War Emperor

Chapter 1960: Array

The surrounding atmosphere became tense, and many people were staring at Lin Han.

Lin Han also had a solemn expression, no matter how easy it was to say, it was a blood sacrifice formation after all, very dangerous, even if he wanted to crack it, he had to be careful.

Otherwise, there are many terrifying organs hidden in the blood sacrifice array. Once opened, it will be a disaster for him.

"The formation begins." At the moment, Lin Han let out a deep cry, pinched a weird seal in his hand, a little blood sacrifice to the big formation.


The blood sacrificial formation seemed to be restrained in a certain way, shaking.

Then, the entire huge formation completely appeared in front of everyone.

This huge formation was as huge as a mountain, thousands of miles long, scattered in the starry sky. From its appearance, it looked like a fierce and mighty fairy phoenix dormant, and a pair of eyes radiated a terrible killing light.

Just this appearance made people feel chilling, as if there was really a terrifying Phoenix staring at him.

People are very small in front of it, and if they move at will, they can make themselves forever.

On the surface of Xianhuang's body, there are countless scarlet thin threads intertwined, all of which are the texture of the formation, which is intricate and dazzling.

Even if Lin Han had the Eye of Soul Eater, he felt that he couldn't figure it out for a while.

However, fortunately, following Hong, he has a deep study of one aspect of the formation.

Sometimes, Hong would give him some strange ancient formations to study, and he would soon understand.

Finally, after watching for a while, Lin Han seemed to perceive something, and a sure smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then, with his hands on his chest, constantly changing, he tapped out a number of fingerprints and plunged into the blood sacrifice array.

After the fingerprints entered the big formation, it was as if they were all hit on some special nodes on the big formation.

The large array will open a layer of gorgeous purple aperture every time, and then, the breath of the large array begins to become weaker and weaker.

It looked like Lin Han was offsetting the power of the big formation.

Upon seeing this, many people were shocked, and now it seems that Lin Han really has a show.

It turns out that he has such a high level in the field of formation.

The smile on Tianyuan Formation King's face also gradually solidified, his face was unbelievable, like a ghost.

It is impossible to achieve this step in so much time.

How did Lin Han succeed?

Is his level really no longer below himself?

It was like a basin of cold water poured on his head, making him cold all over.

For him, the blow is not small.


In the end, accompanied by a huge roar, Lin Han's eyes suddenly cold, he bit his teeth, and clicked again.

This finger contained the majestic strength in the body, as well as a general trend of destroying everything, and hitting a node of the formation fiercely.

At this time, the formation was finally like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, suddenly exploded and turned into endless red energy, shattered and exploded in the horrified eyes of many people.

The astonishing energy was surging and mighty, revealing the entrance of the fairy phoenix burial.

It was a space that looked like a black hole, with many black air currents flowing with a deep feeling.


"Lin Han cracked the blood sacrifice formation."

Many people were happy and surprised, and admired Lin Han.

This guy's methods are too bad.

The height of the formation is even stronger than the Tianyuan Formation King, which makes people look up.

Thunder Son, Ye Lin, Fairy Yuelong, and Zhao Shi also looked dull.

They didn't understand how Lin Han did it. He had too many skills.

The King of Tianyuan Formation made a puff, angrily attacked his heart, and directly sprayed a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

His body was trembling slightly, unable to accept this scene.

He is so famous that he is really hit hard today.

Lin Han let out a sigh of relief and chuckled. Fortunately, this formation has already consumed most of its origins as the years passed, otherwise, even if he wanted to crack it, it would not be so easy.

Besides, the most difficult thing is how to discover the blood sacrifice array.

As for cracking, relatively speaking, it will go smoothly.

Now that he has done it, he is relieved.

Then he took a look, the Heavenly Yuan Formation King stretched out his palm, and said with a smile: "Tianyuan Formation King, hand in the killing formation plan."

The Tianyuan Formation King's face was blue, and he couldn't speak. This was shooting himself in the foot.

Don't even say that he was embarrassed, and he would even have to pay for it.

However, Lin Han's revealing method of breaking the formation has benefited him a lot. He only felt that Lin Han had a unique understanding of the formation method, which was broad and profound, even if he could not match it.

Lin Han must have a terrifying strong teaching to have this insight.

Otherwise, relying on your own comprehension, you will never reach this point.

If Lin Han could point him to one or two, it would also be a great inspiration for him.

After all, on this path, sometimes a hundred years of hard training is not as good as a master teacher.

Therefore, he looked at Lin Han with a little reverence.

"I can give you the killing formation plan, and return it to little friend Lin Han, if I have time in the future, can you point me to one or two..." Then he smiled and arched his hands to Lin Han.


File, everyone was dumbfounded again.

Tianyuan Formation King, not only was convinced that he lost, but also said to Lin Han, it was too subverting everyone's imagination.

Leiden Shengzi, Ye Lin, Yuelong Fairy, and Zhao Shi were all in a daze.

It would make Tianyuan Formation King so respectful that ordinary people would not even dare to dream.

"Let's talk about it when I get the chance." Lin Han just waved his hand, not surprised.

What he showed was the formation method that Hong taught him.

Tianyuan Formation King, can see some clues, like Wu Chi who saw the peerless martial arts, it is normal to be fiery and greedy.

After all, Hongjiao’s thing is the formation mage, the long-awaited formation is the most profound meaning.

"Yes, yes..." Tianyuan Formation King nodded, and he was very happy. He was stuck in the bottleneck period. It has been a long time. If Lin Han can really point him to one or two with intuition, he might be able to break through quickly and pursue future pursuits. Higher-level formations are of great help.

This is very important to him.

After speaking, he flipped his palm, took out a formation made from special animal skins, and gave it to Lin Han.

The animal skin is about one meter away. After unfolding, it is densely packed with many tedious symbols and patterns painted, with a sense of mystery and mystery.

It seems to have a certain origin of the universe.

If power is injected, it will be officially activated, showing the aggressive and domineering side of the big array.

Those who are less than the Five Elements Realm, possessing it is undoubtedly a huge assassin.

Lin Han smiled with satisfaction. With it, he will be more confident in the face of Saint Child-level figures.

"Well, since the funeral of the fairy phoenix has been opened, let's enter." Then, Lin Han glanced at the entrance that looked like a black hole, his eyes were a little hot.

Everyone around him suddenly cheered up.

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