War Emperor

Chapter 2526: Sad reminder

Right now, they looked at Lin Han's gaze, and it became a little ugly.

The strength of this guy is really good, he was concealed before, and it was really cunning to let the golden giant be careless.

Lin Han stood tall and straight, standing firmly on the spot, showing a javelin-like, proud sense of fierceness.

Seeing the golden giant injured, he smiled slightly, somewhat freely.

This guy is so arrogant, now he has been punished.

However, the golden giant's power is indeed very strong, making his arm aching, and there is a trace of tremor. The other party can do this step in a hurry, which is extraordinary.

If there is a full-scale war, it must be a strong enemy.

Silence shrouded all around.

On the other side, the golden giant stood there with a gloomy face, and the killing intent in his eyes seemed to be substantive, with fierce golden sword glows.

Staring at Lin Han fiercely, his teeth clenched, and he was full of rage, **** it, as the proud son of the famous southwestern land, he was actually overshadowed by a humble human. Especially since he hadn't taken Lin Han seriously before, as if he had been slapped in the face, he was embarrassed and annoyed.

"Lin Han, I will tear you into pieces today!" Right now, he roared wildly. The whole body's golden blood was crazy and mighty, the soles of the feet slammed on the ground, and the ground shook with a bang. This was a veritable earthquake. Several peaks not far away collapsed. The golden giant resembled an ancient **** of war, and slaughtered it violently, with his big hand stretched out, and a palm facing Lin Han was violently covered.

This time, he moved the real fire, and took the initiative to attack, showing ten percent of his power, and the terrifying palm power rubbed against the air, and even a crimson flame rose. Not only did he have a terrifying power, but the heat was also powerful. Absolutely enough to burn people to ashes.

Qingfeng Mingyue couldn't help but shivered slightly, her face pale.

The golden giants really made their move, making them all a little afraid.

At the moment, they looked at Lin Han and wanted to see how Lin Han could resolve the blow. Although Lin Han had the upper hand in the first move, it was purely a coincidence. This confrontation is hard to say.

"Didn't you tell me three tricks? Why are you doing something wrong now?" However, under the countless light, Lin Han was still calm and calm, and smiled at the golden giant who rushed towards him with a ferocious face.

The expression on the golden giant's face suddenly stagnated, and some turned into pig liver color. Shi just said that he let Lin Han three tricks because he underestimated Lin Han, and learned that Lin Han's strength is good, and then shocked him, he naturally Put this sentence aside, and shoot directly.

Lin Han really embarrassed him when he mentioned it now.


However, when he was distracted, the smile on Lin Han's mouth became stronger, and then he moved and disappeared in place without a trace.

An exclamation suddenly sounded all around.

The golden giant was also taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and he turned vigorously in the air, and punched him fiercely behind him.

He vaguely noticed that Lin Han's figure appeared behind him, and a dangerous aura struck, causing the hairs on his back to stand up.

Sure enough, at the moment he punched, he could see that the space behind him was rippling, and a young and slender figure appeared from it, pointing a finger to the golden giant's back.

Many people were shocked, and Lin Han's speed was also terrifying.

Some people secretly sighed Lin Han's wit, distracting the Golden Giant and sneaking on the Golden Giant. Although the Golden Giant reacted quickly, he had actually lost the opportunity.


Sure enough, as soon as their thoughts fell, Lin Han's fingers had already pierced the golden giant's back, and there was a sound of flesh and blood breaking apart. The golden blood spurted wildly, and even the bones on the back were instantly interrupted. root. The intense pain caused the golden giant's attack to disintegrate instantly, and he made a very painful wailing sound to the sky. Among Lin Han's fingers, there was a very powerful destructive force, which instantly shattered the meridians in his body. Many, the painful face is a bit distorted.

He was shocked again and smashed into the center of the square at any time, smashing a large human-shaped pit directly there, filled with smoke.

There was a weird silence all around again.

Many people are petrochemical again.

The human head, the snake body, the white woman were in a daze, and the golden giant planted again, defeated by Lin Han's wit.

The corners of their mouths twitched and couldn't bear to look directly.

Although the golden giants are powerful in combat, they have well-developed limbs and full of muscles in their brains. Otherwise, how could they be affected by Lin Han's words?

"Ah, Lin Han, you bastard, you are actually yin to me." Finally, ten seconds later, the golden giant finally crawled out of the big pit, his eyes were blood red, his angry nose was about to smoke, hissing.

He was so angry that he possessed formidable power, he couldn't use it, and he was very unwilling.

"You are too stupid to blame others." Lin Han just smiled.

The golden giant's body was trembling slightly, gritted his teeth and said: "If we have the courage, we will confront once."

Many creatures also nodded, so even if Lin Han wins, they will feel shameless.

"As you wish, do it." Lin Han put his hands behind him.

The golden giant laughed angrily, and this kid was finally about to take the bait.


At the moment, his face sank like water, urging the golden blood qi in his body to the extreme, with a deep cry, shaking the heavens, and slamming a punch at Lin Han.

This time, he used twelve percent of his strength, and his violent fist power shattered the void to a large extent.

In the sky, the wind and clouds change, lightning and thunder, like some terrifying power present in the world, there is a smell that makes all directions terrifying.

Many people swallowed their saliva and felt a little hairy. If they guessed well, the fist performed by the Golden Giant was the King Kong Divine Fist of the Golden Giant Clan. With this move, the opportunity is vast. The southwest land, pushing everything horizontally, has no opponents.

This is also the strongest combat power of the golden giants.

At this moment, the golden giant finally showed up, making people nervous.

If you look carefully, you can find that behind the golden giant, the endless golden blood energy condenses, and actually presents two terrifying eyes, like two rounds of golden stars, which can look through the heavens and illuminate life and death.

Even if the fierce **** screamed the snake, and Zhenyuan Daxian, under these terrifying golden eyes, felt a little throbbing in their hearts.

This is the ancestor of the golden giants, the one that was once respected in the southwestern land and was almost invincible. However, because of its birth time is too long, in the early days of the ancient times, even they have not been born yet, and they have not been seen. .

According to legend, after the descendants of the Golden Giant clan cast the Diamond Fist, they have a certain chance to show the eyes of the ancestors and bless them, which seems to be unexpected.

This punch that the golden giant broke out at this moment, even if ordinary quasi-sage first-turners see it, they must be treated seriously. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling.

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