While there is peace on Cadia, the Celestial Engine monitors the entire galaxy.

At the core of the Celestial Engine's planetary structure, the stone man responsible for controlling the entire planet-level war machine sat in a metal chamber.

The internal space of this secret room is forty kilometers in length and height, and houses a master control device as huge as a mountain.

The stone man will only use his spare humanoid body when he leaves the secret room. He usually hides his consciousness in the master control device and controls the celestial engine like an arm and a finger.

The secret room itself is a means of security. It is located in the interlayer between the material universe and dimensional space. There is no way to detect or observe it. People outside the secret room can only see an endless void even before they come to the secret room.

The secret room in the mezzanine has no concept of time, and the energy released from the dimensional space affects all concepts except space.

The stone man in the secret room must detect the energy fluctuations spilling out of the dimensional space through the master control device, and then determine where he is on the time node through calculations that are so complex and cumbersome that the living beings feel despair.

Then through the medium created by Qin Mo integrated in the master control device, the stone man can mobilize the power from the Star God to slightly affect the dimensional space, and change the position of the time node by increasing or decreasing the energy spilled out of the dimensional space.

Simply put, the stone man can control the celestial engine in the past or future.

"The 44,400th detection."


The "mountains" shone with light blue energy fluctuations, and the detection array located on the planetary structure was controlled to operate, releasing fluctuations mixed with dimensional space energy to scan the entire galaxy.

The detection array occupies a space of one million square kilometers of the planetary structure. Within the scope of two million square kilometers, any living thing is absolutely prohibited from approaching, otherwise their physical bodies will be destroyed even if they are penetrated by one billionth of an energy wave. Erased, even the soul.

Energy fluctuations spread to the edge of the galaxy, and astronomical data packets were input into the master control device by the detection array. Tens of millions of devices inside the master control device processed data at the same time. The temperatures they generated were discharged into the secret room, causing the temperature of the entire secret room to plummet. It rose to about three hundred degrees.

The secret chamber extracts heat energy within one millisecond and discharges it to reduce the temperature to about zero degrees. The extracted heat energy cannot be reused and can only be discharged into the interlayer between the material universe and dimensional space.

The stone man reads the data.

"Detection result: Detection of subspace energy moving at high speed in the galaxy."

"Sources of Warp Power: Rifts in Galaxies."


The drones on Cadia were immediately dispersed to all corners of the planet, and at the same time, they also issued warnings to the people on the planet, trying to curb the negative effects of subspace energy as much as possible.

However, everything was too late.

Meteor-like subspace energy fell on Cardia in an instant. It was not that it was fast, but that its spiritual energy could affect reality, and it could quickly span no matter how far the distance was.

The stone man in the master control device controlled the observation device to aim at Cardia and saw the scene where the subspace energy fell.

It was a person suspended in the air. His body was twisted and deformed. Another person grew on his head, and many limbs grew on his body... Then this twisted and mutated grotesque body began to collapse from the center, gradually forming a blue vortex. .

A large number of demons emerged from the whirlpool and began to slaughter everyone they saw.

The little pink-and-blue monsters spew psychic fire, burning tanks and buildings to ashes.

Then a two-headed birdman emerged from the whirlpool, waving the staff in his hand to summon a psychic storm. Wherever the storm swept, the human body, the ground, or the buildings all became distorted and grotesque.

The storm swept towards the bastion, leaving a long trail of crystals.

The stone man watched all this without any emotion and recorded all the data calmly.

"The point where the subspace energy falls: on the Toyoko Plain, precise coordinates 332,111."

After recording, the stone man moved his eyes away from Cardia, turning a blind eye to the war that was breaking out on the ground, and began to concentrate on controlling the master control device.

The computing and monitoring equipment mounted on the planetary structure started to operate, and the energy fluctuations overflowing from the dimensional space were converted into visible data, and then the medium in the master control device was also activated.

The majestic Star God power shot into the dimensional space like a firing pin, and the lines composed of time and space in the dimensional space began to fluctuate.

The small dimension engine in the secret room began to charge.

Finally, the secret room hidden in the interlayer between the material universe and dimensional space flickered, returning to an hour ago.

"The subspace energy will arrive in one hour, and the landing point will be Toyoko Plain, precise coordinates 332,111."

A stream of information and images were transmitted to the information device in the brain of Qin Mo's metal body.

Enter Cardia.

Qin Mo, who was discussing the defense plan with Creed, suddenly froze.

"What's wrong with you?" Creed quickly stood up and knocked on the metal body twice. He thought the thing was down.

Qin Mo returned to normal after a second and said quickly: "Remove the garrison on the Toyoko Plain."

"What's going on?" Creed couldn't understand. He had just been chatting with Qin Mo about the defense plan, and now he suddenly asked himself to evacuate the people on the Toyoko Plain, leaving no one confused.

Qin Mo did not explain, but immediately sent an order using the information device.

There was also the Tyrone Army on the Toyoko Plain, and all of these armies were ordered to evacuate to the borders of the plain and build defensive lines.

Only the Thirteenth Tyrone Regiment was ordered to march immediately to the plains, ready to kill anything that appeared.

Creed was not wearing power armor, so he was not in the communication channel. He didn't know what Qin Mo was doing. He just waited in confusion for a while, and then Deputy Kyle's report came from the communicator he carried.

"My Lord, the Tyrone people have all started to retreat out of the plain... What's going on?"

“Is an asteroid about to hit the plains?”

After listening to the deputy's report, Creed looked at Qin Mo and found that its eyes were flashing continuously. It was probably sending a message, and he had no time to explain it all.

Creed knew that Qin Mo was never crazy, and there must be a reason for what he did, so he gave an order to Kyle: "Let all the troops on the plain withdraw from the plain."

"Yes." Kyle accepted the order and hung up the communication.

Creed could probably guess what would happen next, and he immediately called his subordinates to issue two orders in succession.

"Other bastions are ready to support the plains."

"Send a request to the Adeptus Mechanicus and ask them to immediately mobilize the Flame Titan Legion and Hundreds of Fleets stationed outside the plain to the edge of the plain."

I couldn't sleep because of the pain all night yesterday. I took a nap after changing the medicine today.

I thought I was relieved when I was pushed back to the ward after my hemorrhoids were cured, but it turned out that the days after the surgery were the most difficult.

The title of the previous chapter was wrong and cannot be changed. This one is 226.

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