War Emperor

Chapter 2045: Phoenix Palace Secret Realm Open

This palm is truly stunning and terrifying.

A touch of horror appeared in the mysterious woman's eyes, knowing that this blow was no small matter, even if she was very powerful, she must not be slighted, otherwise she would have a catastrophe if she was careless.

At the moment, she bit her silver teeth under the black veil, and the endless black mist bloomed all over her body, and she also hit a palm.

Behind her, a huge Sirius appeared, looking up to the sky and howling, a scene of the sun, moon and galaxy crashing appeared.

Sirius is the totem of the Witch Clan, powerful and long-lasting.

The profound arts displayed by the mysterious woman are obviously also very advanced, so they can mobilize all the power of the totem.

Finally, two completely different forces met in the void, bursting out a dazzling light group, causing several nearby mountains to collapse one after another.

A waterfall has exploded, and the sky is full of water.

Lin Han and the mysterious woman went backwards three steps each.

Lin Han was a little surprised. In his palm, a cloud of blood overflowed.

The profound arts performed by the mysterious woman were not under the power of the Great Brahma Prajna, and the realm was much higher than him. He did not have the upper hand with such a trump card.

"Are you from the Immortal Ancient Witch Clan?" Lin Han seemed to think of something, his tone a little shocked.

The Immortal Witch Clan, the Lin Ancient Clan, and the Primordial Demon Clan are all super ancient clans in the immortal world with huge energy.

The Wudao line is not too prosperous in the fairy world, and its influence is very small.

The mysterious woman's witchcraft, reaching such a powerful point, must be a member of the ancient witch clan.

"Not bad." The woman smiled coldly.

There was a shock in Lin Han's heart. The existence of this kind of progression rarely appeared in the fairy world.

Unexpectedly, he could see one today, and if it spread out, it would cause a huge sensation in Huangyuan City.

It seems that the attraction of the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace is really big enough.

"Well, I came out today, just to test your strength. I won't keep my hands when I meet in the future and say goodbye." The mysterious woman didn't really want to be an enemy of Lin Han. After saying this, she moved her body. , Fly away from here.

Lin Han just wanted to stop the other party, but found that the woman was so fast that she had disappeared from the end of her sight.

This made him a little lamented.

I don't know who this woman is, she is too unique.

"She is Xiao Lan!"

At this moment, Hong suddenly spoke.

"What? Xiaolan?"

Lin Han's body was shocked, and there was a touch of disbelief in his eyes, and he lost his voice.

He also had doubts in this area before, and the feeling the other party gave him was indeed somewhat like Xiaolan.

I never thought of it, Xiao Lan.

Has Xiaolan come to the fairy world?

Has the strength become so strong?

"It's really Xiaolan, she can hide from you, but she can't hide from me." Hong sighed softly. It seems that after Xiaolan came to the immortal world, she had another chance and entered the ancient fairy clan.

This race is indeed amazing.

I don't know what kind of sparks will be between Lin Han and Xiaolan in the future.

He could also perceive that Xiao Lan had the power to kill Lin Han now.

It's just that his men are merciful.

Otherwise, today Lin Han is very likely to be more miserable.

Lin Han nodded slightly, sighing in his heart.

This pure and innocent little Nizi, from all over the world, has experienced too much.

However, now is not the time to think about this, he has to turn around and leave.



Two days passed in a flash.

On this day, the atmosphere in Huang Yuancheng suddenly became hot.

In Huangyuan City, a remote and desolate area in the extreme north, under the search of the seekers of Lingxiao Holy Land, the mysterious realm of the Phoenix Palace was finally found.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​people gathered here, and everyone was looking forward to it.

"This is the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace?"

Many people are surprised.

I saw that there was a huge cliff in front of it, bare and without grass.

Among the cliffs, the stones fell off, and a huge brass hall emerged from it.

I don't know how big it is, it's just a tip.

But there is a lot of money.

The entire hall was buried by rocks, and the scene was amazing.

The exposed part is at the gate of the main hall, above the ancient brass door, there is a plaque.

The four characters "The Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace" are written, dragons and phoenix dancing, vigorous and majestic.

It seems that there are no longer four words, but four powerful beings are entwined, and people can't help but have the urge to worship.

Lin Han also came, feeling awe-inspiring at the moment.

From these four characters, it can be seen that the writer of the year must be a super master, and the courage between the rhyme and the brush is too strong.

"Haha, the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace has finally been found, all cultivators, if you want to enter, shouldn't you thank me in advance for the Holy Land of the High Heavens?"

At this moment, a sweet smile spread.

In the sky, various colored lights are flying, like rainbows appearing.

A woman bathed in endless sunlight and landed.

She has an extraordinary demeanor and an extremely beautiful appearance. Wearing a long dress with plain clothes, she shows the rugged figure to the fullest.

A hair swaying in the wind, it really looks like a fairy descending.

"This is Li Lingling..."

Many people couldn't help but exclaim, and there was a touch of extreme love in their eyes.

In the Heavenly God Realm, Li Lingling's fame is absolutely comparable to Xuanyuanyun.

I don't know how many men regard her as a goddess.

Many people can't see her at one time, and seeing her right now makes many men feel excited.

"Li Lingling?"

Lin Han raised his brows. Is this the Fengyun genius who is known as the female saint king?

Sure enough.

Within the opponent's delicate body, there is a very strong aura fluctuation, which seems to contain a universe, once it becomes powerful, it breaks the sky and the earth.

Compared with ordinary geniuses, there is indeed a huge gap.

"Haha, Miss Li Lingling, how do you want us to thank you?" asked a man with extraordinary looks with a smile.

The tone is respectful.

Hope to leave an impression in Li Lingling's mind.

"Ten five-element pill per person is enough." Li Lingling smiled Yanran.


Many people were taken aback.

This requirement is a bit high.

The five-element pill is condensed and takes time and effort. It is impossible for more than 80% of the people present to have ten five-element pill.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"Haha, Li Lingling, how about you treat you as doing a good deed for everyone? With your strength, no matter how much Five Element Pill is given to you now, it is very difficult to break through."

At this moment, a hearty laugh must spread.

Then, in the eastern world, the holy light danced, the terrifying vision of dragon and phoenix mingling appeared, and a man with his feet on the holy platform flew over.

A touch of transcendence was revealed all over his body.

The whole person is standing on the holy platform, with deep eyes, watching the world!

A thick black hair is scattered, adding a bit of martial arts to him!

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