War Emperor

Chapter 2757: hire

At the moment, she only turned her palm and stretched out her slender, white and tender jade hand. In the palm of her hand, brilliance flashed, and a pale golden medicinal pill appeared.

As soon as this medicinal herb appeared, the refreshing fragrance spread out like water waves. Even if Lin Han smelled this fragrance, the pores of his body were slightly relaxed, and every cell in his body made a happy sound, which seemed to be It is very exciting to encounter treasures that are desperately needed.

"This is Yangxin Dan?"

Lin Han stared at the pale golden medicinal pill, and there was a flash of heat in the depths of his eyes.

I saw that this medicinal pill was only the size of an ordinary jade bead. It was crystal clear and brilliant in color. At first glance, it really looked like a piece of exquisite jade. The medicinal power in it was also extremely pure. Not a small attraction, his mind, at this moment, seems to have encountered a dream item, and there are bursts of greedy will.

This kind of heart nourishing pill, among the medicinal pills, is a very partial kind, and it is extremely cumbersome and troublesome to refine.

Therefore, Yangxin Dan, he has only heard of the name, but he has never seen the real thing.

The most important thing is that if you want to refine it, you need seventy-seven forty-nine kinds of medicinal herbs, such as Xinshenhua, Ao Lingzhi, etc., which are rare in the market for thousands of years. , is enough to make many alchemists discouraged.

Now that he can get the Nourishing Heart Pill, Lin Han's heart is also a little excited.

If he continues to take it, his xinxing will definitely increase a lot.

As a cultivator, everyone knows that a strong mind is the most important cornerstone. In some respects, it is even more important than talent. , it will be difficult to reach the peak in the future, so xinxing, talent, opportunity, and background are the four major standards for cultivation.

The higher the value, the higher the achievement in the future.

Lin Han's xinxing, under the constant tempering, has already reached a very strong point, and it is very difficult to go further. This heart nourishing pill can be said to be timely rain.

Immediately, Lin Han took out the Nourishing Pill from the palm of the purple-clothed girl with his fingers deep inside, nodded lightly, and said calmly: "Thank you", without waiting for the purple-clothed girl to speak, Lin Han took a steady step. , Leaving again, from the beginning to the end, Lin Han did not see the girl in purple, that delicate and moving, incomparably beautiful face, and delicate body, like the girl in purple, a beauty that is rare to see in a hundred years, right There is nothing attractive to him.

When Lin Han's fingers took away the nourishing heart pill, they inevitably touched the delicate palm skin of the girl in purple. A feeling of numbness rose up, although this was not considered excessive contact, but no man had ever been able to give the girl in purple this feeling.

In particular, Lin Han was still cold and ruthless, and regarded her beauty as a temperament of nothingness, which made her more curious about Lin Han.

Seeing Lin Han say go and leave, the tall and straight back, the girl in purple could not help pouting her rosy mouth, feeling a little angry in her heart. Wherever she went before, there were geniuses who kept showing affection in front of her. She left a good impression in her heart, but it turned out that Lin Han was a good guy, completely ignoring her beauty, which made the injustice in her heart even more.

As a beautiful woman, I am afraid that the most unacceptable thing is a heterosexual, and she is not interested in her beauty at all.

Especially Lin Han made her feel a little special. At the moment, her brain was also hot, and she walked up quickly, with her hands outstretched, blocking Lin Han's way, she held her head up, revealing snow-white delicateness. chin, and said, "Wait, did Miss Ben say to let you go?"

The delicate body of the purple-clothed girl was originally developed quite maturely, it should be convex, and it should be upturned, but this action at this moment made her upper body become much firmer, enough to make people's eyes sink in. .

Lin Han frowned, didn't even look at it, and said, "What do you want?"

The big watery eyes of the purple-clothed girl turned, and said, "Ms. Ben wants to hire you as my bodyguard, how about you?"

"Being a guard?"

Lin Han was startled.

"Don't worry, the reward is absolutely indispensable to you. As long as you can do well, I can give you 3,000 Prehistoric Stones."

The girl in purple proudly raised her snow-white chin.

Lin Han's eyes finally changed slightly. Three thousand prehistoric stones, this is a very large number. You must know that in the ghost king ring of the sect master of the ghost king sect, he only got one thousand prehistoric rocks. Although it is not certain whether it is the entire net worth of the Ghost King Sect, it can also be shown that a thousand prehistoric stones are definitely not something that ordinary people can take out.

The purple-clothed girl actually opened her mouth to see three thousand wild stones, which was a bit of a rich and powerful taste.

If she's not bragging, the background must be very simple.


Do you think this lady is talking nonsense? "

The purple-clothed girl clearly saw Lin Han's disbelief. The corners of her mouth curled up, and she took out a purple-gold card from her slender waist. On the purple-gold card, there were cumbersome pattern marks, and said, "To tell you the truth, this young lady is a Hezhou, a member of the Mu family, this identity is enough to prove it."

When she mentioned the word Mu family, the pride on her pretty face became even more intense.

The Mu family can be said to be one of the most powerful families in addition to the five sects. It is in charge of endless territory. The vassal dynasties under the Guang family are more than a thousand, and the control area is extremely vast.

For many forces, the Mu family is a real behemoth, and the energy exposed from the tip of the iceberg is enough to make people desperate.

As one of the young ladies in the Mu family, of course she has a huge right to speak.

As soon as this identity is revealed, it is enough to make thousands of countries worship.

"Mu Family?"

Lin Han raised his brows. He had also heard of this name. According to legend, the Mu family once had an ancestor, and he was only one step away from entering the realm of the great emperor. It was a period of Megatron.

After all, the birth of a great emperor is too difficult, and there may be a long period of empty window during the period when two great emperors rule the heavens.

During this period, whoever can be infinitely close to the Great Emperor can also become famous and rule the Nine Heavens.

The ancestor of the Mu family was an amazing person. It is rumored that at the last moment of his preaching, an inexplicable power broke out, hindering his path to enlightenment. The real name shakes the history and becomes a splendid emperor.

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