War Emperor

Chapter 2088: Admission

"Is this the sight in the treasure house?"

Many people were stunned, the place was very empty and there was nothing.

It is hard to imagine, there will be any treasures against the sky.

"Huh, there is a button here?"

At this time, someone shouted.

Lin Han looked over. At the very front of the hall, on the first pillar, there was a raised button, which was strange.

Someone was curious and couldn't help but press the button.

Click! Click!

There was a sound of mechanism turning.

Everyone is paying attention to the surroundings.


I could only hear that in the uppermost space of the hall, a strange tremor sounded, with a smell of danger.

The sky above is very dark, with a special layer of energy, which makes people unable to see through.

Lin Han seemed to have noticed something, his face changed involuntarily, and he reminded: "Beware, there is danger!"

The one who pressed the button was a thinner man, who had barely reacted, and he let out a scream of terrible screams.

Over the main hall, silently, a light arrow landed down. It was milky white and similar in color to the air. If you don't watch it carefully, you can't find it at all.

Its speed was too fast, and the thin man was hit immediately and died tragically on the spot.

The arrow pierced his forehead, where a blood hole appeared, and the thin man stared wide, fell in a pool of blood, and died on the spot.

Many people can't help taking a breath, a little surprised.

The speed of the light arrow is too fast. If it is shot by itself, almost everyone present can not guarantee that if it can react, I am afraid that the result will be like a thin man, and it will become a corpse.

This hall is really weird.

"Be careful, don't touch any objects in the hall, maybe there will be organs that will hurt everyone." At this time, a cold shout sounded.

A man gazes like electricity, and shouts coldly along with the surroundings.

There is a very powerful aura on him, golden light flowing, like a **** descending to the earth.

The face is also very handsome.


Seeing this man, many people couldn’t help but look in awe. He is Xuanyuanyun, the first saint son of the Heavenly God Realm. After getting the Phoenix Ancestor’s wings, he is now obviously more powerful. People want to surrender.

What he said was very dull, like thunder.

"It seems that he has refined the Phoenix Ancestor wings, and his current realm has reached the realm master realm..." Lin Han muttered to himself after watching Xuanyuan Yun for a while.

The feeling of Xuanyuanyun right now was much more powerful than before.

He was a little wary in his heart. If his might explode, he wanted to come to be stronger than the Li Qing, Zi Ming, Mo Xiao and others he had encountered before.

Mo Xiao and Zi Ming were also not far away. They were originally arrogant people, and when they saw Xuanyuan Yun's eyes, there was a touch of solemnity.

This guy is indeed a great enemy, and they are not sure of victory if they really meet.

"Lin Han, let's meet again. You'd better be careful. If you have the opportunity, I will break your corpse into pieces." Xuanyuanyun glanced at everyone, and finally landed on Lin Han with a sneer.

The son between him and Lin Han is very big.

Lin Han killed the two great sons of Xuanyuan Holy Land, he would not let it go.

Lin Han just smiled faintly, and ignored him.

What the result will be, it will be clear after the actual fight.

With his current state and many methods, he may not be afraid of the other party.


At this moment, someone came in from outside.

They were two women, all of them were born with beautiful looks, and one was Li Lingling.

She is the goddess of the gods, and many young men admire her.

By her side, there was a young girl who, with her arrival, attracted more attention than Li Lingling.

The girl looks sweet, dressed in white, as cold as the snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountains, giving people a sense of distance.

The features are exquisite, and the country is beautiful, and many people can't help being attracted by her temperament.

Some whispers also sounded.

"Who is this girl, she's so pretty..."

"Yes, it seems that even Li Lingling treats her respectfully, unimaginable!"

"It seems that she must be a young girl with a shocking background, she is hard to provoke."

Many people are admired and jealous.

Similarly, some guessed that she was the person who came out of the ancient Wu Clan.

The Immortal Witch Clan is a giant in the universe with shocking energy.

Anyone who walks out there is full of shocking energy.

For the ancient Wu Clan, naturally no one dares to offend.

Therefore, many people have some respect for the girl in white.

Lin Han stared at the white-clothed girl, and couldn't help but sigh slightly. The other party was Xiaolan, and he really met again.

Xiaolan also saw Lin Han, just glanced at it faintly, then withdrew her gaze, as if she didn't recognize it.

Lin Han didn't care.

The relationship between him and Xiaolan was too cracked.

"Haha, Wu Clan girl, Li Lingling, let's meet again." Xuanyuanyun saw the two women, but his eyes instantly turned cold, his teeth were biting slightly, and he said coldly.

Last time, he suffered a fiasco at the hands of two women and nearly died.

Compared with Lin Han, the hatred for the two women was even worse than Lin Han.

It was naturally the enemy meeting right now, and the killing intent in his eyes was already substantial.

"Yes, Xuanyuanyun, last time you got lucky and escaped. This time it's not so easy. You'd better be careful." Li Lingling smiled lightly.

Around her delicate body, there are faint rays of light flowing, as if it can affect time and space, the whole person seems to be standing in another space.

"Realm master?" Perceiving this, Xuanyuan Yun's eyes condensed, a little surprised.

This is obviously the sign of the main state. He didn't expect that after a few days, Li Lingling would enter the main state just like him.

There was a chill in his heart.

I originally thought that with his current strength, dealing with Li Lingling would be easy, but it was hard to say that Li Lingling entered the main realm.

The same realm, it is naturally not easy to clean up.

Especially, after he looked at Xiaolan, his face became slightly ugly.

Xiao Lan has also reached the master state.

He clenched his fists secretly, trying to curse secretly.

Realm master, so difficult to break through, he really didn't understand, how could Li Lingling and Xiaolan have such good luck to break through both.

God seemed to be against her on purpose.

"Yes, Xuanyuanyun, now you still have confidence, do you face the two of us alone?" Li Lingling smiled lightly.

After entering the main territory, her strength has increased too much, and she has a sense of vigorous fighting spirit.

"Hmph, don't be happy too early. I have integrated the Phoenix Ancestor wings. Whenever you have the opportunity, you will naturally understand that its power will definitely make you regret it."

Xuanyuan Yun smiled coldly, confident in the power of his Phoenix Ancestor wings.

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