War Emperor

Chapter 2549: The ancient lord of the grandson family

The strength of Quasi-Sage Rank 2 and above undoubtedly gave him a strong confidence, looking at Lin Han, his eyes were full of coldness.

"What then?" Lin Han just glanced at him faintly and sneered.

Although Zhuan Sheng Er Zhuan is very strong, he may not be unable to contend right now.

"You are not courageous, let me see what you are capable of." Zhang Suntian is strong and domineering, and doesn't say anything to Lin Han at all. With Lin Han and his eldest grandson family, only force can solve everything.


After speaking, he reached out a big hand, like a mouse on the side of the road, and grabbed it towards Lin Han.

In the palm of the hand, there is extremely violent energy that can make people crush into powder.


Lin Han was not afraid, his eyes were cold, and he punched out. The terrible punch force, like a volcanic eruption, slammed into the palm of Changsuntian's hand.

The two suddenly erupted with a loud noise.

Then, the mount under the eldest grandson's heavenly seat wailed unexpectedly, his body toppled to death, blood shed to the ground.

Countless cultivators were shocked, Lin Han's power was so powerful, just a aftermath, caused the three flame lions to die tragically.

Those Purple Armored soldiers were also shocked. They originally thought that Lin Han would not have any good fruits when the eldest son Tian Gong came.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han was so powerful that even the elder Sun Tiangong could contend.

Lin Han took two steps backwards, and couldn't help but frown slightly. The realm of Grand Sun Tian had already reached the pinnacle of the second rank of the quasi-sage, and it was possible to enter the third rank at any time. This realm was too deep and under hard work. , He is slightly downwind.

But the eldest grandson would naturally not be well. The three lions died tragically, and his face was weakened.

Sure enough, Zhang Suntian looked at the corpses of the three lions, and a terrifying killing intent broke out in his eyes. These three lions were gifts given to him by his family many years ago, and they have accompanied him for at least 50,000 or 60,000 years. , The feeling is deep, just die like this, he is both distressed and ashamed.

"Today I want you to die without a place to bury your body." Right now, he gritted his teeth and shouted, his eyes turned scarlet, and a horrible purple light burst out all over his body. A purple sharp gun appeared in his hand, and the gun body was engraved with the pattern of the beast. , As if it contained the soul of the ancient beast, with a little force, roaring bursts, full of tragic aura.

Behind the grandson sky, a phantom Kui beast appeared, which seemed to stand in the desolate ancient times, but could suppress nine days. The light beams from the eyes were breathtaking.

"Kai spear?" Many people are awe-inspiring. According to legend, in ancient times, at the western edge of the central land, there was a kuai beast that did a lot of evil, hunted all kinds of creatures, and caused boundless karma. Finally, the ancient master of the grandson family made a strong move. After fighting for three full months, the Kui beast was beheaded, and its soul, muscles, bones, flesh and blood were extracted, and then combined with various divine gold materials to make this Kui spear. Once it became powerful, the soul of the beast roared. , The momentum is moving, and the earth is shaking.

The grandson Tianneng occupies a very important position in the area, among the many arrogances gathered, because of this Kui spear.

It is undoubtedly a real anger to be exhibited just like this now.

Lin Han also raised his eyebrows. This gun was indeed very strong, and he felt a great pressure on his face, and the hair on his body was slightly erect.

However, there are many treasures in his hand, and he is not afraid of others trying to fight him. The light flashes in his hand, and the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover is taken out by him. The red clouds are all over the sky, the dragons are trembling, and the little red dragons are in his palm. Surrounded and set off, Lin Han is like a dragon emperor who can control a Shenlong, powerful and domineering.

Changsun Tian frowned. This is the treasure of Chen Tao Taiyi, from the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun. Although it is not a holy artifact, its power is much more powerful than ordinary innate spirit treasures. Lin Han, this guy, even Chan There are all the famous babies taught, which is really unique.

After all, the power of elucidation in the prehistoric society is too great.

However, the more unique Lin Han, the heavier he wanted to crush Lin Han.

At the moment, the fighting spirit in his body was fierce, his eyes were like electricity, and his body bulged out like a blue dragon out of the abyss, and he wanted to rush towards Lin Han.

Lin Han was also cold-eyed, ready at any time, ready to fight against the grandson sky.

"Stop!" In this tense atmosphere, about to explode to the extreme, suddenly a majestic shout spread. Inside the city gate, walking dragons and tigers, walked out a middle-aged man, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to contain the universe galaxy. The expression of power is surging, and there is a feeling that all souls worship.

"This is... the ancient lord of the grandson family?"


Like a blasted pot, countless cultivators were shocked to the point that this ancient master of the grandson family, but the figure standing on the top of all living beings, stood in the clouds, had long since disappeared in the world.

It is unbelievable that he actually appeared in person now.

"The first ancestor?" Changsuntian was also startled, wondering why the first ancestor appeared.

"Participate in the first ancestor!" Countless members of the grandson family kneeled and saluted.

For them, the first ancestor is Tianhe Faith, and some core members are not easy to see him once.

Encountering just like this made their minds very excited.

"Tian'er, you are so reckless. The distinguished guest is here, and you are treating each other with military force. You really don't know what is good or bad." The deep and vicissitudes of life of the long-sun family stared at the long-sun Tian angrily.


Like the gods who dominate the universe, are showing their might.

The entire huge Daqicheng is trembling.

Countless cultivators are even more trembling, wanting to kneel down.

There was a daze in Changsuntian's eyes. This kid Lin Han brought an ordinary old man over, how could he be called a distinguished guest?

This is the enemy of their eldest grandson family.

The ancient lord of the eldest grandson family did not pay attention to him, turned his head, looked at Zhenyuan Daxian, and said with a smile: "Friends of Zhenyuan Taoist, come here, if you have missed far away, the descendants are stubborn, forgive me."


The sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded instantly.

Countless cultivators looked at the ordinary old man who was standing beside Lin Han, who had been standing with a faint smile, and were shocked.

This is the ancestor of the prehistoric land immortal, Zhenyuan Daxian!

Many people's throats rolled fiercely, a little hot.

Zhenyuan Daxian's name is too loud, even if he is the ancient lord of the grandson family, he is not as good as his opponent.

It's an honor for them to be able to see it with their own eyes.

The primordial land is very big, time is worthless, and some creatures, perhaps ten lives and ten generations, don’t see such legendary characters.

Changsuntian's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't expect that Lin Han would let Daxian Zhenyuan personally accompany him. Has Daxian Zhenyuan already admired him to this level?

There was also a chill on his back, and he was so powerful and domineering, and he wanted to crush Lin Han, with a smell of not putting Zhenyuan Daxian in his eyes.

With Zhenyuan Daxian's magical powers and unpredictable cultivation base, if he wanted to kill him, he might be gone.

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