War Emperor

Chapter 2090: Fan Zhou Fan

Many elders in the clan are very optimistic and appreciate his talents.

"If this can make you feel a little more balanced, let it be considered for the time being." Lin Leng Leng smiled lightly.

Du Long snorted and didn't care, his gaze turned to Lin Han's divine power of formation, after the space above the hall was rippling for a while, a hidden formation appeared.

There are some cumbersome nodes on it, as long as those nodes are broken, the big array can be broken.

The divine light in Du Long's eyes condensed. After a while, he began to make a move, tapping his fingers, and instantly smashed the eight light spots above.

Click! Click!

The hidden array was finally broken.

The space began to shake for a while, and objects hidden in the dark began to appear.

Everyone couldn't help but admire, Du Long's broken water quality, really high.

Hidden formation, rank is also very strong, he just broke so easily, people admire.

Lin Han also nodded, the other party did have some ways.

However, he noticed that when Du Long looked at him, killing intent flashed in his eyes, as if he was a little unhappy because he refuted his face before.

Lin Han didn't care about it either, just smiled lightly.

"Well, the whole picture of the hall has been presented." Du Long said coldly.

When everyone turned their eyes, they saw that there were many more bookshelves in the hall. Many books were placed on the bookshelves, covered with thick dust, as if they had been placed here for countless years.

Looking at those books, they said "Nine Heavens Cold Ao Jian", "Shenhuo Sword Technique", "Prison God Finger"... and other advanced fairy skills.

Most of the ranks are very high, approaching the ancient Yuan fairy skills, and there are a few copies of the ancient Yuan fairy skills.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Many people breathe very thickly, their eyes are greedy, and ancient yuan magic skills are so precious and too attractive.


At the moment, in the palace, a fierce fight was launched.

Lin Han didn't fight for those ancient yuan fairy abilities. He already had three books, and he hadn't mastered them, and giving him the ancient yuan fairy abilities would not have much effect.

Greed more than chew.

Huang Quan refers to the strongest among the three ancient Yuan fairy skills.

These are no more powerful than Huang Quanzhi.

When he walked to the center of the hall, he saw that there was a brass-colored coffin with some ancient patterns on it, which was very heavy.

In the hall, this coffin is very different.

"This is the coffin that seals the big murderer?"

Lin Han frowned and muttered to himself.

Inside the coffin, he noticed a very dangerous and terrifying aura.

If you open it, there might be a big change.

"Look at what is on the coffin... like a fan in the legend!"

At this time, someone's complexion changed drastically, astonished.

On the top of the coffin, there is an old fan, and the divine light flowing on it has a special wave, which seems to be suppressing the coffin.

When everyone looked at the fan, there was a sense of awe in their hearts.

If there is infinite divine power in the fan, it can shake the earth and shake the universe with a single move.

"Flip the universe fan?"

Hearing these three words, Rao was Lin Han, and his heart beat fiercely.

This is the most famous treasure in ancient times, and it is also the foundation of Huang Zu's horizontal and horizontal universe.

Get this thing, in the immortal world, you will surely sweep the wasteland.

Before the sacred beast, it was very eager to get it.

Placed in front of them, no one can keep calm.


At the moment, everyone's eyes became scarlet, and they ran towards the coffin.

This is an important tool leading the way to the strong, and everyone wants it.

"Wait, don't mess around." However, Lin Han brushed, standing in front of the coffin, and shouted coldly to everyone around him.

He has already noticed that the fan is indeed suppressing the coffin. If the fan is taken away, the existence of the coffin will be broken and there will be great danger.

One carelessness, everyone will die.

Concerning his own safety and the safety of the immortal world, he naturally couldn't let these people mess around.

"Boy, what are you, you dare to stop so many of us, you can't die?"

Many people took the shots, including Li Lingling, Xiaolan, Xuanyuanyun, Du Long, Zi Ming, Mo Xiao, and some geniuses from hidden families and famous figures outside the world. The overall strength was very strong.

No one can stand against so many people alone.

Seeing Lin Han's resistance, many people couldn't help but shouted with gloomy expressions.

Xiao Lan also frowned, feeling that Lin Han was asking for trouble. With so many people, even if one shot a divine light, it would be enough to break him into mashed flesh, and he couldn't resist it at all.

"Retreat!" She was ruddy and slightly open, and let out a natural voice.

Li Lingling sighed softly, and heard a touch of concern in Xiaolan's tone.

It seems that Xiaolan still has an old love for Lin Han.

Otherwise, it is impossible to send a reminder at this time.

Lin Han smiled, shook his head lightly, and said, "Turning the universe fan is very important. It is for the immortal world and for each of us. It is better not to touch it."

There are also Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King, Ling Xuan and others, even for these people, he can't shrink back.

"Hmph, how do you know what is really sealed in this coffin? If it weren't for us, wouldn't we have missed this fan?" Zi Ming sneered.

Mo Xiao said: "Yes, hurry up, fight for the fan is bound to win, if you dare to be stubborn, don't blame us for the ruthless action!"

He had a murderous intention to Lin Han for a long time, and he was not at all polite at the moment. When he spoke, he took out a black long sword, injected the divine power in his body into it, and the long sword exuded a terrible murderous aura.

Lin Han felt a tingling scalp smell coming.

Mo Xiao's shot must be no trivial matter.

Lin Han's expression was indifferent and ignored.

"Okay, there is nothing to say, then you go and die." Xuanyuan Yun sneered, and was the first to shoot, slapped Lin Han's chest with a palm.

In the palm of the palm, a large expanse of divine light radiated, like a round of stars, majestic and majestic, traversing the void, bursts of magnificent and strange roars sounded, as if a **** of heaven was roaring.

After Xuanyuan Yun broke into the main realm, his combat power increased too much.

This palm, the few people present, are all able to resist.

Lin Han's eyes turned cold. Since all geniuses are going to be enemies of him, why would he be able to do it for a while?


At the moment he drank heavily, the heavenly devil body broke out, punched out, and violently collided with Xuanyuan Yun's palm.

Many people are surprised. Is Lin Han really going to stand on the opposite side of everyone?

This is hitting rocks with pebbles.

With Xuanyuan Yun alone, he couldn't possibly be an opponent.

At the moment, many people looked at Lin Han with pity.


However, the next scene made them stunned.

Lin Han’s fist and Xuanyuanyun’s palm collided fiercely. On Lin Han’s body surface, one hundred and eighty large holes suddenly lit up, like the awakening of one hundred and eighty stars, the divine light blooming on the body surface. More dazzling and bright.

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