It's hard to tell time in the dark.

Creed didn't know how long he had been in the dungeon, only that his beard had grown longer.

The Inquisition stormtroopers standing guard at the door respected Creed, and would often tell Creed what was happening in the outside world outside the door, and even occasionally sneak in a cigar.

Creed learned that Greyfax's imprisoning him had not been approved and there was no rumor. The Cadian people thought that the castle lord was just too tired and needed to rest.

Almost all the inquisitors believed that imprisoning the castle lord was crazy, and they even had a dispute with Greyfax and drew their guns on each other, but Greyfax still insisted on his opinion.

The Stormtroopers believe that Greyfax will release Creed soon, as the Inquisition's order to get her out of Cadia will be sent soon. The Inquisition believes that the Lord needs to be examined, but not in the dungeons. inside.

Creed only listened to this information and did not think it was necessarily the truth, because the two stormtroopers at the door were probably arranged by the inquisitors, and everything they said was pre-programmed.

I don't know how long it took, but Creed suddenly saw the dungeon door being opened.

Qin Mo's metal body appeared outside the door. The storm trooper at the door opened the door and turned around to leave.

"You were imprisoned for five days." Qin Mo entered the dungeon. The height of the dungeon could not accommodate the body, but Qin Mo stood straight in the dungeon instead of curling up. The space here was distorted.

"Five days? I thought it had been fifty years!" Creed said with a wry smile.

Qin Mo floated to Creed and handed him a belt.

When Creed's hand touched his belt, a cigar appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"I thought you were joking before." Creed quickly put on his belt.

"What did the female judge ask you?" Qin Mo asked.

"You should be able to imagine it." Creed shook his head helplessly.

Qin Mo had long felt that Creed would not be locked up in the dungeon if he was just being examined, so it must be because of the hostility of the Inquisition and some high-level officials in the empire towards the Tyrone sector.

"Get out of here." Qin Mo said.

Creed didn't know that he was allowed to leave the dungeon, but he trusted Qin Mo, so he followed Qin Mo out of the cell.

The inquisitor outside is signing a secret document with Kyle, asking him to keep Creed's experiences secret in the past few days.

Kyle was reluctant to sign until Creed nodded his acquiescence before writing his name on the document.

Creed was also asked to sign a secret document, which he did.

An inquisitor came over and apologized to Creed, then put a commando coat on him and tidied up his appearance to make him look more energetic.

When he reached a deserted place, Creed suddenly said to Qin Mo: "You should find a way to ease the relationship with the Inquisition. If you continue like this, it will be the end if you are labeled as a heretic."

"I am a heretic."

Qin Mo's response made Creed stunned for two seconds.

"If this universe wasn't so dangerous, if it wasn't surrounded by dangers and wolves..." Qin Mo continued, "I would become the enemy of the empire, and everything that caused mankind to fall into ignorance and suffering would be slaughtered by me. I come to Kadi The reason why I fight alongside you is because I am more hostile to those Chaos bastards than I am to the Empire."

Hearing this, Creed felt mixed.

Creed actually understood Qin Mo's thoughts. As early as in the Tyrone Nest, Qin Mo had said that he was fighting for humanity, not for the emperor.

As the castle lord of Cadia, Creed believed that he should be hostile to such people, but he just couldn't be hostile.

"Lord of Tyrone." A judge suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two. He walked over with his hands behind his back and asked with a smile, "The Lord of Tyrone has been released. Can your warship move the muzzle away from our ship?" Already?"

Qin Mo nodded silently.

Only then did Creed realize how serious things had happened during the past few days when he had been imprisoned.

The attitude of the Tribunal is also intriguing. It is hostile to the Tyrone Sector, but does not want to conflict with the Tyrone Sector. The two sides maintain an extremely strange balance.

I don’t know when this balance will be broken.

"I will leave Cardia in three days." Qin Mo said to Creed after the inquisitor left.

"In any case, you have helped Cadia." Creed held Qin Mo's hand, "When the Tyrone sector encounters a crisis, Cadia will also help you."

"Thank you." Qin Mo nodded.

Creed continued: "I will also help you promote the dimension engine. At least the Cadian transport ships must use the dimension engine. If one day the transport ships no longer use the dimension engine, it must be because of my identity as the castle master. Lost."

"Then it's better not to promote it. It's a trivial matter for you to have your identity as the castle lord wiped out, but it's not good for others to assassinate you."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. The cigar belt you gave me must not only allow me to have unlimited cigars, it should also have a shield function."

"It really doesn't have a shield function, but when you encounter a crisis, a cigar god will jump out of the belt to protect you."


The two joked a few times, and Creed returned to his usual tough guy face. He took a deep breath and said goodbye: "Goodbye."

Although there are still three days before returning to Tailong, these three days are used to prepare. Qin Mo knows that this is the last time the two of them will see each other.


Three days later.

All the Tyron army boarded the ship and rushed to the open area in the galaxy together with the naval warships.

The celestial engine breaks away from the orbit of the star and sails towards the edge of the galaxy.

The Cadian people gathered on the surface of the planet and in the void port to bid farewell to these friendly forces who had fought side by side.

Giant banners were hung on the Tyrone battleship. These banners filled with words of thanks were made by people organized by the Ecclesiarchy in the galaxy.

The Ecclesiarchy even made an oversized double-headed eagle logo for the Tyrone fleet to commend the Tyrone navy for its loyal contribution in this war. However, the double-headed eagle logo was not taken away, but was given to Kerry. Virtue.

Qin Mo stood on the observation deck of the Tyron Lord battleship and looked at the Tyron battleship sailing past in the distance.

The observation deck is located in the bow area of ​​the battleship and is used for reviewing the navy.

Qin Mo is in a good mood now. The black stone obelisk on Cadia has been saved, the cesspool will not expand, and the goal of this trip to Cadia has been achieved.

But even though he was happy, Qin Mo was also a little worried.

Everyone on Cadia has seen demons, and all news about demons has been blocked by the Tribunal, but they probably can't block it this time.

There are too many people who have seen demons. Even if all the Cadian people are killed, there will still be Tyrone people who have also seen demons.

Qin Mo was not worried about the Inquisition's massacre, but whether Creed would take responsibility, but after thinking about it, he no longer worried.

Creed is not a child, he is a castle lord who always has a way to deal with trouble.

"Gaius should still be under review by the inquisitor." Gray behind him suddenly said.

"Who is Gaius? A space warrior from the Ultramarines?" Qin Mo turned around and asked.

"A company commander, he is a veteran from ten thousand years ago, and he appeared on the celestial engine with the female inquisitor." Gray explained, "Their armor is different from that of other space warriors, it is very ancient."

Qin Mo smiled, turned his head and said at the same time: "The judges will give them a little shock of the 41st Millennium."

The fleet continued sailing into the distance.

When he was about to leave Cadia, Qin Mo looked around the entire galaxy and did not see Caul and his Explorer King appearing.

"This guy is too slow." Qin Mo said to himself.

He didn't know how much he had accelerated the progress of the Thirteenth Black Crusade. Anyway, Kaul hadn't arrived yet.

The reason why he pays so much attention to Caul is that Qin Mo knows that this sage of the Adeptus Mechanicus has a mission, which is to use a creation called the Armor of Destiny to resurrect the thirteenth Primarch Guilliman.

Qin Mo really hopes that Guilliman will be resurrected, because this Primarch is a sensible person and is much better than the current Council of High Lords in the empire.

How could insects like the Inquisition and the High Lords be together, how could they accomplish the great task of expelling the influence of the warp in the material universe?

"Alas." Qin Mo sighed.

"Why did the Governor sigh?" Gray asked.

"The war is won, but there are still many things to deal with." Qin Mo turned and looked at Gray's abdomen, "For example, the claw in your belly. I have to find a way to take it out when I return to Tailong."

Gray smiled helplessly and looked down at his abdomen.

At this time, the bionic skin has not yet been attached, and the claws of Horus are clearly visible in Gray's metal skeleton, clutching the only remaining reactor.

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