War Emperor

Chapter 2327: Second type open day

The corner of Lin Han's mouth twitched, only to sigh. Now it seems that he has to write it down first and let Beihuang Piaofeng help to find it when he has time.

After all, Emperor Shi, who has lived for a long time, might know these news.

At the moment, Lin Han's eyes were firm, and he began to learn the nine forms of opening the sky.

These nine open-day forms are extremely difficult to cultivate. Even if Lin Han has now reached the taboo, he is only mastering one form, and the rest has to be explored slowly.

With the divine power in his body, through the special meridian movement, Lin Han kept his hands on his chest, knotting the fingerprints, and the light radiating from his hands became more and more flaming.

The form he cultivated was the second form of the nine forms of Kaitian, Kaitian.

Very simple, but very domineering.

Compared with the first type, the power of this trick is at least ten times more powerful, but it is precisely because of this that the difficulty of cultivation is much higher.

Lin Han kept making fingerprints like this, over and over again, not knowing the cumbersomeness, or how long it had passed, that the divine power wandered between the meridians, and it seemed a lot more comfortable.

At this moment, Lin Han was already sweating profusely on his forehead, and even the blue veins appeared slightly, which showed the difficulty of the second form of the nine opening forms.

At a certain moment, the handprint formed in Lin Han's hand finally condensed suddenly, and an extremely sharp aura burst out of his eyes, and a cold drink was vomited out of his mouth.

"Opening the sky nine styles, the second style, opening the sky!"


The magnificent voice, like a thunder from thousands of weights, exploded in this starry sky, and Lin Han's hands suddenly emitted a blazing divine light, like a hundred suns fusing together, illuminating the endless starry sky.

However, during this process, Lin Han could also instantly feel that the divine power in his body was passing by at a very terrifying speed.

Lin Han couldn't help but feel cold in his heart when he felt this passing.

The speed of this devouring divine power is too fierce, it is like a big stomach king.

"Lin Han, what are you doing? Stop it." At this moment, a figure appeared not far away, it was the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, looking at the seal in Lin Han's hand, his eyes condensed involuntarily.

Although he didn't know what magical power Lin Han was using, he could also feel very powerful. Under that momentum, he felt a very small sense.

The most important thing is that the boundless territory of this starry sky is trembling, and even scary cracks have emerged, showing signs of collapse and disintegration. Naturally, he can't watch Lin Han destroy this starry sky.

Otherwise, the casualties would be too great.

At this time, above the entire Xiongguan, countless creatures also looked at this with amazement, and they were obviously aware of the breath that made them hairy.

"Is this guy going to ruin the starry sky?" In some distant places, Master Huijing, Gu Yantian, and Gui Lao also changed their complexions, and felt chills in their hearts.

With their strength, they can naturally feel that this is Lin Han's practice, but he never thought that the aftermath of this practice could burst out such a shocking power.

They have no doubt that if Lin Han's style is played, it is very likely that the endless starry sky will collapse and shatter, and the casualties will be too great by then.

But at this moment, Lin Han, who was staring at the seal in his hand, with an excited look, undoubtedly did not notice the terrible fluctuations caused by the second form of the nine-opening sky, the first emperor's words were full of anxiety. He was stunned. He immediately looked up and saw that in the surrounding starry sky, one after another, one after another, appeared like a spider's web, spreading to the end of his line of sight.

Lin Han realized in an instant that this was the fluctuation of the second form of Kaitian Nine Forms, his face changed immediately, and the seal in his hand faded away quickly.

Just kidding, he was just practicing, not trying to destroy this starry sky. If this starry sky is really turned into powder because of this, there is no doubt that he will become a sinner.

Fortunately, Lin Han has barely been considered proficient after countless practice during this period of time, so under the urging of the formula in his heart, the violent divine power hoarded in his hands eventually dissipated like a tide, and then Turned into countless trickles, they wandered between the meridians, and once again poured into Lin Han's dantian.

As the light in Lin Han's hands dimmed, the terrifying aura of destruction gradually faded, and calm in the universe gradually recovered.

Upon seeing this, Bei Huang Piaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the young figure of the young man, a little speechless. If he comes later, Lin Han, who is immersed in the exercises, might really become a big man. disaster.

"Sorry, I was too focused, I didn't pay attention to the surroundings." Lin Han also took a breath, flew to the side of Beihuang Piaofeng, and said with a smile.

"It's okay, what kind of supernatural powers are you practicing, why are you so powerful?" Bei Huang Piaofeng waved his hand with a wry smile, and then asked curiously with his eyes burning.

This kind of magical powers, thinking that he has traversed the universe for so many years, he hadn't even heard of it. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he hadn't even thought that there are such terrible magical powers in the universe.

It hasn't been displayed, the aftermath can make a star field tremble. If it is truly and thoroughly displayed, how powerful the power should be, it is really unimaginable.

"This is the nine forms of Kaitian. I learned it from the prehistoric times." Lin Han smiled and said that he had nothing to hide from the First Emperor.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng murmured a nine-style open sky, then nodded, sighing again in his heart, who would have thought that Lin Han's current achievements were so expensive.

This is really what makes people look at it, and everyone feels a little desperate.

"Emperor Shi, how long have I practiced?" Lin Han smiled.

"Five hundred years." First Emperor said.

"Five hundred years?" Lin Han suddenly came down in amazement.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng nodded and said: "I have seen you several times in the past five hundred years. I saw that you were very attentive in your cultivation, so I ordered that no one should be allowed to come near, and in your current realm, you can feel free to comprehend some magical powers. In the past few hundred years, it’s not too many. Sometimes, even if I retreat, it’s a thousand years."

Lin Han smiled helplessly. He was comprehending the second form of the Nine Open Heaven Pose, but he was too involved, but he didn't expect that five hundred years had passed in the blink of an eye.

There is really a feeling that one day in the middle of the mountain, the world has been thousands of years old.

It seems that after cultivating to an extremely high level, time really began to become worthless.

"By the way, over the past five hundred years, I have been inquiring about your parents' news." At this moment, Bei Huang Piaofeng suddenly muttered.

"Oh, where?" There was a hint of eagerness in Lin Han's eyes. He hadn't seen his parents for a long time, so he naturally missed a little.

Normally, with his fame, when he returns to Xiongguan, the entire universe should be known, and his parents should rush back to see him.

But it didn't, which made him feel strange.

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