War Emperor

Chapter 1916: The first emperor arrives

But this is undoubtedly moths fighting the fire.

He and his father are going to die.

At this time, the air flow seems to be slower.

Many people have smelled the inevitable ending of Lin Han and Lin Zhentian.

"Well, since you want to die with your father, I will make you perfect." The black devil smiled angrily, and his eyes erupted with anger. The father and son all hurt him, and the sin is unforgivable.

"Black Demon Banner, kill!"

Next, the black demon roared, and a thicker black light was sprayed directly from the sky spirit cover, and then a black banner rushed out of it.

A vicissitudes and ancient aura swept over the banner immediately, and the world seemed to be trapped in an ancient battlefield, with endless intent to kill wildly raging, and many people felt shivering and fearful.

The Black Demon Flag was exactly a fierce thing that the Black Demon had in the past. Its devilish energy was overwhelming. Many powerful men were transformed into blood mist.

This is obviously determined to kill Lin Han and Lin Zhentian.

Lin Han frowned, feeling the smell of stagnant breathing. With the powerful force of the Black Demon Banner swept over him, he felt a lot of pressure. Even in his current state, he couldn't be an opponent.

The Black Demon deserves to be the pinnacle of the ancients, and the real shot is completely different from the concept just now.

Lin Zhentian also shook his head slightly. It seems that he and his son really cannot escape bad luck today.

Many people around me thought of this and seemed to understand that everyone would not end well.

Even some people have directly fallen to the ground, ready to accept their fate.

After Lin Han and Lin Zhentian died, they wouldn't be long.


However, at this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth, and then from above the nine heavens, an incomparable will suddenly descended from the heavens and the earth.

Then, a terrifying scene appeared, and the black demon's terrifying huge black flag was instantly blown out, slammed into a plain hundreds of thousands of miles away, smashing the plain into a big pit.

"What's the situation?" Countless people were stunned.

What kind of character was this, with just one voice, he flew out the Black Demon Flag of the Black Demon.

Too challenging people's imagination.

Lin Han was also stunned, and then there was a touch of joy in his eyes, it seems that someone has rescued them.

For some reason, there is a vague intuition in his heart, this strong person may have a great relationship with him.

Because the Absolute Devil Sutra in his body was already out of control and started to run on its own.

This made him a little puzzled. In today's universe, he should be the only one who knows the Devil Sutra.

Who is the person here, how can he let him run on its own?

Could it be a certain ancient master of Absolute Heaven Demon Hall.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it should not be possible. If such a master was alive, then the Absolute Demon Hall would be destroyed, and it would be impossible to stand by.

Lin Zhentian also looked up at the sky, and his expression fell into a trance.

In his instinct, this person is not too small for him.

The blood in his body has become slightly hotter.

Then, he seemed to be thinking of something, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

To be able to have such a big connection with him at the same time, Lin Han, and with such an unpredictable terrifying strength, in the entire fairy world, who else besides him...

Lin Han thought of this, too excited.

"Who is your Excellency, dare to take action against me!"

The black devil was shocked by a sound, backed up a few steps, his face also became angry.

Damn it, after being born, it is always unfavorable.

However, this time his expression has become extremely solemn, because he knows that this strong man is no small thing, probably in his heyday, it may not be easy to deal with it.

In the nine-sky starry sky, a great pressure swept down, making him feel a pressure.

Is there such a character in the immortal world today?

He was a little surprised.

This must be the real pinnacle.

"Be forgiving and forgiving, Black Demon, you finally got out of trouble, and you have to cause such a big killing. It seems that you have been sealed in these years, and it has no effect at all."

Under the admiration and nervous attention of countless people, shortly after the cold snort on the sky landed, another ethereal voice came down.

Then the situation changed, and an extremely tall figure stood on the nine heavens.

It was a middle-aged man, majestic and majestic, his body was bathed in the sacred glow, brightly making the entire universe transparent.

Countless stars, in front of him, were bleak.

The galaxies and seas of stars surround him, making him tall and majestic. It seems that he can wipe out the universe by raising his hand.

In him, that invincible aura is too strong, as if looking at the past and the present, it can be swept away.

Strong will, overwhelming every corner, countless people want to prostrate and bow to him.

The leaders of some big forces of the Nine Immortals also changed their colors.

The strong are very face-to-face, obviously not some characters in the Nine Wonders.

The purple-robed old man looked solemnly, and after watching carefully for a while, he said: "He has a celestial spirit in him, is he a super power from the celestial realm?"

The Heavenly God Realm is also a very prosperous and bright starry sky within the eighteenth realm of the fairy world.

Among them, the strong are like clouds, talented people come out in large numbers, and the prosperous level is not below the nine fairyland at all, and some are even worse.

However, because the distance is too far, they can't all know what kind of power there is in the Heavenly God Realm.

They really don't know this superpower with such domineering momentum.

Moreover, it seems that it is not an ancient master, it only emerged in modern times.

"I see, he is the current realm master of the Heavenly God Realm. Ten thousand years ago, he soared from all over the world, the first emperor of the Gudi Dynasty!"

Someone thought of something, looking terrified, and lost their voice.


It was like a comet falling into the ocean, and turbulent waves were immediately set off around it.

Many people's shocked hearts beat crazily.

The first emperor of the Gudi Dynasty, after entering the immortal world ten thousand years ago, he soared up against the sky and made a great reputation in the heavenly gods.

He is still just the "dao body" of an ancient strong man. The fate that was waiting for him was to be merged by the main body, making every step forward and becoming nourishment.

It was in this situation that he stubbornly broke the shackles, killed the main body, replaced it by himself, became the real main body, and became famous everywhere.

How horrible is this?

After all, the difference between the Dao body and the main body is very large.

Almost no one could defeat the Lord in ancient times.

He did it abruptly, which can be described as a feat.

Therefore, his deeds are known to many people in the Eighteenth Realm of Immortal Realm.

At this moment, seeing one of the most legendary figures in modern times has inspired many people.

"The First Emperor..." A huge surprise appeared in Lin Han's eyes. Even if he had guessed that this person was very likely to be the First Emperor, now that it was really confirmed, he couldn't help being excited.

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