War Emperor

Chapter 1953: Angry into anger

This blow seems to have more serious consequences.

However, Lin Chong smiled, with torch-like beams in his eyes, like an immortal **** of war.

He is full of confidence, even if the Thunder Son increases the power of the Obliteration Finger, he is not afraid.


At the moment, he roared, his voice was like a thunder, exploding in the endless starry sky.

Honghuang forged the sword furnace, slammed into the majestic finger force.

The current prehistoric sword-forging furnace is unprecedentedly powerful, with wisps of celestial light lingering on it, which seems to be able to destroy everything.

In the end, the finger force collided fiercely with it, and above the starry sky, a splendid divine light bloomed, like two galaxies meeting, colorful and colorful divine light spread over the entire starry sky.

Any drop of the power of destruction can kill the geniuses and some power masters present.

Countless people looked up at this scene, full of deep fear in their hearts.

This combat level is too strong, they are like ants, only looking up.

The glossy surface lasted for six or seven minutes before it gradually dissipated.

At this moment, the ring was silent, Lin Han and the Thunder Son looked at each other from a distance, and no one took a step back.

Lin Han's body was straight like a javelin, his eyes were cold, and his hair fluttered, revealing a fierce attitude.

The Son of Thunder is still so detached, with chaotic blue light permeating his body, mysterious and powerful.


Many people were surprised.

The Son of Thunder has moved to kill, even if he has limited power to raise his fingers in a hurry, he is after all a super power in the Five Elements Realm.

Lin Han blocked it abruptly, which was too shocking.

Many people think that Lin Han is now shining like his whole body, and his style is dazzling and compelling.

Many young girls even looked at the little stars in Lin Han's eyes.

When this incident spreads, Lin Han's reputation will become irritable again.

Three-talented youth, blocking the five-element-level saint child who is talented against the sky must kill.

If the Son of Thunder is a rare evildoer, what is Lin Han?

"Bastard!" Sage Thunder roared out, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.

Unacceptable, this is a huge stain on his reputation.

"Boy, you are dead, if I don't kill you today, I will swear not to be a human being."

He said sullenly, turning anger into anger.


After speaking, he patted Lin Han again.

With hatred, the power is naturally more powerful than the previous attack.

This palm, no less than destroying the world, caused a huge shock around him.

"You are a rascal, shameless." Ling Xuan couldn't help but scolded, standing up angrily.

After saying that Lin Han took this palm, he would no longer shoot at Lin Han.

Right now, he is still launching an attack, and his murderous aura is greatly increased, which is clearly a backlash.

Many people around were also surprised. The Son of Thunder is indeed too much.

At his level, words must be counted.

Seeing this, Lin Han couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely. Now he was injured extremely badly, and he almost couldn't stand anymore. His body's supernatural power was extremely depleted.

Such a killer move, he couldn't handle it at all.

Son of Thunder and lightning, so unbelievable.

It also made him feel a sense of hostility.

If he can survive this hurdle today, Son of Thunder and Lightning, he will definitely not let it go.

"Asshole, really when we two are dead." At this moment, Little Fatty and Golden Retriever King finally couldn't bear it. They drank a lot, and a cumbersome seal formed in their hands. Then, Little Fatty was at heart. As soon as he moved, a purple-gold bowl burst out of his body and slapped it towards the palm of the Thunder Son.

Above the purple golden bowl, there was a ray of pure Buddha's light, like the appearance of some kind of treasure in Buddhism, and the sound of chanting thousands of sutras resounded in the void, magnificent.

There is also an explosion of majestic energy, which is extremely astonishing.

Even if it is the Son of Thunder, the unstoppable palm of the hand, under this purple golden bowl, the power has become smaller.

"Fomen Zhibao, these two guys, are Buddhism people?"

Upon seeing this, many people were surprised and startled.

Everyone knows that Buddhist scriptures belong to a relatively unique position among the eighteen realms of the immortal world.

They have nothing to do with the world, and they have been entrenched in a starry sky in the fairy world. In the outside world, they rarely see Buddhists walking around.

However, the power of the Buddha Realm is beyond doubt.

The universe has gone through many battles, and all major realms have experienced glories and declines.

But the Buddha realm has been able to enter the top five of the eighteenth realm of combat power, never falling.

This is relatively low-key and rarely shows magical powers outside.

Some people say that if they really bloom, the ranking is much stronger than the surface.

Since ancient times, many masters of the immortal ancestor level have maintained a touch of courtesy to the Buddha realm.

Therefore, no matter where people in the Buddha state go, they will be paid special attention to.

The demeanor that the Zijin bowl burst out was really strong.

There is an aura of universal life on it, as if there is a supreme Buddha sitting there, and people can't help but want to worship him.


In the end, in the horrified eyes of the crowd, the purple golden bowl was shining brightly, and the fierce and slaying palm of the Thunder Son was directly broken into pieces, and fell into the starry sky.

Moreover, a powerful backlash struck, so that the Thunder Son couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Son of Thunder also changed his face. He didn't expect this kind of change to happen. At the moment, he looked at Little Fatty and King Golden Retriever, with terrible coldness in his eyes, and said sternly: "Who are you two, dare to ruin me? , Can't you die?"

When speaking, his expression was a little solemn, the little fat man and the Golden Retriever King were not simple.

It seems that there is some kind of seal in the body, sealing all the strength.

However, the certain kind of seal they pinched now was able to untie the seal for a short time, exploding with formidable strength.

This made him a little bit jealous.

After all, Buddhism is well known to be more domineering.

There are two young masters in the Buddha realm who don't know the depth. Of course he must be careful.

"We are the brothers of Lin Han, the Son of Thunder and Lightning, who turned back and forth, don't you know how shame you are?"

Little Fatty and Golden Retriever King were not comfortable either. Although they blocked the Thunder Son’s blow, they shook the seats under them instantly.

Then Little Fatty and Golden Retriever King, backed five steps before stopping.

The little fat man looked cold and sneered.

As the Son of Thunder thought, although they were indeed sealed by the master, they were born and trained.

But after all, it is impossible for the master to really watch them, something happened and died outside.

Therefore, there is a leeway in the seal.

Only when they are in real danger, they can untie the part and urge the purple golden bowl to fight the enemy.

It's just that this method will cause a lot of damage to their origin, and it cannot be used easily if it is not a last resort.

Right now, seeing Lin Han about to have an accident, they naturally couldn't care about so much.

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