War Emperor

Chapter 2065: Du Long

There is no doubt that they are all great.

"The eldest master, the second master was also killed..."

One of them watched, after Du Pengfei's headless body, he reported to the man with the golden crown and hair.

The tone was calm, as if talking about others.

From the name, you can tell that this man is the exclusive young master, Du Long!

In Du's family, the true first person of the younger generation!

All young people regard him as a god.

The Second Young Master and Third Young Master were much sadder.

"Are you dead..." Du Long took a deep breath, his expression was extremely flat, he couldn't see the slightest change in his emotions, but the depths of a pair of deep eyes, there was an endless color of ice, which was surging.

Between the eyebrows, there was also a terrible evil spirit!

The three young masters of the Du family are the signatures of the younger generation of the Du family, and they are all considered to be quite famous among the hidden families.

Today, the second and third brothers have been killed one after another, and the Du family has been dormant in the Heavenly God Realm for so many years. This is the first time such a thing has happened.

As the young master of the Du family, he would naturally investigate the family face to the end.

What's more, these two people are still his blood brothers.

"Young Master, it seems that Lin Han did it. This has the aura of the Blood Falling Emperor Sword."

A guard watched Du Pengfei's headless body and the wound on his neck, and said in thought.

The Blood Falling Emperor Sword is an amazing sword with a reputation.

Lin Han merged the three divine swords and practiced them through sacrifice. On Du Pengfei's wounds, there were indeed the breath of Lost Sword, Fire Cloud Sword, and Vermilion Sword.

It is clear who the murderer is.

"This descendant of Piaofeng of the Northern Emperor is really bold." Du Long smiled, his teeth white, but he was stunned.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng is in the Heavenly God Realm, and he is indeed a famous and powerful person in the world.

Only for ordinary people.

These hidden families do not take the Northern Emperor Piaofeng very much.

The "Lin Clan" behind the Northern Emperor Piaofeng is the existence of their fear.

This family has been born to the extreme since the beginning, and after vicissitudes of life, countless powerful people have been born.

There is no power in the heavens and gods that is not afraid.

However, it is said that Piaofeng of the Northern Emperor is the "abandoned tribe" of the ancient Lin clan, and is not protected by the ancient Lin clan at all, so Piaofeng of the Northern Emperor cannot frighten them either.

"Lin Han, you are dead. Kill my Du family. The Northern Emperor's Floating Wind will not be able to protect you. There will be no place for you to hide in the entire fairy world."


Du Long looked into the distance and spoke coldly.

Then, the soles of the feet slammed on the ground, and this piece of land collapsed in an instant, with a radius of hundreds of miles, directly turning into an abyss, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Du Long's supernatural power really has a posture that shakes the world and the earth.



Lin Han and the others were flying over the mountains and forests, naturally they didn't know that he had been spotted by Du Long.

At this moment, Lin Han seemed to feel something in his heart, turning his head abruptly, looking in the direction he was leaving.

"what's happenin?"

Little Fatty and the others sensed something was wrong and couldn't help asking.

Lin Han's expression was a bit stern. For some reason, he always felt that there was a very terrifying existence behind him, and he had a grudge against him, as if he had been threatening.

Ordinary people are simply not enough to make him feel this kind of emotion.

"It seems that the eldest son of the Du family already knows that I killed Du Pengfei."

Lin Han sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Who else can make him feel this kind of emotion besides the rumored Young Master Du Family?

"No, we have already flown away from that area at least forty to fifty thousand miles. The hatred of the Du family can still spread." The little fat man exclaimed.

As a result, it shows Du Long's strength, and just a mood is enough to pass through endless space.

Secondly, it showed Lin Han's keen sense of smell.

Ordinary people may not be so far away even if they are hated by Du Long, and still feel it.

"This exclusive grandson does have some brushes. If you encounter him in the future, be careful. Maybe he has already entered the realm master state." Lin Han frowned.

The realm master is another piece of heaven and earth, the master of one realm, who controls time and space, even if it's just a first glimpse of this realm, it is not a character in the general Five Elements realm, and can be compared.

Du Long's hatred can spread so far, he felt that the other party might have entered this realm.

Lingxuan and Li Ling were a little heavy, if they were so, they would really be a great enemy.

It is impossible for Lin Han to be his opponent now.

"It's okay, even if he enters the main realm, and when he finds me, maybe he can already compete with the characters in the main realm, he may not necessarily eat me."

Lin Han smiled and comforted the little fat man and others.

He has strong confidence in his own strength improvement.

Every time, he will make a big improvement.

He may not be Du Long's opponent now, but it is hard to say in the future.

What's more, it's still in the special world of opportunities everywhere in the Phoenix Palace Secret Realm.

"That's right." Little Fatty and the others smiled and nodded, all believing Lin Han.


At this moment, there was a sound of a big river flowing.

Lin Han looked up and found that not far from the mountain, a magnificent river appeared. The color was black, like endless ink, which set off a monstrous and turbulent sea.

In the river water, there is also a palpitating smell, which makes people very uncomfortable to watch.

As if staring for a long time, it can swallow all human souls.


Li Ling smiled.

This is the Tianhuang River.

In the record, river water is like ink, which is very corrosive.

It's generally the same as described in the book.

"This is the Tianhuang River?" Lin Han frowned.

According to legend, the formation of the Tianhuang River is also very legendary. From under the earth, the water of extremely strong Yin veins flows out, and any tangible matter in the world that enters it will be corroded.

The ancestor Huang once tempered his wings in this Tianhuang River, so that his wings were greatly increased in divine power and swept through ancient times.

After it died, in order to keep its wings from being weathered, it was buried in the river.

After so many years, no one knows how that wing will end up now.

Now that Xuanyuanyun got it, even he sighed a little, Xuanyuanyun was indeed a person with a deep chance.

After all, he is not the protagonist of heaven and earth, and it is impossible for all good things to be spread on him.

"Hey, look at the river, what is that? There is a turtle..."

At this moment, Lingxuan suddenly surprised.

Lin Han looked in the direction pointed by her delicate hand, and was a little stunned. Indeed, on a river surface not far away, there was a blackened object floating. If you look closely, it was a turtle shell, about one meter or so, engraved on it. Some special runes are very old and cumbersome.

I don't know if I am angry.

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