War Emperor

Chapter 1988: Dark Demon Mountain

In the picture, two people are fighting swords, one is a young man, and the other is a young man with extraordinary bearing.

Although the young man was young, his temperament was extremely calm, and the methods were endless, and he defeated the man with extraordinary temperament.

Then the young man, in the middle of the temple, had been comprehending something. Inside his brow, there was a scene of Buddha's light flashing, which was very strange.

"It's this kid, he is the murderer?"

The children of the Nine Devil Palace all understood, gritted their teeth.

Obviously, it was the young man in the picture who had learned the great Brahma Prajna technique to kill Wu Ya commanding so many people.

They are all staring and full of hatred.

A young man dared to do something against their Nine Devil Palace.

It's simply guts of the bear heart and leopard.

The Saint Child of the Nine Demon nodded gently, tracing back to the origin, and returning to the scene. Some of the secret techniques of the Demon Gate could allow the scene that happened within a period of time to repeat itself through some breath.

However, because the breath is too chaotic, plus, there are several hours apart in time, the breath drifts seriously.

Therefore, the picture is a little fuzzy, and it is impossible to see the specific faces of those people.

However, it is not hard to guess that a young man can have such a shocking opportunity and tyrannical aura among so many people who have entered the burial of Immortal Phoenix.

"Could it be that guy Lin Han?"

Someone said in surprise.

Lin Han!

This name has appeared too many times in the fairy world recently.

Originally within the Canggu Sword Mansion, he showed his amazing talent.

After going out of the Great Thousand Realm, he made feats one after another.

Now he is undoubtedly a rising star.

If it is said that such a young teenager, who has such extraordinary means, apart from Lin Han, it seems that there will be no two of them.

"Very likely, it must be him!"

The eyes of the Nine Demon Sacred Child suddenly cold. As far as he knows, Lin Han has learned the majestic Heavenly Dragon divine art, which has the same origin as the Dafan Prajna divine art. Even if someone approaches the temple, there is no special way to trigger it. Brahma Prajna power.

It's reasonable for Lin Han to do it.

"This bastard, who was originally the common enemy of my Demon Dao, now he dares to kill so many people in my Nine Demon Palace and seek death."

The Nine Devil Saint Child bit his teeth slightly, and a sense of hostility broke out in his eyes.

In his heart, Lin Han is already a mortal person.

"Then what do we do now, do we continue to chase and kill? Looking at this scene, it seems that Lin Han hasn't left for long." A disciple said.

The blood of Wuya commander and the others is still flowing.

"Not in a hurry..." The black-clothed man groaned, but shook his head. The world is too vast. He doesn't know where Lin Han and others are going. If they go after them like a headless fly, it's just a waste of time.

If you make a mistake, you will lose more than you gain.

They entered the Xianyuanhuang burial, also for the treasure.

"There are some abnormalities in Death Canyon. Let's go and see it first. As for Lin Han, in my eyes, it's just a small person. As long as you meet him, you can pinch to death at any time. Let's go to Death Canyon first."

The Saint Child of the Nine Demon looked in one direction, a glowing color flashed across his eyes, said.

Death Canyon is known as the place where the most celestial skills are buried in the burial of the fairy phoenix.

Ancient Yuan fairy skills are not in the minority, and they are a shocking treasure.

Once he had a clue, he couldn't let it go.

If he can master an ancient magical skill, his combat power will also increase a lot.

When facing the other saints, he will be more confident and can crush.

"The only way to let Lin Han stay away for a while."

The disciples of the Nine Demon Palace nodded unwillingly.

In their eyes, Lin Han was just something in the bag, and couldn't escape the palm of Saint Child.

The great Brahma Prajna power, they must obtain it anyway.

"Go..." At the moment, the Nine Demon Saint Child waved his hand, turned into a black light, and flew in one direction.

The other people in the Nine Devil Palace also continued to follow.



Naturally, Lin Han didn't know that, now he has been hated by the Nine Demon Saint Son.

However, he would not care.

He has many opponents, and he is no less than one of the Nine Demon Saints.

Following Li Ling, flying to the east for about three days, they saw a black ancient mountain range!

On the ground ahead, the mountains are undulating, like dragons and snakes overlapping, the waves are magnificent, and the picture is extremely spectacular.

In the mountains, there are few vegetation, and most of them are bare. There is still some magic mist in the air, which is slightly gloomy, which makes people shudder.

"Death Canyon is in this mountain range?"

Lin Han stopped at the periphery of the mountain, on a relatively high slope, looking at the mountain, frowning and asking.

"Yes, this mountain range, called the Dark Demon Mountain Range, was also quite legendary back then."

Li Ling looked solemn and nodded.

Legend has it that this endless mountain area is not made of earth or stone, but a behemoth that has died.

There are dragons, tigers, jiaoxuan, gluttonous and so on.

Because the body was too large, it experienced wind and dust after death, and finally turned into a mountain.

This created this strange scene.

In the mountains, there are their immortal obsessions and murderous auras. If you accidentally touch them, it will be a nightmare for the cultivator.

Lin Han was astonished. He couldn't think of the origin of this mountain range.

Look carefully, some peaks are indeed like animal claws, remains, etc. Most of them are broken.

It can be expected how tragic the war that year was.

He even saw a finger, like a mountain ridge, lying in a mountain, it was as long as seventy or eighty miles, and the picture was amazing.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, we can see how huge the owner of the finger is.

"What should I do now?" Lingxuan watched, her pretty face turned pale, her voice slightly frightened.

For some reason, in this mountainous area, she perceives a strong smell of danger.

There was a chill in my heart, and I didn't dare to come close.

"It's okay, it's not easy to encounter the immortal killing intent and obsession there. When we enter the mountains, just pay attention to the monsters that grow in it." Li Ling smiled.

The monsters here are also very powerful.

Because it lives all year round, it has a special breath.

More violent than the monster beast outside.

Lingxuan nodded, and then felt relieved. She was not afraid of following Lin Han anyway.

With Lin Han, I feel that no matter how dangerous the place is, it will make people feel at ease.

"Let's go." Lin Han sighed lightly, with a slightly solemn expression, and walked down the hillside.

No matter how dangerous it is, since it is here, there is no reason to shrink back.

Seeking wealth and danger, he has long understood this truth.

If it is not dangerous, those ancient yuan magic skills will not be available for so many years, and no one can get it.

Li Ling, Lingxuan, Xiaolan, Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King followed.


In the mountains, the miasma is very strong.

Only when you really enter can you find that the bushes and weeds here are extremely vigorous.

Many venomous snakes grow.

In just a few minutes, Lin Han could see no less than ten poisonous snakes, some entrenched in the grass, some crawling on the cliff, and some entwined on the branches, the picture was horrible.

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