War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 909: New Expeditionary Force IV

Rabevis Guanghui said with a smile: "You don't need to be polite to him, he is a small local tyrant here, and he is full, and he will have the strength to approve and approve supplies tomorrow."

"It's not that the reward text has been bookmarked. Isn't it easy to get the following?" Pique asked suspiciously.

"It's definitely not easy. You can tell from the words and expressions of the official named Banner today." Belle Rosa replied with a smile.

"Banna is a supervisor. Our procedures are legal and compliant, so he has to sign for us, but the old fritters in the Materials Department are not so foolish. Normal federal government materials will be cut in half when they meet in their department!" ·Shenhui said angrily.

"So dark?" Chitaki frowned.

"Kolimi Shenhui is a bit exaggerated. The adults above don’t know how many supplies are underneath, and they drove them out casually. They usually exceed the standards. I have to eat something. In addition, departments such as the Ministry of Materials are in deficit all the year round! The wool comes from the sheep, and this part of the deficit is actually shared by the approvers.” Labavis Guanghui explained with a smile.

"Rabevis Guanghui said so incisively, I almost forgot, this product is in charge of the supplies in the Feralas Death Front, and in this regard, he is playing thief!" Collimy Shenhui said while eating.

"Are you complimenting me or hurting me!" Labevis Guanghui replied with a smile.

"I'm complimenting you, you don't even know. Since you've been in the position of the material director, Bradley Shenhui has used you as a positive teaching material! Say you are capable! The material distribution is very appropriate. If you say that you manage the material department, Feralas Death Front will be able to logistically without any problems." Collim Shenhui complained.

Chitaki pondered for a moment and said, "Discounts are acceptable, but don't go too far. It's too exaggerated like half-and-half."

Rabevis Guanghui thought for a while and said, "Don't worry too much about this. If the other party is willing to give it, you can have a good talk with the other party. I am afraid that they are unwilling to honor it."

"They dare! I definitely clean them up." Collimy Shenhui said.

"I'll know if I go there tomorrow, I don't want that." Chitaki raised his cup.

At 7 o'clock in the morning the next day, Chitaki and several people arrived at the gate of the Materials Department early, but they were dumbfounded when they arrived. The entire materials department was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, and they couldn't get in at all.

"So many people? What the hell?" Colimi Shenhui asked with a black face.

"We have forgotten one thing." Labavis looked at the overwhelming people.

"What's the matter?" Colimi Shenhui asked with a black face.

"These should be the representatives of the fleeing country here, who are here specifically to ask for material support." Chitaki said calmly. He could tell at a glance that these officials were not normal business officials, because it could be seen that they had something to do with them. Each dress style is different, and many people have an anxious look on their faces.

"My God! What do we do now? Squeeze in?" Pique asked hesitantly.

Chitaki thought for a moment and said, "Look for another door to enter. There shouldn't be only one passage, otherwise how can the staff get in."

"Leave it to me." Pique waved to Azesa Beili, and the two walked aside.

Chitaki stood at the door and waited.

After about half an hour, a group of guards ran over neatly and cleared a path directly.

He was pushed down directly without letting go, and there was a commotion at once!

"Do you want to open the door?" Colimi Shenhui looked over.

"It's not like it, you see, there are no staff or officials behind it." Rabevis Guanghui said with a frown.

"Huh? What are these guards doing?" Collimy Shenhui had just finished speaking.

The guard who entered was at the innermost gate, regrouped a line of defense, and the leader shouted.

"Everyone is scattered! The Ministry of Materials will suspend the approval of rescue!"

"What! No way! We are still waiting for approval!"

"Are you trying to kill us?"

"The Federal Government promised to help us..."


All the crowds in the entire area exploded in an instant! Now the atmosphere suddenly became full of gunpowder.

Everyone at the scene was very excited!

But the guards all raised their light guns at the commotion crowd.

But even so, there was a slight retreat from the crowd. In their eyes, if they could not get the material rescue, they would not die alone, so no one retreated.

Colimi Shenhui's face is very dark: "Who gave them the courage to point the gun at the representatives of their covenant countries."

"In the case of the country's subjugation, in fact, it is no longer a covenant country." Rabevis Guanghui couldn't help but shook his head. Although the federal treaty can preserve their dignity, it can't save them. "Labavis Guanghui said with a sigh.

"No, I have to clean them up!" Collim Shenhui was immediately annoyed.

At this time, both hands were placed on the shoulders of Corimi Shinki, and Corimi Shinki turned his head to look at Chitaki and said.

"What are you stopping me for?"

Chitaki said very calmly: "The world itself is so cruel, although you don't want to admit that you can't change anything temporarily. You will only trap yourself when you go up. Don't forget what we are here for."

Kolimy Shinki took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. Chitaki was right. Going up didn't make much difference, it only made things more complicated.

At this moment, above the high-rise building of the Materials Department, a big fat man wearing a gentleman's white shirt, estimated to weigh more than two hundred catties, could not see his neck at all. He raised his wine glass and looked down at the crowd below, making a sound of laughter.

"If you want supplies, you don't even have a door! It's not easy for Lao Tzu to come here, haha!"

"This is for sure, how can the limited supplies be allocated to a group of pigs." A very revealing woman walked over and said with a chuckle.

"These idiots thought they would really pity them."

"Limited materials must be used on the blade." The woman replied with a smile.

"Notify the people below ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as long as they are not those who approve materials for the expedition, no matter who they are, they will get a 10% discount to save all materials. As for those refugees, we will suspend all approvals according to the previous arrangements. "The fat man smiled brightly.

"Yes, Lord Bawei." The woman replied respectfully.

At this time, Pique and the others ran back and shouted excitedly.

"Boss, you guessed it, there are still three doors in total, but those three doors are small doors, and they are heavily guarded. They are not even accessible at all, only the staff can approach them."

Chitaki waved his hand and said, "Go to the back door."

"Good." Pique walked to lead the way.

War of Hiponi

War of Hiponi

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