War Emperor

Chapter 2134: Share adversity

It doesn't work much in normal days, it's just a kind of peculiar pill, and now it is very useful for him.

At the moment, Lin Han's spirit explored into the space ring, found a red-like fire-like pill, swallowed it down.

With a bang, endless flames immediately rose up on the surface of the body, and every pore was spraying thin flames, like a flame erupting.

Lin Han was overjoyed, that the icy air would indeed cancel out a lot, and he felt a lot better.

In addition, there is a very pure medicinal power within the Fire Pill, which dissolves in his body, so that the injuries he has suffered are slowly healed.

This made him secretly thought that this pill really worked.


Just after he recovered, he was about to walk along the river, leave this area to find a place to go ashore, and get rid of the girl in yellow clothes, suddenly something seemed to fall from the surface of the river, causing a huge splash of water.

Lin Han was caught off guard, and was a little dizzy when he was hit, as if he had a soft body, hitting him.

He glanced intently, and was immediately shocked, the girl in yellow?

The girl was crazy, she dared to chase it down.


The girl in yellow was surprised when she saw Lin Han, then she was annoyed, stretched out her hand, about to catch Lin Han, secretly thinking that Miss Ben has caught you.

At this moment, the majestic and icy river water entered her delicate body, making her aware of the biting cold air, which seemed to freeze the power of human beings. The divine power in her body was completely useless here, and her body was completely lost. It's going to be frozen.

This shocked her, feeling overwhelmed for a while, and her body kept sinking.

And the further down, the stronger the coldness, and when she fell, her result must be beyond the reach.

Originally caught Lin Han and wanted to fix him, but now the slender hand gripped Lin Han's collar. The drowning person grabbed the straw and didn't want to let it go.

Lin Han cursed secretly, the girl in the yellow clothes dragged herself down the river, didn't he want him to die too, but when he saw the panic on the face of the girl in yellow clothes, he sighed in his heart, and finally did not break away from the other party.

If he let a beautiful girl die tragically like this, he would feel a little guilty in his heart.

Speaking of which, the hatred between him and the girl in yellow is not big, and the latter didn't mean to kill him.

"Forget what I owe you." In the end, Lin Han could only hug the girl in yellow clothes to keep her from sinking.

He took the Fire Pill, and within a certain range of his body, he was a little hot, so he wouldn't fall into it.

The yellow-clothed girl felt good at this, she still didn't dare to get too far away from Lin Han, otherwise the river would freeze all her supernatural powers, and she would be finished.

Seeing some flames emerging from Lin Han's body, she couldn't help but a hint of curiosity flashed in Shui Lingling's big eyes, and the voice transmission asked: "What's the matter with you, why is the river's influence on you weakened? a lot of."

In danger, she put her hatred of Lin Han aside for the time being.

"Naturally, it's because I took the pill." Lin Han smiled lightly. Aren't you quite capable? Didn't you ask me to save you here?

The girl in yellow has a pretty face flushed, she is speechless, secretly thinking that she is too impulsive, otherwise she will not be so embarrassed. Now that she and Lin Han are so close, Lin Han is still holding her slender waist, making her shy for a while.

Growing up, I've never been so close to a man before.

However, it is naturally not the time to care about these things. The most urgent thing is to find a way to get out of here quickly.

Right now, her rosy lips hummed, and muttered: "Give me one of your medicine pills... okay... okay..."

She is a little emboldened, why should she share other people's pill to herself?

She beat Lin Han before.

Lin Han smiled and said, "I'm sorry, it's gone."

The yellow-clothed girl shuddered in her heart and said, "What should I do?"

"If you really want to feel better, there is a way. The pill is in my body and has not been completely refined. I can mobilize some energy and transfer it into your body from mouth to mouth." Lin Han smiled.

"What, mouth-to-mouth?" Sun Lingling, a girl in yellow clothes, immediately stared up and said in annoyance: "You bastard, ruffian, and rascal, now you want to take advantage of me."

She couldn't bear being so close to Lin Han. If she talked to this rogue, thinking about it would make her unacceptable.

"If you don't want to, then wait for it to be eroded by the river and turn into an ice sculpture." Lin Han shrugged and sneered slightly, really thinking that he was willing to save the other party. He would share part of the energy of the Fire Pill to Sun Lingling. Less part, in this environment, he is already very generous.

If the other party doesn't want it, he can live for a while.

"You..." Sun Lingling hesitated, feeling that Lin Han didn't seem to be lying. The coldness of the surrounding river was getting stronger and stronger, and she really couldn't bear it. Finally, she bit her rosy lips with a bite. Youdao: "Then...Come on..."

After speaking, I closed my eyes, as if I had been kissed by a pig.

Lin Han rolled his eyes and didn't care about the other person's expression. Right now, his four lips were facing each other, and a part of the energy of the Fire Pill was really absorbed into Sun Lingling's body.

When the mouth touched, Sun Lingling felt her delicate body tremble suddenly, and an unprecedented tingling sensation rose all over her body, her pretty face flushed as if dripping out.

I... It's so cheap, this **** boy.

But then, when she felt the energy of the Fire Pill enter her body, a hot smell rose up all over her body. The cold air was indeed weakened a lot, which made her feel a lot more comfortable. Still have a conscience.

At the juncture of life and death, most people don't transfer life-saving energy to others.

It lasted about ten seconds before they separated.

At this time, Sun Lingling still had a fascinating blush on her pretty face. She squeezed Lin Han and said, "Thank you..."

She felt a little embarrassed to bear Lin Han's love.

"It's okay..." Lin Han shook his head. Although he treats the enemy with a heart-hearted and decisive, he treats other people more kindly.

"What shall we do now?" Sun Lingling hesitated for a moment. Even with the energy of the Fiery Pill, she just barely managed to keep them alive for a while, and they would still die after a long time.

She had never experienced the danger of life or death, and some six gods had no masters. Seeing Lin Han's clear eyes, there was always a calm look that made her unconsciously regard Lin Han as a support, and asked.

"You can't use divine power here. Once it breaks out, it will be completely eroded by the river, which will increase your energy consumption. The only way we can now is to swim downstream to see if there is a chance to go ashore." Lin Han looked at it. Around, lightly sighed.

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