War Emperor

Chapter 2081: Sacred beast

"Where did you learn this celestial demon body?" At this moment, Mo Xiao finally recovered from the shock, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked Lin Han.

Because of the excitement, his tone trembled slightly.

The celestial demon body comes from the ultimate devil scripture. Lin Han possesses the celestial demon body, which also means that he will definitely know the ultimate demon scripture!


This is the supreme treasure of the Demon Dao line, which records many ancient magical powers in the magic knife, which can be proud of the past and the present, sweeping the universe.

Since it was lost, it has become the biggest loss of Modao.

The current demon path is weak, and it has a lot to do with the loss of the Juetian Demon Sutra. Otherwise, the former demon path will not be afraid of the right path at all, and there is a tendency to faintly suppress the right path.

As a peerless genius in the magic way, he was so excited to see this legendary magic.

If he could practice, it would be like a road leading to a giant of the magic gate, right in front of him.

This is an opportunity to change destiny.

At this moment, his breathing was slightly heavy, his eyes were fiery, and he stared at Lin Han, as if looking at a naked beauty.

"What's the matter with you?" However, Lin Han rolled his eyes and said.

The Jue Tian Mo Jing was his chance.

Even if the most powerful giant of Demon Dao in the world came, he would not be able to hand it over.

So to Mo Xiao, he looked extremely rude.

"Okay, hahahaha..."

Mo Xiao didn't care. From Lin Han's tone, he could already hear that he really knew the Demon Sutra.

His whole body shivered slightly because of his excitement.

For those in the magic way, this is the real chance.

Right now, his face suddenly sullen, staring at Lin Han, his teeth clenched hard, like a demon from hell, full of gloom and killing intent, and said: "I will just say it once, and present it to me, otherwise , Even if I pick up my skin and cramp and search for your soul, I will get this thing!"

The words are like nails, full of indisputable.

Lin Han looked cold and ignored.

Since this kind of magic is obtained, there is absolutely no reason to hand it over.

Mo Xiao's face twitched, as if he understood Lin Han's thoughts, a little embarrassed.

He grinned and said: "Then you don't blame me for being rude, you will be unlucky if you meet me!"


After speaking, he directly slapped Lin Han's head, and then covered it.

Although Lin Han's Celestial Demon body is very strong, Demon Xiao is a child of the Demon Dao. He seems to know the certain flaws of the Celestial Demon body, and the attack is a bit tricky, causing Lin Han to frown and sense a threat.

Secretly thought: The other party is worthy of being a super genius in the magic way, it seems that he has studied the celestial monster.

However, his method is not just as simple as the celestial demon body, Lin Han smiled contemptuously at this, and then pinched an orchid print in his hand, and with a buzzing sound, within his body, there was a loud and incomparable chanting sound, as if One hundred thousand Buddhas are meditation and singing in their bodies.

The surface of the body also bloomed with a sacred and peaceful golden light, which broke the clouds in the sky one after another.


The palm of the Demon Xiao did not pose any threat to Lin Han either. He was shocked by this pure and vast Buddha power and immediately vomited blood and flew out.

A deep hole was smashed into the solid ground.

Everyone's teeth were sour, and even the Devil Xiao couldn't break Lin Han's defenses.

This scene is funny.

In the battle between Shicai Ziming and Mo Xiao, everyone felt that they were invincible like gods.

Now a young to overly young boy, so easy to clean them up, the contrast is too big.

"This is the Great Brahma Prajna power..."

Mo Xiao clutched his chest, crawled out of the pit, stared at Lin Han, and said in surprise.

The Great Brahma Prajna is the most powerful book of Buddhism, and only Master Huijing in the immortal world can learn it by himself.

Lin Han had it, which really shocked him.

This kid actually brought together a collection of good and evil.

Throughout the ages, there has never been such a special case.

Although the magic power he cultivates is also very advanced, but the great Brahma Prajna power cannot compete.

This Buddhism supernatural power has too much restraint on him.

"Damn, he's a bit wicked, let's join hands and take him down!"

At this moment, in the ruins not far away, Zi Ming rushed forward and walked to the side of Mo Xiao, annoyed.

Lin Han even cleaned up Mo Xiao, which surprised him.

He realized that Lin Han was not easy, and he did not dare to despise it a little bit.


Mo Xiao nodded, took a deep breath, and ran the profound arts in his body to recover some of his injuries before he stood up.

At the moment, Mo Xiao and Zi Ming both looked at Lin Han with more solemn eyes.

No matter what, for their fame, Lin Han will be out of control today.

Otherwise, both of them will have no face to meet people in the future.

Moreover, they could also feel that there must be a lot of secrets in Lin Han's body. Kill him and they will definitely have a huge gain.

So their eyes looking at Lin Han were full of blazing heat.

The surrounding atmosphere became tense, and many people noticed the smell of the rain, and held their breath for a while.

Mo Xiao and Zi Ming, two major realm figures, joined forces to deal with a young man who only had five elements realm.

This scene is too abnormal.

Many people stared at Lin Han closely, wanting to see how this extraordinary young man faced such a crisis.

Even if he has a lot of cards, it is impossible to reverse it in the face of absolute strength suppression.

Lin Han frowned, indeed sensing a touch of pressure.

Together, he is not easy to deal with.


However, in this tense atmosphere, when it was on the verge of breaking out, suddenly on the calm ground, began to tremble crazily.

Not far away, a big mountain suddenly exploded, causing rocks to skyrocket.

A fierce roar came from within the forest.

When everyone saw the scenery, they were all shocked.

I saw that a silver divine beast rushed out of a valley and screamed at the sky, shaking the universe, and the sun, moon and stars fell, as if to explode the world. .

With a terrifying aura and the mighty surroundings, everyone felt an irresistible attitude, and their hearts trembled.

Some people with insufficient strength directly thumped and knelt down one after another, and bowed their heads at the sacred beast.

"The sacred beast?"

Lin Han was also taken aback, somewhat surprised.

This is indeed a kind of ancient beast, sound like thunder, body like a mountain, front paws like a chicken, head like a horse, with wings on its back, and it is surrounded by lightning.

In ancient times, once this beast appeared, it would be accompanied by bursts of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and its momentum was extremely terrifying.

However, as time goes by, this kind of beast has long since become extinct, and some descendants have appeared in the world.

He did not expect that he would see a pure-blooded sacred animal.

"I heard that the pure-blooded sacred beast, when it grows up, can fight against the ancestor, can it be said that this is an existence comparable to the ancestor..."

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