War God Long Ao

Chapter 594: Beast Revenge

Yundao, Long Family Lobby.

"Dr. Dragon, I want to ask you one thing. Have you heard of Shendao?"

God Island?

Hearing the word Shendao, Long Bai's face changed, and he asked, "Dragon Master, how did you know about Shendao?"

Long Ao did not conceal in the slightest, and told Wang Hao and his own affairs. After listening, Long Bai was relieved. After all, Wang Hao was so good news to the Dragon family.

Nodded his head, Long Bai said, "Of course I know about Shendao. As a member of the open sea, I believe that as long as people in the open sea, I am afraid that they know about the island."

as expected.

Long Ao had a joy in his heart. It seemed that the island of God said by Wang Hao was the real thing. The more so, the more curious Long Ao wanted to know what the island of God was.

It seemed to know the anxiety in Long Ao's heart, and Long Bai said immediately: "Dragon Sovereign, Shendao, was hailed as the first force by the sea and controlled the entire sea. There are no fewer than a hundred. "

Keke, Keke.

Hearing Long Bai's words, Long Ao almost shuddered, because what the hundred Shinto warriors represented, he knew very well.

Long Ao knows that since Shendao can become the first force in the open sea, I believe it is definitely not easy.

"Dragon Lord, are you planning to go to God Island?"

He waved his hand, Long Ao said, "Ten days later, I am going to leave Yundao, but instead of going to Shendao, I will return to Kyushu."

Long Ao had nothing to do with nothing. He came to the sea to study, but he was just a passenger. If it was not because Long Heng believed that he had already left the sea, Long Ao did not intend to cause trouble, and the four forces had already caused him a headache.

Long Ao didn't continue to talk. For ten days, he continuously taught Long Heng the method of refining the alchemy and the way of cultivation.

Ten days later.

Watched by Long Heng and others, Long Ao left Yundao in a boat alone, preparing to return to Kyushu.

The open sea is boundless. No one knows how big the open sea is, even a Shinto warrior can't do it.

Long Ao did not know how big the open sea was. According to the base map given to him by Long Bai, as long as he sailed along this route, he believed that he should be able to return to Kyushu after one month.

One month.

A month may not be a big deal to a warrior at all, but a full month of sailing in the open sea is a bit scary.

Shrugging helplessly, Long Ao sat quietly on the deck, feeling the chaos in his body.

This time the battle against Wang Hao, if it is not repaired in time to break through to the Holy One, do not say that Wang Hao was seriously injured, whether it can survive is the biggest problem.

Dragon Seal Space.

Long Ao really couldn't understand, so he could only ask Long Fu, so he opened his eyes and asked: "Long Fu, I believe you should know the previous things. I would like to ask why I couldn't use the Chaos Stele before."

"Master, this matter is actually very simple. Although the chaotic stele has recognized you, you have not fully integrated the chaotic stele. Therefore, if the master wants to use the chaotic stele, it must first look at the mood of the chaotic stele."

Feelings of seeing the Chaos Stele?

Hearing Long Fu ’s words, Long Ao is extremely depressed, that is, if he wants to use the Chaos Stele to face the enemy, he must first see if the Chaos Stele is in a good mood. If it is good, use it casually. Chaos Stele simply ignores you.

Long Ao didn't continue to ask, because he was the only one who could encounter this kind of egg pain.

There is no further entanglement of chaotic steles, because according to Long Fu, as long as he can fully integrate chaos steles, he can use chaos steles whenever he wants.

Looking at the vast sea, for a moment, Long Ao's mood was so calm, as if he were a small fish in the sea.

Gradually, Long Ao entered a very wonderful world, where no one can eat people, no intrigue, just like a paradise.

Dragon Seal Space.

Feeling that the master seemed to enter a certain perception, Long Fu was very excited and said to himself: "The master has finally entered the perception. This time, I believe that the master will have a qualitative change."

Long Ao was calmly watching the sea for the first time, so she instantly entered epiphany.

Epiphany is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for each warrior, because every time an epiphany, Xiuwei will make great progress. For the most part, since Long Ao ’s debut, and this time, it seems that he has only realized two times It is conceivable what epiphany means to a warrior.

This epiphany took three full days.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Long Ao stood up, stretched a lazy waist, and was surprised and happy in his heart, because his epiphany did not improve in the slightest, and he was still the so-called primary saint.

But this time, Long Ao was pleasantly surprised.

At this epiphany, Long Ao fully integrated himself into nature, unknowingly, and the spatial teleportation was improved, from 150 meters directly to 1,500 meters, a 100-fold increase. This is What concept?

Not only that, except for the fact that there is no promotion in Longao, all the others have been promoted. This is something that Longao can never meet.


Long Ao, who had just finished the epiphany, had not yet come and was pleasantly surprised. At this time, the sea began to roll up constantly. The waves were soaring, waves after waves, rolling in, waves.

Long Ao was shocked. Of course he knew that this was not a simple natural phenomenon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If nothing unexpected happened, there should be a powerful sacred beast in the sea to blame, and his luck was really bad. .

"Grandpa, it's this shameless human who hurt me. You must avenge me."

Looking at the sudden emergence of the golden tiger shark, Long Ao instantly understood what was going on, it seemed to be the helper that the golden tiger shark found.


The golden tiger shark is already a first-level holy beast, so this time the grandfather that the golden tiger shark found this time is not a second-level holy beast? Or a third-level holy beast?

But the next second, Long Ao's face was completely changed, because at this time, a golden tiger shark of the size of a hill suddenly appeared in front of him, the size was not insignificant, Long Ao could clearly sense this head The golden tiger shark is not a holy beast at all, nor is it a great beast of the emperor, but a real beast.

That's right, it's God Beast. Long Ao never expected that the golden tiger shark would invite a **** beast to find revenge for himself. What a joke, even if Long Ao had confidence in his own strength, if it was against a **** beast, it would be pulled down early. Long Ao still had a hint of self-knowledge and did not dare to have the slightest intention, and immediately abandoned the ship and left.

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