War Emperor

Chapter 2086: Crazy

Densely dense, like a meteor shower.

The sacred beast couldn't help but slapped a violent spirit, and it was just a very weak one, and it hurt it a lot.

There are thousands of kills right now, and it all has a tingling scalp feeling, as if this blow hit it, it will be able to penetrate it like a sieve, and die on the spot.

Right now, it couldn't help but admire Huang Zu's toughness again.

Originally thought that after so many years, even the Huang Ancestor back then, it should be able to contend.

Only now did I know that Huang Zu is worthy of being an ancient and powerful man who is famous in the ancient times, and the general immortal ancestor is still far from it.


The palace lord of the Nine Demon Palace, seeing the dense killing, took a deep breath, and a sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth. He flipped his palm and took out a black stone from his arms.

It is only the size of a baby's fist, which seems very ordinary, but at the moment of appearance, this magnetic field of heaven and earth seems to have some kind of change.

Just like this stone, it affects the power of the world, causing it to become disordered.

The Great God Killing Array, no matter how strong it is, is built on the basis of the laws and order of this world.

The law and order at the moment seems to be shaken at all.

Therefore, the God Killing Array began to sway wildly, as if it were about to disintegrate, the thousands of cyan killing lights that burst out, also began to collapse one after another.

"How is it possible... what's going on?"

The golden python was terrified, and what kind of item the black stone in the hands of the palace lord of the Nine Devil Palace was, how could it have such a big impact on the God Killing Array.

"Is this the legendary... mother magnet?"

Lin Han's heart was shocked and said in surprise.

He has been studying the formation for many years, and he has extraordinary knowledge. He knows that there are thousands of formations in the world, and there is a common enemy, which is the mother magnet!

Born from the origin of heaven and earth, it influences the magnetic field effect of the world.

If the mother magnet is controlled, one side of the world may collapse.

In a sense, it is the "heart of the world".

However, it is too rare. For hundreds of thousands of years, it has been difficult for anyone to find a piece in the fairy world.

He had only heard Hong say that he had never thought that the lord of the Nine Devil Palace would own a piece.

No wonder, I have the confidence to deal with the God Killing Array.

"Haha, mother magnet, ok, great!" Suan Shen Beast instantly laughed in exultation.

With the mother magnet, the power of the God Killing Array will be greatly reduced.

The threat of the golden boa constrictor is completely eliminated.

Opening the treasure house is just around the corner.

"Bastard!" The golden python gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes unwilling.

Unexpectedly, the palace lord of the Nine Devil Palace had such a treasure.

If the treasure house is truly lost, even if it is dead, it will still face Huang Zu without words.

"Hehe, Golden Python, now you don't have the power to fight, so you should retreat by yourself, find a place, and sit back and relax."

The palace lord of the Nine Devil Palace placed the mother magnet in front of him and said with a chuckle.

The mother magnet is exactly a treasure that a senior of his Nine Demon Palace got hundreds of thousands of years ago, in the margins of the universe, thanks to good luck.

Since there are not many places where it can be used on weekdays, it has been solemnly collected by their Nine Devil Palace.

Today, it happened to come in handy, and he was also happy.

If it weren't for the mother magnet, under Shicai's tens of thousands of killings, he would have been fainted a long time ago.

The surrounding atmosphere became quieter.

Many viewers secretly thought that if they were themselves, they really had to retreat now.

Suddenly, within the huge snake pupils of the golden boa constrictor, there was an indeterminate light shining, like a ghost fire, it looked a little hideous and terrifying.

It bared its teeth fiercely, showing its white teeth, and said: "It is absolutely impossible. Even if I die, I won't let you two have a better life today!"


When the voice fell, a mysterious rune appeared in its eyebrows, and it began to burn crazily.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt that the size of the large array was gradually shrinking, and in a short while it became a large ball about ten feet, suspended on top of the golden python's head.

Inside the big orb, a force of terror, palpitations, and destruction spread out!

Like can destroy thousands of worlds!

"What is it doing..."

Many people were amazed and sensed a sense of oppression that was about to come.

The golden boa constrictor is doing some horrifying big moves.

"It's cultivating a large array, and wants to make a strong blow..."

Lin Han also changed wildly, shocked.

Sacrifice and practice a large array, which means to gather all the energy of the large array at one point to destroy the enemy.

Because the energy in the large array is too majestic, the consumption of the caster in the process of sacrifice will reach an astronomical amount.

The golden boa constrictor was already dry and dying. By doing so, I am afraid that all the energy in its body will be squeezed out, and the soul will be dissipated.

This is the death of the body and spirit in the true sense.

It's too hard.

You must know that after you have cultivated to a certain level, all things are willing to sit down, interact with the heavens and the earth, and enter another level of spirit in order to achieve an alternative "transcendence."

The golden boa constrictor is undoubtedly giving up, choosing to destroy his body and spirit, and he has practiced hard for many years, but was in vain.

This determination is really great.

"Boa python, you are crazy, don't you really want it after so many years of cultivation!"

The eyes of the sacred beast were wide, and it was hairy.

The palace lord of the Nine Demon Palace also gasped suddenly, with goose bumps, all falling to the ground.

Although the mother magnet can affect the God Killing Array, it can't affect its performance like this.

This attack might be even more terrifying than the attack on the God Killing Array itself.

They really called them, and their consequences were unimaginable.

The golden boa constrictor was crazy, and he was forced to jump over the wall in a hurry!


The golden boa constrictor laughed wildly, looked crazy, as if he was dying, and had to pull them both back. At the moment, his eyes were gloomy and said: "I'm crazy, so what, do you think this can scare me away? Follow me Let's go to **** together."

In order to maintain Huang Zu's entrustment, it only has this.


Right now, it roared and flew the huge aperture above its head towards Suan and the Lord of the Nine Devil Palace.

The aura of destruction emanating from it is very rich, like a vast ocean, constantly surging around.

The sacred beast and the palace lord of the Nine Demon Palace were instantly shrouded in a huge shadow of death. If they really attacked, they might be invincible.

At this point, they have no choice but to grit their teeth fiercely and use the strength of their bodies.

Around them, a huge light mask condenses.


The next moment, the place was overwhelmed by countless divine lights, and nothing could be seen.

Everyone was shocked and retreated madly.

Lin Han pulled Lingxuan, Little Fatty, and Golden Retriever King to do the same. They couldn't be delayed. If the aftermath came over, they would definitely die.

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