War Emperor

Chapter 2104: Pressure

Today's Primordial Demon Race Demon Venerable is a world-renowned top powerhouse, making countless masters fear and tremble.

Lin Hanhui's legendary soul transformation method is shocking.

How did he own it?

"Yes, you still have some eyesight." Lin Han smiled, his eyes flashing with pride.

In the burial of Xianyuanhuang, he accidentally obtained the Soul Transformation Dafa, and his spiritual power has undergone a qualitative transformation after practicing.

Right now, his mental power is corrosive, unparalleled, if you compare it to his destructive power, you will undoubtedly make a fool of yourself.

Although Nine Kills in a Troubled World is very strong, it may not be possible.

He stared at the nine-handed killing sword coming from across the sky, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Feng Jiu's heart beats violently. When she first practiced the Nine Kills in the chaotic world, she was warned by a elder who had a profound knowledge in the family. In terms of spirit, the nine kills in the chaotic world could sweep ninety-nine percent of the mystery books of the immortal world. The clan's soul transformation method is a little jealous.

In the very ancient past, an ancestor of the Wind Clan who trained the Nine Kills in a troubled world to great success, once died with the ancient Demon Clan to learn the Dafa of Soul Transformation.

That battle was extremely tragic, and the ancestors of the Wind Clan were defeated.

Very unwilling to die.

The people of the Wind Clan felt ashamed, and they had to admit that the Soul Transformation Dafa was too clever, and the nine kills in a troubled world were indeed slightly less than that.

Fortunately, the Primordial Demon Race, far away in the Demon Realm, rarely appears in the world, and it is not easy to encounter it.

Feng Jiucai has always had no scruples.

At the moment, Lin Han, a young man of the Nine Immortals clan, could actually transform the soul with Dafa, and the shock to her was truly indescribable.

Like a mortal in broad daylight, seeing ghosts and monsters.

"Feng Jiu, do you still want to fight with me now?" Lin Han smiled lightly, his whole body billowed with devilish energy, like clusters of black flames, enveloping him, as if Brahma burned the 33rd heaven.

Under the application of the Soul Transformation Dafa, looking down on Feng Nine is not a problem.

Feng Jiu's pretty face turned green, and she bit her silver teeth and said unwillingly: "I'm not convinced. Today, I want to learn something about the Soul Transformation Dafa. What's so unique!"

Over the years, the outstanding figures of the Feng Clan have been perfecting the Nine Kills in a troubled world, with the goal of one day encountering the Soul Transformation Dafa and be able to defeat it.

This represents the face of the Feng Clan.

Not as good as the Soul Transformation Dafa, the Wind Clan has to be held down by the Primordial Demon Clan all the time.

Now that this trick has been greatly strengthened, it may not be as good as the soul-changing method.

If they could crush the soul-transforming Dafa, the evil spirits of their Feng Clan over the years would be able to escape.

Reading this, she added a lot of fighting spirit to her heart, her beautiful eyes were like burning a raging flame, and she screamed: "Nine kills in a troubled world, kill the world!"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Nine Spirit Killing Swords, under full urging, the momentum is dozens of times more powerful than before. Each killing sword suddenly becomes huge like a mountain, engulfing the tragic divine light, and slashing towards Lin Han.

Mental is several times more powerful than physical attacks.

Such a nine-handed killing sword attacked, the momentum can be described as unparalleled.

All geniuses believed that if they rushed up by themselves, they would be crushed into ashes in an instant, not at a level at all.

Lin Han sneered, Feng Jiu is still unwilling to give up, the soul-changing method is broad and profound, and it can be said to be the first in the ancient mystery book. Naturally, it is not other spiritual mystery books that can be shaken at will.

"Smelt me!"

At the moment, Lin Han's eyes were cold, and he gave a cold drink.


In an instant, on his body surface, the endless demon energy turned into a **** hand, like a palm of the Demon Venerable World before the chaos years, against the chaos of time and space, fighting towards this era.

There was an air of corrosion in the palm of his hand.

The nine-handed killing sword rushed forward and grabbed it with a big hand. In the palm of the hand, the magic fire was soaring, and the nine-handed killing sword began to burn.

Under the fierce demon fire, the light emitted from the nine-handed killing sword gradually weakened.

Like ordinary iron in a furnace, it will be smelted and dissipated.

"Do not……"

Feng Jiu was completely cold, controlling the nine-handed killing sword could not break free from the shackles of the **** hand, just like a **** hand, turning into a powerful prison between the world and the earth.

As the killing sword light turned dark, her mental power was also receiving great heat.

This is formed by her mental strength, no less than the **** hand, smelting her spirit.

The pain is beyond words.

Suddenly, intensive sweat dripped continuously on her smooth forehead, and her fair and compact face became a little pale, suffering huge trauma.


The soldiers of the Wind Clan were chilled. This is their faithful lady. In the best aspect, they lost to the Nine Wonders, a low-level hillbilly.

It's too hard for them to accept.

Seeing the young lady in so much pain, they are also very anxious. If the killing sword is really melted, the young lady will also die.

"Lin Han, let go of our Ninth Miss, stop!"

Feng Ming's face also changed drastically, his voice was sharp, and he roared.

Feng Jiu is a direct line, and his status is much higher than his collateral line.

If Feng Jiu, there really is something wrong, he can't bear the blame.

He was naturally afraid.

Lin Han frowned and groaned, only gently shaking his head and sighing.

He and Feng Jiu have no grievances and no grudges, and it is true that he will not kill each other.

He still has to take the Destroyed Ship and make enemies with the Feng Clan, which is not good for him.

At the moment, only the mental power was completely revoked, causing that big hand to collapse.

Feng Jiu felt relieved suddenly, and he was relieved.

"Miss Feng Jiu, you have accepted." Lin Han smiled lightly at Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu's pretty face became unsightly, and his defeat in Lin Han's hands was really embarrassing.

However, Lin Han's Soul Transformation Dafa is indeed very powerful, and she knows that she has not been wronged.

In the end, only a wry smile said: "The Soul Transformation Dafa, I am convinced."

"Young Master Lin Han, come if you want to get on the boat."

She waved, the soldiers gave way.

"Thank you." Lin Han nodded and smiled, jumped up, and flew along the stairs to the boat.

Feng Jiu asked everyone to **** a special kind of bead, and the 100 people with the most harvest could board the boat.

Therefore, under the fierce competition for two hours, more than one hundred geniuses also boarded the ship one after another.

The battle for the broken ship came to an end.

Lin Han's results are dazzling, and Lingxuan, Little Fatty, and Golden Retriever King did not need to be tested at all, and they boarded the ship smoothly.




Accompanied by the sound of a desolate and long-distance horn sounded, the huge breaking ship set on the road again and left the city.

It is like a broken bamboo, marching towards the heavenly **** realm.

Lin Han stood on the deck, his heart fluctuating.

Heavenly God Realm, he is finally coming.

I don't know what his parents are doing now. As far as he knows, when they travel through the universe, they seem to be going to the God Realm.

He guessed in his mind that his parents might go to the ancient Lin clan!


This is a beautiful heavenly palace, standing above the clouds, like a place where the heavens live, above the starry sky, very ethereal and majestic.

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