War Emperor

Chapter 2282: Back to the prehistoric


However, he was naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp, he yelled and punched out.

The surging black mist erupted, exposing the celestial demon body.

Now the celestial demon body has directly reached Consummation, which is countless times more powerful than the realm of Dacheng.


The **** hand finally collapsed, turning into pieces of black.

The face of the Lord of Great Destruction changed drastically, how could this be possible, this is his master, whose strength is much stronger than him.

Lin Han could even contend with it.

"Bastard!" An angry voice came from the **** hand.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Lin Han could smash his attack with one punch.


However, Lin Han was also uncomfortable. He was shocked to take a few steps backwards, his blood turbulence, and a little dull.

He secretly thought: "This is worthy of a half-step taboo in the prehistoric times. The background is much deeper than mine."

"Hmph, kid, if you have the ability, let's just wait and see, I'm sure this world will be destroyed." The **** hand snorted coldly.


After talking about grabbing with big hands, the Lord of Great Destruction left this space.

However, before leaving, there was still a destructive energy erupting in the **** hand, destroying hundreds of stars.

"Damn, you are looking for death!" Lin Han was furious.

There are too many creatures in this slaughter.

The **** hand laughed and disappeared completely.

In this regard, a disaster was resolved.

Many creatures escaped after the catastrophe, and they embraced Lin Han extremely.

Many stars shouted Lin Han's name and regarded him as the savior.

Lin Han just smiled.

There is some worry in his heart.

This was just a preliminary repelling of them.

They are still a threat to the nodes of this universe.

"If you really want to eradicate them, there is only one way." At this time, the Northern Emperor fluttered.

"Oh?" Lin Han raised his brow.

"Walking through the long river of time and space, to the wilderness." Beihuang Piaofeng said.

"Yes, only in the Primordial Era, can the Primordial Sabre Lord be killed." The Ghost Clan Xeon also said.

They are all people who have walked deep in the realm of Xianzu, understand some rules.

Before the Primordial Era, the Primordial Sword Master could not be killed at all.

"Okay, then I will go to the prehistoric times." Lin Han's eyes flickered.

He has long been fascinated by the mysterious prehistoric.

This time, I really want to go and see it.

"Time and space, now!" At the moment, he shouted and waved his palm.


Lightning and thunder, the universe shuddered.

A huge river appeared in the universe, and it runs through the universe for billions of light-years.

There are many pictures flickering, recording many things that have happened in the history of the universe.

Many people are surprised, is this a long river of time?

For ordinary people, it is too advanced.

It's almost like watching myths.

"Then I'm going." Lin Han bid farewell to Beihuang Piaofeng and others.

"Be careful." Beihuang Piaofeng nodded.

Lin Jiaoer and Shangguan Xiyun also urged.

Long time is too dangerous.

Traveling through the past, there may be accidents.

Lin Han nodded, his expression solemn.

Even if he is a half-step ban. Bogey, but also be careful, after all, there is no experience.


At the moment, the light under the feet jumped into the long river of time.


The river was flowing, Lin Han went up against the current, and time and space were constantly changing in front of him.

He was in this one, and he saw the trajectory of his reversal in the past, step by step.

He couldn't help sighing, it was so amazing in the world.

If you don't enter this state, you won't understand that there will be such a miracle in the universe.

The last thousand years ago.

Two thousand years ago.

Three thousand years ago...

Lin Han shuttled continuously.

I don't know how long it took before he finally came to a node.

2.8 million years!

At this time, the fairy world has just been born.

In front of Changhe, there was indeed a big wall.

Very tall, like a black magic wall, with no end in sight.

"This is... the divine wall that intercepts the wild history?" Lin Han exclaimed.

He had long heard that before the prehistoric history, there was a huge barrier that blocked everything.

It now appears that this is clearly the case.

Seeing it with his own eyes, he also regretted it in his heart.

This black **** wall radiates an eternal aura, which is too majestic.

There is no doubt that the person who set up this divine wall must be a terrifying peerless powerhouse.

"However, it can't stop me." Lin Han smiled proudly.

Stepped into a half-step ban. Ji level, this is really nothing to him.

"Drive me!" Lin Han yelled at the moment.

Punch out!


The terrifying fist power seemed to mess up the entire time and space.


However, his fist hit the **** wall, but it didn't move.

Lin Han felt like he was hitting the most terrifying side of the universe, the **** iron.

"How is this possible?" Lin Han was taken aback, and he couldn't believe it.

To know the majestic strength of his fists, what else in the world can not be destroyed by him?

"Use the prehistoric sword furnace, only it can break this divine wall." At this time, Hong Dao.

Lin Han nodded, and the existence of this divine wall was indeed powerful.

Even he can't break it. It seems that there are many secrets in this universe that he doesn't know.

And he is now half-step ban. avoid!

It can be seen that the water in the universe is deeper than sentient beings imagine.


Void trembles.

Lin Han directly sacrificed the Honghuang sword-forging furnace.

With his current strength, the supernatural power that spurred this furnace to burst out is truly extraordinary.


Without the slightest surprise, he directly smashed a big hole in the black **** wall.


In an instant, an ancient, vicissitudes, and long-lasting breath came oncoming.

Lin Han felt like he was in a torrent of history.

"This is the prehistoric aura?" Lin Han was shocked.

Just smelling this breath makes people fascinated.


Without hesitation, he directly plunged himself into the "preliminary era" from the big hole.




Lin Han was regretful when he almost just arrived here.

He saw an ancient continent, too big, covering the universe billions of light years.

The terrifying beasts, larger than the stars, roared across the continent.

The air was vast, like a prehistoric world.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, bizarre and vibrant.

There is no continent on a star comparable to this one.

"Pangu Continent?" Lin Han felt regretful, this voice resounded in his heart.

There are records in extremely ancient documents. According to legend, in the ancient times, the universe was unified, and it was Pangu continent.

There was no starry sky at all.

There are everywhere, the cornerstone of the mainland, you can imagine how scary the area is.

"It seems that it really looks like a person?" Lin Han was shocked.

Looking down, I did find that the terrifyingly vast continent was like a person "lying" in the universe.

Is this Pangu?

Pangu opened the world and transformed into everything, it seems to be true.

"Hey, I'm back in the prehistoric times." Hong also sighed.

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