War Emperor

Chapter 2039: Shot

Lin Han shook his head, and after careful observation, he had discovered that there were hidden formations in these iron cages. As long as those formations could be broken, it would be easier to get a lot of them.

The boss's careful thinking is not small.

"Come on, boss, give me a steel ring for me to try." Then, Lin Han smiled lightly, took out a five-element pill, and handed it to the thin man.

The lean man's heart was stunned, and he felt that this young man was very extraordinary, his eyes were extremely deep, as if he had skills that no one knew.

He traveled north and south, set up this game, and earned a lot of pills, rarely missed.

Right now, there is a sense of anxiety.

However, because Lin Han was so young, he felt it was impossible to see the mystery in it, so he was relieved, and immediately took out a steel ring and gave it to Lin Han with a smile.

Lin Han took the steel ring in his hand, weighed it randomly, and then looked at the booth again.

At this time, there was already a hint of black light in his eyes, like a black hole, with extremely amazing penetrating power.

Not long after, Lin Han seemed to see some kind of flaw. The steel ring in his hand was a random set. With a brush, it was caught in the iron cage where Yuetiangu was located.

"In the set?"


"It's amazing, it's hit with one hit!"

There was an uproar around him immediately, and many people looked at Lin Han in surprise.

No one thought that this young man would be so extraordinary.

"Great, I finally hit it!" Lingxuan also smiled in surprise, clapping her hands and laughing.

The lean man's complexion became ugly. The Yuetiangou is worth at least fifty five-element pill. Even if you add in the twenty five-element pill that Lin Han paid before, only 21 five-element pill will be used. Tengu is in the set.

Speaking of which he is already at a loss.

In the end, he only picked up the iron cage with an ugly expression, and handed it to Lin Han along with the Yuetian dog.

The eyes were dripping blood.

Lin Han smiled lightly when seeing the boss, who was still honest, and did not continue to make a move.

Otherwise, with his skill, it wouldn't be a big deal for the boss to lose his pants.

"Wait!" However, at this moment, an arrogant cry rang.

Many people turned their gazes, only to see that the crowd there separated into a passage, and a group of people came in mighty.

The leader is a handsome, slightly arrogant young man, with his head held up, looking at Lin Han contemptuously, and sneered: "Boy, this moon dog, I'm interested, sell him to my son. "

"People from Xuanyuan Holy Land?"

Everyone looked at the young man, with a complicated badge on his chest, his complexion changed slightly, and a look of awe was added to his face.

The badge painting is a group of crimson flaming mountain peaks, representing the Holy Land of Xuanyuan.

In the Heavenly God Realm, Xuanyuan Holy Land, these four words are as heavy as a big mountain.

Thousands of forces are very small in front of it.

Everyone in his power must admire wherever he goes.

No one thought that the people of Xuanyuan Holy Land would actually disrupt the situation.

Many people glanced at Lin Han and couldn't help but feel a hint of pity in their hearts, thinking to themselves that even though this young man had caught the moon dog with good luck, he couldn't keep it.

Yuetiangu, when grown up, can become a powerful beast. Among all the cubs in this stall, they are among the best in value.

"Xuanyuan Holy Land?" Lin Han also raised his brows. The name of the sacred place, he was like a thunder, and he finally met the people in it.

Glancing at these disciples, he couldn't help but admire in his heart, these disciples, all of them have a very strong aura, and the body seems to contain a vast ocean. Anyone can sweep across one side, making many geniuses overshadowed.

Especially the young man in front of him, his aura has reached the seventh level of the Five Elements Realm.

You know, Huangpu Haoran is only in this state.

This person didn't have any fame, and could be so, which showed that Xuanyuan Holy Land was terrifying.

Lin Han chuckled: "What price do you think?"

For him, the moon dog is not very useful, at most it is just a pet of Lingxuan.

If this young man offered a higher price and sold it, it would be fine.

The young man stretched out a finger slowly.

"One hundred five-element pills?" Lin Han said.

"You think too much, it's a five-element pill!" The young man's face sank and sneered.

The smile on Lin Han's face slowly sank. Although Yuetiangou is worth fifty five-element pills, it is too rare to buy at all. The price of one hundred is not too high.

The young man was only willing to take out a five-element pill, and he was somewhat clear about the matter.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in selling!"

Lin Leng Leng smiled indifferently, didn't talk nonsense with him, turned around immediately and left with Ling Xuan and the others.

When he first came to Huangyuan City, he had already provoked the Golden Sword Holy Land, and he didn't want to make trouble anymore. He had something to spend with Xuanyuan Holy Land.

"Who let you go." However, the young man stretched out his arm and stopped Lin Han at once. An anger appeared on his face, as if the superior was berating the subordinate, and he smiled angrily: "Boy, Lao Zi Huayi It is an honor for you to buy a five-element pill. It is your honor to buy your moon dog. If you dare to sell it to me, you won't die!"

"Yes, in this Huangyuan City, who would dare to oppose my Xuanyuan Holy Land?"

The other disciples of Xuanyuan Holy Land also scolded.

Then, one after another stood up, formed a circle, and surrounded Lin Han.

The atmosphere around him suddenly became tense.

Many people felt a sense of killing, and felt a little chill in their hearts.

In the Heavenly God Realm, Xuanyuan Holy Land is indeed an overlord that no one dares to provoke.

The little-known young man Lin Han provoked them, and everyone felt that he would not have good fruit.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Han's eyes turned gloomy, and said, "In broad daylight, can't you want to buy and sell?"

"Haha, so what? Boy, don't talk nonsense, and quickly hand over the moon dog to me." The young man Zhao Su laughed and said madly.

As a person from Xuanyuan Holy Land, he has a sense of superiority in his bones. Bullying a hairy boy here is almost the same as playing with an ant on the side of the road. It is not enough to make him feel a little afraid.

Lin Han smiled, very dangerous, like a heavenly sword about to be unsheathed, there was a forcing chill that spread all around invisibly.

Many people have their scalp numb, and their hearts feel like something serious is about to happen.

"Dare to provoke me, you are the one who really doesn't have eyesight. Get out of me!"

At the moment, Lin Han slapped it directly, the speed was too fast, like a flash of lightning, and no one noticed how Lin Han shot it.

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