War Emperor

Chapter 898: The power of the cannon

Chapter 898: The Power of God Destroying Cannon

The one who laughed was a middle-aged man standing in front, his whole body enveloped in black mist, floating like a cloud of gas, giving people a ghostly feeling.

It is one of the two great demon emperors of the Demon Gate, Li Gui Demon Emperor.

Not far away, is the Lotus Demon Emperor, dressed in black, with a graceful figure and still beautiful.

The two demon queens are a group of demon lords, Xu Pingting is also there, and then the eight great demon kings!

The number of Demon Kings in the Demon Sect is far more than eight, but eight of them most often appear outside before being named the Eight Great Demon Kings.

Eight of them stood at the center of the demon king!

The queen of the devil is an endless army of demon, the demon king, the demon general, the demon, the demon, the demon is step by step, without seeing the end at a glance.

This time the magic gate really came out. The number of personnel and masters were many times more than the last time I went to Penglai Xiandao. The pressure caused by such a large army can be described as unparalleled.

"Little Momenxiao, you are not staying overseas. Come to the border of my Guli Dynasty, what are you doing?" King Jin held a big sword with a ghost head, standing at the customs, shouting like a war **** who has never fought.

At the same time, countless extinguishing cannons began to fire on the city wall, and all the blast holes were aimed at the front.

"Haha, this low-level and barren land has long been determined by our Demon Sect. Now it is natural to regain our territory." Li Gui Devil laughed and said, "A bunch of weak lambs, give it to me quickly Obediently disarm and surrender, and be our slaves, and you can still live on the world, otherwise our magic gate will let the mainland blood flow into a river today and kill all of you."

"Kill everyone!"

The endless demon soldiers also roared out, shaking the world.

This is "morale".

Even a **** emperor would be afraid to face so many people.

However, there are also many army of the Guli dynasty behind the King Jin. They are naturally fearless and sneered: "Let’s talk about these high-sounding things. You can't mix overseas, so come to our Hongzhou mainland. If you really have the ability, why? Don't attack, other four continents?"

The faces of the magic door were ugly.

King Jin laughed and said: "However, now the mainland has been dominated by our Guli dynasty. Anyone who dares to hit it will have only one end...death!"

The ghost head knife in his hand slashed down, and the last word "death" bite extremely hard, if a muffled thunder exploded, it spread across the earth.

"Dead!" Countless soldiers also shouted loudly. The war spears in their hands hit the ground, and they made a neat "boom" sound, shaking the sturdy and majestic Xiongguan, all shaking down some dust, and the momentum was also great. I'm afraid it is extremely.

"Haha, it's really ridiculous." As if he heard the best joke, Li Guimo laughed and mocked: "Do you still think you are in the era of the ancient Beihuang Piaofeng? The Guli dynasty has long been known by the times. Eliminated, you lambs, if you don’t know the reality, you will be killed today without leaving a piece."

"Devil sons and grandsons,   give it to me, clean them up!"



The boundless soldiers of the magic door suddenly resembled a group of tigers, about to rush into the sheep pen to hunt prey, full of blood and excitement, and rushed over.

Many people laughed.

"Lambs, we are here, accept the blood baptism of our magic door."

"Men kill women, catch them!"

"Let Hongzhou Continent become a piece of magic land, and let human beings become our slaves!"

Hongzhou mainland is too low-level, in their opinion, it is purely their hunting ground.

The soldiers of these dynasties were also the fish that they slaughtered.

"Hmph, a group of people who live and die, shoot!"

King Jin's face sank and he shouted coldly.


Countless soldiers responded and started lighting.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

At the moment, on the city wall, countless extinction cannons fired, one by one, black cannonballs swept forward like a flood of rain.

"What is this? Some black stone balls?"

"I'm so ridiculous, this also wants to counter us."

Countless magic soldiers laughed louder, even tears came out.

The shells projected by the Deshen Cannon really looked ordinary before they exploded.

Such a stone might be useful if it were to be fought among mortals. But they are all monks, these are not enough.

Therefore, the actions of the soldiers of the Guli Dynasty seemed ridiculous and incomparable in their eyes.


However, they won't be able to laugh the next moment.

Suddenly, a running bomb exploded, with a radius of several kilometers, and a huge mushroom cloud rose directly, and a terrifying explosive air current swept away.

Some of the demon soldiers rushing to the forefront were immediately broken to pieces, and before they even had time to scream, the mounts under them were also exploded into pieces of meat and splashed out.

One shell detonated, at least thousands of people died.

"Oh my God, what is going on?"

"These black stones can explode."

"It's too evil."

The soldiers were all startled, their scalp numb and shouted like a ghost.

Among those demon soldiers, many of them were in the spirit realm, and they were all dead, and there was no resistance at all.

When did the backward Hongzhou mainland develop such a terrifying weapon?

Boom boom boom boom!

Next, a scene that made them even more desperate appeared.

The remaining artillery shells also exploded one after another. Groups of mushroom clouds with a diameter of thousands of meters continued to bloom, so many exploded at the same time, released like a sea of ​​terrifying fire, the front diameter was at least hundreds of miles. The scope of the game was directly played out.

Those soldiers were all dead, as if they were evaporated, and the iron clothes and mounts on their bodies became ashes and disappeared invisible.

After this round of attacks, at least one million people came to die from their magic soldiers!

The large soldiers of the magic gate are directly missing a big mouth.

"Asshole, Guli Dynasty, what are you weird black stone balls, how can they be so powerful." Li Gui Devil's face was gloomy and shouted furiously. There was no more contemptuous cynicism against the Guli Dynasty before, only shock in his heart.

One cannonball is enough to kill the characters of the gods!

At the customs of the sky, there are densely packed with countless extinction cannons.

They broke out together, even though he was frightened.

Is this still the Hongzhou mainland that was weak and only let them kill?

"You have seen the greatness of our Guli dynasty. It is you who are really ignorant. The knowledge of us is still in the past."

"To tell you the truth, this is called the Destroyer Cannon. Get out of here. If you dare to hit our Hongzhou mainland, the destruction is definitely your end."

King Jin laughed, and said with great passion.

The successful development of the Deshen Cannon is indeed a great change and reform of the armed forces of the Dynasty.

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