War Emperor

Chapter 1982: Secret method

"Okay, let's take a break, and let's go over and take a look tomorrow."

Lin Han nodded and smiled.

No matter how dangerous it is, you must try it for the ancient Yuan level fairy skills.

"Yeah." Li Ling nodded, expecting in her heart.

In this way, one night passed, and the next day, dawn came, and the dawn broke through the darkness, this special ancient world, once again restored clarity.

On the desolate Gobi Desert, a hazy mist rose from the ground, making the entire ground look misty, as if it were standing on the fairyland.

This is caused by the evaporation of water on the Gobi at night.

Li Ling and Lingxuan both woke up from the corner of the temple on a simple bed with soft withered grass.

At this time, they found that Lin Han was alone, standing in the middle of the temple with his hands down, looking at the dilapidated statue.

It seemed that Lin Han hadn't slept this night and was watching it.

"Lin Han, what are you looking at?" Ling Xuan's eyes were filled with curiosity, and she waved in front of Lin Han with her slender hand, wondering.

The statue in the middle of the temple is about to collapse.

It was tattered, covered in cracks, and some spider webs.

The sculpture is a potbelly Buddha, holding a rosary, smiling often, giving people a very festive feeling.

For some reason, under the eyes of the Great Buddha, there were two wet marks, which seemed to be weeping, with a touch of weirdness.

Li Ling frowned. Although he was not a member of the Buddhist family, he knew the names of some Buddhist monks in ancient times.

This Buddha, named Maitreya Buddha, is indeed a symbol of joy and kindness in Buddhism, but there are tears in the corners of his eyes, which is very strange.

Lin Han looked at this Buddha like an old monk entering concentration without blinking, making him realize that something was unusual.

"Brother Lin Han, did you find anything?" He couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

Lin Han did not answer, staring at the Buddha statue with a pair of eyes, as if he had fallen into his own world.

Li Ling and Lingxuan couldn't even touch their heads and looked at each other.

In fact, when Lin Han was about to fall asleep last night, he discovered that a light of wisdom flashed across the forehead of the dilapidated Buddha statue.

Perhaps because he has cultivated the mighty Heavenly Dragon divine art, he has a special feeling for Buddhism.

He couldn't help standing here and exploring.

However, this exploration did not matter, but he was surprised to find that there was a hole in the center of the Buddha's forehead.

Inside, there was a Buddhist cave. Inside the cave, it was magnificent and full of luxury.

It is very empty, there are no objects, and there are some complicated runes painted on the walls of the cave.

Lin Han could tell at a glance that this is a Buddhist rune, which records the profound meaning of the Buddhist school.

Because of the great power of the Heavenly Dragon, he had a resonance with these Buddhist runes.

For a time, the entire portrait was bathed in the purest meaning of Buddhism, and it was difficult to extricate itself.

The whole person seems to be receiving some kind of baptism.

That's why he stood for so long.

I don't know how long it took.

The golden light in Lin Hancai's eyes flickered, and he recovered. At this time, within his forehead, there was a Buddhist mark appearing, like the purest source of Buddhism, Lin Han's whole body was full of Buddha nature.

The whole temple became sacred and peaceful because of Lin Han.

It seems that Lin Han has turned into a big Buddha right now, with golden light all over his body, making Li Ling and Lingxuan have an urge to worship.

In Lin Han's body, there was also a magnificent chanting sound.


Li Ling was completely shocked and couldn't restrain himself.

With his eyesight, he could see that this was a sign that Lin Han had received some amazing inheritance.

Could it be that Lin Han hadn't achieved any extraordinary gains this night? This is so enviable.

He has intuition, it is definitely not easy.


Suddenly, at this moment, lightning and thunder were flashing in the sky, dark clouds were rolling, and wind and rain were blowing.

An astonishing magical energy descended from the nine heavens.

Through the cracks on the roof of the temple, Li Ling could see that a group of people in black had descended there.

Each of them has terrible magic power, revealing a suffocating aura, anyone can see, the origin is very extraordinary.

"No, this is... from the Nine Devil Palace."

Li Ling's face changed and she lost her voice.

The Nine Demon Palace, in the realm of the gods, is also a famous force, but they are relatively evil, and they often do things that do harm to all living beings.

In the God Realm, many forces gritted their teeth and wanted to eradicate them.

But their own strength is too strong.

Like a monstrous beast, standing in the territory of the gods, even the top ten holy places, they are a little jealous.

That's why the Nine Demon Palace can always be in the Heavenly God Realm, free and happy, making people helpless.

Back then, when the Nine Demon Palace was the realm of the God of Disaster, the ancestors of their Celestial Race had a war with them.

Right now, how could the people of the Nine Devil Palace appear here.

Lingxuan and Xiaolan couldn't help but a look of fear appeared in their beautiful eyes.

This group of people is too strong, they feel like a mountain rain is coming, a little scared.

"Haha, after searching for so long, I finally found it. The secret method of Buddhism Zhiqiang that was left in the past is here."

At this time, I saw a man riding a black dragon scale beast in front of the dark clouds, which was a thousand meters in size, as long as a mountain, and with mighty aura.

He dragged a black plate in his hand, as if he was detecting something, and laughed.

The man was about 30 years old, wearing a black robe, thick hair, and looking wild.

In the center of his eyebrows, there was a red mark of blood and light, which made him add a touch of evil spirit.

Coupled with the black dragon beast with its teeth and claws riding on that end, its momentum is even more domineering and mighty.

Ordinary people will be quiet and shiver when they see him.

The black plate in his hand, the size of a washbasin, is densely packed, depicting some tedious lines, like some kind of magical treasure.

At this moment, many lines are blooming with black light, and the entire plate is also trembling slightly, some of which are found.

This makes many of those demons excited.

The man riding the black dragon beast is the "Wuya leader" of their Nine Demon Palace, and is also a master in the Nine Demon Palace, and has done many daunting things.

The black plate in his hand is also a big treasure of the magic door, which can detect some things with strong Buddha nature.

They have news in the Nine Devil Palace, and in this land, there is a secret way to explore the lost.

In order to get, so I explored here.

After exploring now, I finally found it.

This makes them all excited.

"Huh, there are still people here?" The leader of Wu Ya laughed, and with a wave of his palm, he blew the roof of the temple open. He was surprised to see Li Ling, Lingxuan, Lin Han and others among them Tao.

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