Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 281 Lord of the Swarm

Dante and the Chapter Masters returned to the meeting hall to discuss matters while resting.

Even the Iron Men and their data craftsmen were brought in.

News of success came every minute, and the descendants of the angel were retaking the outer perimeter of the fortress.

Even though there is still a lot to do to completely recapture Baal from the Zerg, the current progress gives everyone hope.

The Chapter Masters congratulated each other, and when Foros was spoken to by the Chapter Master next to him, he would only smile and nod, which seemed a bit perfunctory.

Dante looked at Foros and then at Mephiston.

The latter's voice rang in Dante's head.

"What Foros really cares about is Hades III... It's not that he doesn't value Baal, it's just that he forgets his true home planet more."

Hearing Mephiston's words, Dante nodded silently.

After a short celebration, everyone started talking about business.

"We saw a larger Tyrant inside a crashed ship."

"It looks special."

"I don't know what role it plays in the Zerg collective, but I think if I can kill it, it might be of some help to the war situation."

Mephiston said what Bellona's apprentice had seen before.

His words were not only listened carefully to by the humans present, but Heat Death was also listening.

Then heat death fades into memories.

During the war in the Hades galaxy, the Iron Man troops also discovered a huge tyrant. The appearance of this tyrant was similar to that described by Mephiston... Of course, it is unlikely to be different, after all, it is just a bit larger.

In short, this tyrant is not simply a synaptic creature named tyrant in the database, but has another name.

Lord of the Swarm.

The war in the Hades Galaxy has progressed to this point. What caused the swarm to completely lose control of the two planets was not that they were exhausted in the battle, but that Heat Death personally executed two beheading operations against the lord of the swarm.

Thinking of this, Heat Death looked at his data craftsman.

This Data Artisan is just a physical projection cast by a stealth drone, another disguise.

"Lord of the Swarm."

Cold electronic sounds sounded in the hall.

Everyone looked towards the direction of the sound and found that the person speaking was the data craftsman who had been very silent from beginning to end.

The data craftsman and his mechanical warriors played a big role in the previous battle, so even though his status was much lower than everyone present, no one interrupted what he said.

"What is the Lord of the Swarm, Sage?" Dante asked.

A data craftsman cannot be a sage at all, but he is certainly happy to be called a sage.

However, the data craftsman did not have any mood swings. The mechanical structure of his mouth flashed and continued: "The Lord of the Swarm is equivalent to a large synaptic creature. I don't know how many swarms it can control, but as long as it is Kill, and lots and lots of bugs will fall into chaos.”

Hearing this, Mephiston frowned, feeling that there was something wrong with the data craftsman.

In his impression, data craftsmen of the Adeptus Mechanicus rarely use the word "a lot". If they have to say an uncertain value, then they will definitely say a range of values.

There's something fishy about this data craftsman.

The mere presence of members of the Adeptus Mechanicus here is suspicious.

Although Mephiston has never fought side by side with the Adeptus Mechanicus, he knows that if combat units like Castellan robots are put on the battlefield on a large scale, the Forge World itself must be in crisis.

Why would the Adeptus Mechanicus send Baal so many mechanical combat units more powerful than the Castellan robots?

But considering that the other party is here to help after all, Mephiston is not easy to question, so he can only pretend to be confused.

"Lord of the Swarm..." Dante tilted his neck back, suddenly feeling tired again.

Tyrant, Lord of the Swarm... Will there be a Lord of the Hive, or a larger synapse creature in the future?

When will all this end?

"We have to kill it by decapitation," Mephiston said.

Dante nodded in agreement.

The other Chapter Masters also expressed their opinions.

The plan to carry out the decapitation operation was unanimously approved.

Dante and Mephiston then began to arrange a more detailed and specific battle plan.


In front of the magnificent statue of Sanguinius, Dante and Mephiston discuss their battle plans.

Mephiston used his powers to create many images, showing the terrain where the crashed ship was located, and what Bellona's apprentice saw that day.

Mephiston then tells his own story.

He talked a lot, while Dante just sat under the statue and listened silently.

Until Mephiston realized that his Chapter Master was not in good condition now, he stopped the discussion, sat next to Dante and looked up at the face of the statue of the Gene Father with him.

"Thank you." Dante said suddenly.

Since the defense of Baal, Mephiston has been suppressing his personality and showing as gentle a side as possible.

This is to cooperate with Dante in maintaining the relationship between the mother group and the child group at this time. Regardless of the rumors about Mephiston, the former chief think tank of the Blood Angels Chapter, the Lord of Death, he personally came to Baal's child group brothers. We will only see a moderate think tank director.

Dante suddenly said thank you, but the understanding between the two was enough for Mephiston to understand what he meant.

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius." Mephiston said calmly, "I will give everything for Baal."

Dante nodded and talked about the battle: "I plan to throw those who have fallen into the black rage into the battle to behead the Lord of the Swarm."

Mephiston nodded in agreement.

But Dante hesitated: "Are they really hopeless? Is it really hopeless to fall into black rage?"

There is no doubt that for all the descendants of angels, regardless of their mother group, legion or war group, there is really no way to save them if they fall into the black rage.

But the reason why Dante asked was because Mephiston had defeated Black Fury, more than once.

"It's hopeless." Mephiston shook his head, "My experience cannot be replicated, otherwise I would have worked with Coblo to try to solve the Black Fury."

Dante nodded again.

Kobro, the High Priest of the Blood Angels Chapter, this position is known as the Apothecary in other Chapters.

Kobro has simply devoted his life to solving the black rage and blood thirst, but there has been no result.

Mephiston has answered Dante's question about the Black Rage more than once, but he has answered it a little too often recently.

It was obvious that Dante was becoming sentimental.

Maybe it's because of old age, maybe because of fatigue, or some other reason... He wasn't like this before.

"Let's discuss a battle plan as soon as possible." Dante stood up, "I will personally participate in the battle."

"Your injury..." Mephiston tried to dissuade him, but Dante's eyes were firm, so he didn't say anything.

But Mephiston is wondering why Dante has been so hands-on lately...

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