War Emperor

Chapter 2006: Niu Kun

A peerless soldier of unimaginable rank was born, causing a huge sensation around him.

But weapons of this level are not so easy to get.

It has been buried here for so many years, and so many people have died because of it.

Naturally there are weird things.


Just when those people were four to five hundred meters away from the broken bronze spear, the short bronze hair suddenly trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, at the point of the sharp spear, there was a strong and unmatched murderous aura, like a tsunami, spreading towards the surroundings, and every murderous aura was substantial, like a sharp knife.

A vast expanse, drowning everything.


The people who were flooded by the fire in their hearts and lost their minds naturally did not expect such a change to occur.

At present, many people quickly change their colors, display their skills, and resist, but unfortunately, they have no effect at all.

After the murderous whistling came, the body guards around his body, like paper, were all shattered.

Then, as if they were washed away by an extremely sharp knife, the flesh and blood on their bodies became strands, all separated, and their bones were cut into pieces.

The body fell down, up and down, there was not even a trace of intact ground meat.

The screams, like a tsunami, kept ringing in the canyon, and the scenery was tragic.

Many people are horrified, this murderous aura is too strong, extremely aggressive and domineering, among these shots, there are many good people, but they can't resist even a second.

Even Ye Lin, Zhao Shi, and Fairy Yuelong were somewhat awe-inspiring.

If they rushed past, they would not end well.

Lin Han exclaimed, he deserves to be a murderous soldier who could cause such a big slaughter before endless years.

The light is natural, and the spread of tolerance is unacceptable.

"Haha, this weapon may not be unavailable."

At this moment, a person burst out laughing, and then flew forward. Amazingly, the murderous intent on the weapon did not affect him at all. After he came closer, he held it with one hand. , Is to pull out the broken spear.

"What? How is this possible?"

"Who is this person?"

"How can he ignore the murderous intent on the weapon?"

Many people were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

The murderous aura above, even Shengzi couldn't bear it.

It's weird that this person can ignore it.

"He is... Niu Kun from the Heavenly God Realm!"

Someone seemed to recognize the person and lost their voice.

Niu Kun, in the Celestial God Realm, was extremely famous, even if he couldn't compare with the Ten Great Sons, he wouldn't be far behind.

He is the descendant of the Manniu tribe. He has walked in the Heavenly God Realm for many years and has defeated many geniuses.

Once played against the Son of God, but did not lose.

Unexpectedly, he actually came, and successfully got the bronze broken spear.

Niu Kun is a burly man, more than two meters tall, with his upper body naked. The muscles on his body are as powerful as a python winding.

A pair of big copper bell eyes glared with evil spirits.

There is also an old animal skin belt around his waist.

It seemed to have the effect of shielding, murderous intent, and flowing mysterious brilliance, so Niu Kun successfully got the bronze broken spear.

"That belt seems to be a treasure."

Many people have their eyes burning, guessing.

Can shield such a strong murderous, the origin of the belt will not be simple.

"Haha, yes, this broken spear is mine, so don't think too much about it, everyone." Niu Kun laughed, holding the bronze broken spear in his hand, arrogant and proud.

The animal skin belt is a secret treasure passed down to him by the clan of his clan.

It is of no use except to shield the murderous intent.

On weekdays, he feels very tasteless.

This time, it helped him so much and made him very happy.

A murderous soldier who has injured the ancestor of the immortal, he is equivalent to an extra big killer.

The gain is too great.

Especially on the front of the spear, the scarlet Immortal Ancestor's blood, flowing with mysterious power, is more surging and incomparable.

Ye Lin, Zhao Shi, Yuelong Fairy, and Nine Demon Saints were silent.

After the bronze broken spear was mastered by Niu Kun, his murderous aura was restrained.

It is a good time to **** the bronze broken spear.

It's just that the grace radiating from the broken bronze spear made them jealous.

Like a dormant behemoth, it's nothing to move, and it's shocking when it moves.

Especially the scarlet Immortal Ancestor's blood, more like a butcher knife hanging over his head, made them afraid to mess around.

The treasure is right in front of him, and everyone is naturally not reconciled.

Even if Niu Kun is very famous, some people are willing to try.

If you successfully get the bronze broken spear, you won't be afraid to face the top ten saint-child level characters.

At the moment, one person walked out and smiled coldly: "Niu Kun, there are so many geniuses here, and the broken bronze spear is something we have discovered together. You are about to swallow it alone, so you don't want to put us in your eyes."

"I Li Zimo is not convinced, I want to ask you for advice."

The young man was dressed in Tsing Yi and had a handsome appearance. He was the one who spoke to Fairy Yuelong before.

After that, the brilliance flashed in his hand, and a blue long sword appeared in his hand, with a murderous aura flowing through him, his whole aura suddenly became a lot stronger.

"Haha, Li Zimo, relying on you? Although your reputation is similar to mine, now that I have a bronze spear in hand, you are not my opponent at all. If you don't agree, you can take action and see how I can kill you. "

Niu Kun laughed, sneered.

If it was once, he would naturally be a little difficult to deal with Li Zimo, and now it is easy to defeat the opponent with the bronze spear in his hand.

The energy of this spear is too turbulent.

"Okay, then I'll take action." Li Zimo smiled coldly, without fear. What really worries him is the murderous aura on the broken bronze spear. Now that he is restrained, Niu Kun has just obtained this thing. He doesn't believe it, he can burst out. How many amazing powers.

He also has a lot of confidence in himself.

"Look at the sword, Aurora One Sword!"

When the thought fell, his eyes suddenly cold, and as soon as the sole of his foot stepped on the rock on the ground, his body immediately rushed into the void like a swift arrow, and then slammed a sword against Niu Kun.

This sword bloomed with seven brilliant brilliances of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, like a seven-color sun, with brilliant rays of light, illuminating the world and the earth transparently.

The sword aura contained majestic power, the mad vibration of the void, and the harsh sound of swords.

From a distance, Li Zimo's whole person turned into a divine sword, with nothing to stop him to destroy the front.

"Aurora Sword?"

Many people took a breath, their hands and feet a little cold.

The reputation of this sword technique in the Heavenly God Realm is not weak.

According to legend, it was Li Zimo, an ancestor of his power, who spent thousands of years of hard work to create.

Once the ancestors showed it, the scene of endless starry sky, dim brilliance, and dragons flying and phoenix objects was huge.

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