it just because the person who built the engine is suspected of being a heretic.

Calgar wants to get two dimensional engines for the scholars of Ultramar to investigate to see if they have any side effects... Unfortunately, the Empire may intend to restrict the use of this engine. Whenever the Chapter's agents go When working on the engine, the Inquisitor intervened, and the Astropath and Navigator jointly protested, so the matter was dropped.

"Please contact the Sage and see if he allows us to send a team of scholars to board the ship for inspection." Kalga ordered.

"There is no need, the sage's attitude is much better than you think." Tigurias shook his head, "He brought many greeting gifts, power armor that is enough to arm a mortal auxiliary army officer, all attached to Agrippi Of course he is happy for us to board the ship to inspect the Tailong cargo with the Na mark."

Calgar had heard about Caul and didn't think he was a nice person to talk to, so he asked doubtfully: "What is he doing in Macragge?"

"His ship encountered a storm. I hope we can provide some promethium fuel supplies, and preferably help repair the ship." Tigurias replied.

Calga naturally agreed without hesitation.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Tigurias hesitated for a moment and suddenly suggested: "The sage is very interested in the history of Macragge. I suggest organizing a welcome ceremony in the sanctuary and inviting the sage into the hall of the Holy Sepulchre. Pay homage to the father of genes.”

Calga hesitated.

The Hall of the Holy Tomb where the Gene Father is located is the holy place of the war group, and outsiders are not allowed to enter at will.

But considering that the gift brought by Caul is not easy to refuse, and it is beneficial to have a good relationship with the people of the Mechanicus, it is better to let him pay his respects. By the way, Caul can also check the stationary location of the Father of Genes. Is the force field working well?

There is no need to worry too much.

After all, what bad intentions could a Mechanicus magus interested in the history of five hundred worlds have?

Thinking of this, Calga nodded in agreement.

Tigurias also nodded, secretly glad in his heart.

I went to a dinner party today. I will post three chapters first.

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