Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 231 Soulless vs. Demon

The Celestial Engine established a communication channel with Yao En. After learning that Yao En wanted to carry out the task of dispersing the crystal area, it immediately found a suitable location for transmission.

The celestial engine fired light spears towards the outside of the crystal area, trying to clear a place closest to the edge of the crystal area for Yao En to teleport. However, just like when attacking the crystal area directly, all the light spears emitted were refracted back and hit the target. On the energy shield.

The celestial engine could only continue to adjust the shooting target. The light spear array was aimed at a position about one kilometer outside the crystal area and fired again.

This time the light spear was not refracted back, but was disintegrated after falling on the ground.

On the ground, a demon holding a red book with eyes looked at the sky with a grin. It was obviously what it did to decompose the light spear.

During the exploratory shooting, the Celestial Engine always maintained communication with Yao En. As a guard, Yao En had a biological processor implanted in his brain, which could also see what the Celestial Engine's observation system saw.

"Lord of Transience."

Yaoen remembered that a few years ago, when he was alone with Qin Mo occasionally, he would talk about some types of demons, including a demon named the Lord of Transience.

This kind of demon can fly around on something like a flying saucer, and it can also tamper with reality.

Why can reality be tampered with? No one knows, anyway, things like demons are hard to understand.

At that time, when he heard about the ability of demons like the Transient Lord to tamper with reality, Yaoen thought it was very abstract and couldn't imagine what this kind of demon could do, but now he understands.

A vulgar-looking demon can decompose the particle light spears shot at them with just a wave of his hand.

Yao En still remembers Qin Mo once saying that every kind of demon has its own characteristics. For example, some demons will not be injured by a hundred particle light spears fired by battleships, but a mortal with a knife has a chance of expelling them. .

There are demons who can slaughter a planet with two axes, but will be recited back to the subspace by a spell.

Demons have conceptual advantages, but there are always ways to deal with them.

"No need to keep trying, teleport me directly." Yaoen said.

"I'm just going to teleport you there." A cold electronic voice came into Yao En's ears, "But if I don't clear a clearing, you will overlap with the devil if you teleport."

"Then teleport me into the air and I'll fall down." Yaoen thought of a way. His eyes looked at the image shared by the celestial engine in the visor. There were a lot of them in and around the crystal area, which looked very powerful. Demons, these demons are also birdmen, they all hold scepters, but they don't have two heads.

They are obviously demons who like to use psychic powers. When dealing with such demons, you cannot keep your distance. The closer you are to them, the better.

"Teleport me directly to the sky above the crystal area." Yao En pulled out the chain sword. He originally wanted to take the double-headed eagle scepter that can release gravity to crush the enemy, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

Gravity isn't much use against demons, and is nowhere near as effective as the Soulless One's talent.

The protective device created a barrier around Yaoen's body, preparing to send him directly above the crystal area.


The teleportation device integrated in the celestial engine quickly recharged, and after one second, Yaoen was directly teleported to a kilometer above the crystal area. His body fell rapidly, and the biological processor in his brain analyzed the current situation and adjusted him body and bones to prepare them for impact.

The demons on the ground have noticed Yao En. A Tzeentch demon named Tare raised the scepter in his hand and moved Yao En's position in the air one kilometer straight ahead.

Just one kilometer, this distance is the maximum distance that Tari can move a soulless person with his spiritual energy.

Yaoen activated his jetpack to buffer before landing, then crashed into the demon group and thrust his chainsword at a transient lord facing it.

Yao En's mere presence was enough to cause the demon pain. The Transient Lord was stabbed through the body before he could react. Flames spurted out from the chain sword, burning the Transient Lord's body and dozens of demons behind it. Burn to ashes.

All demons attacked died, erased rather than banished.

When Yaoen wielded the chain sword and prepared to kill the surrounding demons, he found that none of the demons surrounding him came close to him.

The demons were held back by fear.

The greatest fear of these evil beings in the subspace is death. They fear that they will be completely wiped out.

The soulless ones can bring more than just pain and suffering to the devil.

If other great demons were nearby at this time, the demons would choose to destroy this mortal whose mere presence made them feel pain, but unfortunately he was not there.

The pendant on Yaoen's chest floated, and just like before in the arena, the power of the Star God was once again exerted on Yaoen through the medium.

He holds a flaming chainsword in his right hand, and a spear condenses out of thin air in his left hand, with surging electric current surging on the spear.

"Start exorcism!" Yaoen took the initiative to attack the demon.

The demons fled in fear. They either ran away or were caught up and stabbed to death. Wherever Yao En passed, he left fire and electricity behind, forcing other demons to avoid these places.

After a battle that lasted less than five minutes, Yaoen cleared a large open space. This open space was more than enough for the Thirteenth Regiment to teleport over or for the Space Marines to airdrop. It could even be used for teleporting some larger things.

The first to be sent down was the Thirteenth Regiment of the Tyrone Army.

When Yaoen cleared the teleportation point and rushed to the crystal area, the Thirteenth Regiment followed Yaoen closely. Among these soulless people, there were also extremely talented people. The captain of the first company only appeared one step away from the psyker. A hundred meters away can cause a psychic to vomit, have diarrhea, and go into dehydration shock.

The demons on half the Toyoko Plains were in pain, but they could still fight on.

The crystal area is like a crack in the universe. Flood-like spiritual energy surges and spreads from the crystal area. Coupled with the cracks that were previously opened in the galaxy, these favorable conditions nourish all the demons and prevent them from just becoming When approached by a soulless one, it screams and rolls back into the warp.

The Space Wolves Chapter strike cruiser in the orbit of Cadia used an auspicious auspicious device to see the situation on the ground. Wolf Lord Sven Bloodhowl led two hundred Space Marines into the drop pod and smashed directly into the vicinity of the Soulless.

After landing, the Space Marines kicked open the hatch and opened fire on the weakened demons nearby. At the same time, they hovered near the soulless ones to clear the way for them or resist attacks other than those directly in front.

The Space Marines are not soulless, and they really don't want to get close to Yaoen and his group. Even if they are just wandering around, they feel tired and exhausted, but it is still easy to deal with the demons that have also been weakened.

I came back from the hospital at five o'clock

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