War Emperor

Chapter 2116: The situation of the wind clan

"Feng Gu, are you not convinced now?" Lin Lian Lian smiled, walked up to Feng Gu, raised a foot and pressed it on the other's face, and asked.

The other party is so arrogant, and after a lesson, he also feels a little cheerful in his heart.

Feng Gu roared, Lin Han dared to humiliate himself so much.

"Bastard, let go of the Sixth Master!" Many soldiers shouted.

Lin Han ignored them at all. With a wave of his palm, a large expanse of divine light exploded, and all the soldiers flew out and lay on the ground wailing.

With his strength, these soldiers are simply not enough to be regarded by him.

"Lin Han, kill me if you have the ability, otherwise, I will definitely mobilize all the power of the family so that you have no place to bury you!" Feng Gu gritted his teeth angrily.

"Okay, I will fulfill you!" Lin Lianlen smiled. He didn't want to be an enemy of the Feng Clan. The opponent was so arrogant that he could only kill him.

At the moment, the soles of the feet suddenly lifted up, if a big mountain fell, if it fell, Feng Gu's body would instantly burst into pieces like a balloon.

Feng Gu immediately made his scalp numb with fright, hell, he just said a cruel thing, Lin Han really dare to do it.

Aren't they afraid of the anger of the people of the Wind Clan?

"Stop!" However, at this moment, a middle-aged man's majestic shout sounded, followed by a bang, and a tyrannical aura struck at the Wind Clan gate, and Lin Han frowned, and immediately retreated more than twenty feet. , Dodge it.

Feng Gu recovered a small life from the ghost gate, took a few breaths, and wet his clothes with cold sweat behind his back.

Staring at Lin Han, annoyed and terrified.

This is a kid who has no taboos, and his shot is really tough.

"Father, you are here!" Then, he looked at the Feng Clan gate, surprised.

I saw a majestic middle-aged man walked out of it with a face in Chinese style, wearing a brocade dress, with a long-time high-ranking demeanor, his eyes shone brightly between the closes and he looked oppressive, making people afraid to look at each other.

He is the patriarch of the Feng Clan, Feng Manlou.

Feng Gu felt that someone could finally be fair to himself.

No matter how extraordinary, Lin Han could be Dad's opponent.

Dad can suppress Lin Han with a quick lift.

Lin Han looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes squinted. The opponent is indeed very strong, he has vigorous divine power in his body, and his realm is at least ten levels above the realm master realm, far beyond what he can deal with.


However, after Feng Manlou came here, he instantly slapped Fenggu's face with a slap, and an angry expression appeared on his majestic face and shouted: "You shameless prodigal son, even the descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, you dare to disrespect. , Do you want to bring disaster to the family?"

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng was so famous in the Celestial Realm that no one dared to provoke it.

If you provoke him to come to the Wind Clan in person, it makes people tremble to think about it.

Feng Gu was dumbfounded, clutching his flushed and painful face, and almost cried. His father didn't give him justice and beat him.

Too sad.

On weekdays, he is also an outstanding young master with outstanding bearing. Today is too miserable and has no place to show himself.

"Haha, little brother Lin Han, I'm an incompetent child, I'm so spoiled, I offend you, please Haihan, don't take it to heart."

The wind is all over the building, and he smiles kindly.

I admire in my heart.

Lin Han has a kind of washing out the lead and returning to the innocence, which is not comparable to a genius in the ordinary sense.

No wonder Feng Gu would fail miserably in his hands. This kind of character, no matter his character or his aptitude, is far better than him.

Reaching out his hand and not hitting the smiley person, Feng Manlou had a good attitude towards him, and Lin Han would naturally not hold his face, not to mention that the other party also showed a clan's temperament, and said with a smile: "It's just a small matter, it's no harm."

"Brother Lin Han, please sit in the house." Feng Manlou smiled lightly.

"Yeah." Lin Han nodded.



In the Feng Clan, the purple gas is transpiring, the buildings are numerous, and the birds and flowers are fragrant. It is a real spiritual land.

When Lin Han came here, he couldn't help but admire a little. Such a blessed place is rare in the Nine Wonders.

Compared to the Jiuxian tribe, they are slightly inferior.

The gap between the two realms is too big.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lin Han seemed to have discovered something, looked at the big mountain in the center, and said in surprise.

Most of the mountain peaks exude auspicious light, but the middle mountain peak is simple and unpretentious, without the slightest aura, and there is a sense of decline and exhaustion, which is very abrupt.

"This is the mountain where we live in a direct line." Feng Manlou said with a bitter smile.

"Why, it doesn't have aura?" Lin Han asked curiously.


Feng Manlou and the high-ranking members of their line looked at each other, it seemed unspeakable, and their expressions were dejected.

Lin Han looked towards Feng Jiu, Feng Jiu's teeth bit his red lips, and said with a wry smile: "It's true that the aura here has been sealed by the people of the four great protoss."

The Four Great Protoss, in the Southern Territory of the Heavenly God Realm, are four second-rate hermit families, and their strength is comparable to the Feng Clan.

Because in the perennial battles, four stunning "Fairy King Array Masters" were born within the four great gods. Together, they sealed their mountain peaks and spiritual energy, which led to the collapse of the mountain scene.

This mountain is the source of the wind clan's aura. Once it is sealed, the wind clan's aura will be greatly weakened.

Over time, the wind clan will wither, and one generation is inferior to one generation.

The current Feng Clan is indeed much weaker than before, and it is about to drop a second-rate hidden world force and become a third-rate.

"So that's it..."

Lin Han was relieved that Feng Clan still had such a bleak dilemma.

But where there are people, there will be disputes.

Although the five major races and second-rate hidden families are fighting for hegemony, the wind clan is targeted by the other four, which is normal.

"Haha, Feng Jiu, I'll marry you!"

Just as they walked to a gravel square, suddenly a frantic laughter came.

Then, a man with a big belly, holding his stomach, leading a group of people, came to me mightily.

The man was very ugly, his face was pockmarked, his hair was messy as if he hadn't been washed for a long time, and he was horribly disgusting when he walked.

"Mu Feng, what nonsense are you talking about, hurry up, our Feng Clan doesn't welcome you!"

A touch of disgust appeared on Feng Jiuqiao's face, and she screamed.

This is a son of the Mu family, who often harass her, she doesn't like it.

"Hey, Feng Jiu, this time, I'm afraid you can't refuse me." Mu Feng smiled, his small eyes fixed on Feng Jiu's white, tender and slender body, with fiery light shining in his eyes, like a hungry man, Yu Yu To the beauty is naked.

"What do you mean?" Feng Jiu said.

"Haha, who do you think this is?" Mu Feng laughed, and respectfully invited someone out from his side.

This is an old man in a blue shirt, with a dull face, with the indifference that has been at the top for a long time, and he is not angry.

In the center of the eyebrows, there is a very powerful spiritual force surging, like a vast sea, unfathomable.

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