Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1153 Primarch


The Himalayas.

On the way to the laboratory, Qin Mo and Malcador walked side by side.

"I don't know how the war in the Urshi Empire is going." Qin Mo suddenly mentioned the war.

"It's over." Malcador used his psychic power to check the situation on the front line. "The power of the Titan Legion is stronger than we expected, and those military academy graduates have done their work perfectly as we wished."

"I knew it." Qin Mo was very satisfied. "Although it is a bit aggressive to let military academy graduates command and drive Titans directly, what things don't have a beginning?"

Malcador nodded. It was his idea to let the military academy students majoring in Titans graduate early to drive Titans, and Qin Mo had a similar idea. The two hit it off.

While talking, they entered the laboratory together and saw the back of the Emperor.

Malcador saluted the Emperor respectfully, and Qin Mo asked directly: "Is the Primarch Plan about to be completed?"

"Yes." The Emperor nodded lightly and tapped the button at hand.

A wall opened, revealing twenty-one incubators for cultivating organisms, with sleeping babies inside.

"Damn, they were embryos last time, how big are they now?" Qin Mo walked forward in surprise and carefully examined each baby.

He knew that the Primarchs grew at an amazing rate, but he didn't expect it to be so amazing.

When the Primarchs became babies, the Primarch plan was successful.

The last time Qin Mo came, the Primarchs still didn't put embryos in the incubators.

Both the Emperor's efficiency and the Primarchs' growth rate were amazing enough.

"How is the war going?"

The Emperor, who had been staying in the laboratory, asked Malcador.

Malcador responded normally, he was here to do this.

"After the birth of the Titan Legion, we will be able to fight several forces at the same time."

"The Achaemenid Empire believes that we are not as uncommunicable as other warlords, and they are willing to use gentle means to solve our problems."

"Now the Urshi Empire has also been taken down."


While Malcador reported what Qin Mo had known for a long time, Qin Mo stood in front of the incubator and observed the Primarchs.

The infant primarchs curled up and fell asleep.

But these primarchs were really not very infants.

Qin Mo saw that each of them had muscles and hair, except Vulkan.

The one with short golden hair was obviously Guilliman.

The bald head that was a circle larger than the others was of course Vulkan.

The infant with long black hair and thick beard was Chagatai.

The one with small wings was Sanguinius.


"What's the matter with this hair and beard?" Qin Mo knocked on Chagatai's incubator, pointed at the muscular baby with hair and beard inside and asked the Emperor, "I thought they would take care of their appearance later, but it turned out that they have been like this since childhood?"

The Emperor shook his head: "It's not like this since childhood. For example, Sanguinius."

Qin Mo looked at Sanguinius.

Sanguinius's infant state was also full of muscles, with golden hair and beard.

"He won't grow a beard in the future." The Emperor said seriously.

Qin Mo didn't know what to say for a while.

"But I did design unique looks and features for each of them." The Emperor walked up to Sanguinius, "Except this kid's wings are an accident."

The Emperor introduced the appearance of the Primarchs as if he was introducing his masterpiece.

"Look at Lion. You named him Lion, so I named him Lion."

"Lion is tall, I designed him because he is a combat-type Primarch."

"Look at Guilliman."

The Emperor knocked on the incubator where the strong baby with short golden hair was.

"I took the Romans as a reference. Considering that the Latins who established Roman civilization in ancient times were not as tall and strong as the blond and blue-eyed barbarians around Rome, I designed him to be a little shorter."

"But it doesn't matter. He still has strong combat power. Just like the Romans are not as tall as the barbarians around them, but advanced weapons and sufficient logistical supplies allow them to slaughter barbarians like livestock."

"War is not what he is best at. Relatively speaking, he is better at business. Although his ability does not seem so important now, I have thought of the Primarch Plan a long time ago, and I will not change the details of this plan."

The Emperor walked to the baby with a pigtail hairstyle again.


"When I was a senator in Rome, I was deeply impressed by the gladiator slaves who revolted, so I referred to Spartacus."

"Spartacus is a slave leader. He can unite the slaves through heart-to-heart talks and make everyone do one thing for a goal."

"I have studied Spartacus's body. He is born with empathy and high empathy, and is full of rebellious spirit."

"So what I designed for Angron is the ability to feel and digest the negative emotions of others, making it easy for him to empathize with the people around him. Believe me, the cohesion of such an army will be huge."

"He will lead the dogs of war, a group of Astartes transformed from criminals and barbarians. Angron's ability will make this force for brave raids and battles less bloodthirsty and cruel."

The Emperor patted the incubator and came to a Primarch whose Primarch Qin Mo didn't know.

"A Primarch with abilities similar to those of the Soulless."

"He will use psychic powers in a unique way, he will hate psychics, and he is a pure tool."

The Emperor began to introduce Horus again.

"A standard general talent, he will become the future commander of the Astartes Forces, he is good at war but not bloodthirsty and cruel, he is a perfect leader."

"I designed a unique organ for him that will allow him to avoid cold weapon close combat. This is because in the things you described, his deterioration and degeneration was caused by him being seriously injured by a sword, and I would rather he give up cold weapon combat."

Qin Mo looked at the Primarch.

He knew that the Primarch was one of the two missing Primarchs in the future.

One of them was called "pure and innocent."

"These are all the Primarchs." The Emperor said, "Name them with the names you told me. Now Erda is living a peaceful life tens of thousands of years ago on a planet I don't know, and she can't launch the Primarchs, and she won't need anyone else to name them."

"We'd better transfer them all into the dimensional space now." Qin Mo said.

The Emperor nodded: "Of course, this is what we planned."

Malcador suddenly interrupted: "I am about to set up an intelligence department. Can I personally train a Primarch with talent in this area?"

The Emperor and Qin Mo looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"Not yet, old friend."

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