War Emperor

Chapter 1912: Cosmic vibration

This made him feel a little excited.

"Well, the Dark Demon is born!"

Many people are awe-inspiring, thinking like this.

Lin Han also narrowed his eyes.

It can be found that under the huge town demon tower, as if an unimaginable behemoth is about to recover, the foundations have begun to rise slowly, and even the town demon tower is in danger of overturning.

Then, a magnificent and majestic aura swept all around.

Between the world and the earth, an incomparable gust of wind, flying sand and rocks, seemed to be the advent of the dark world, a gloomy cloud.

In this case, the town monster tower was about to collapse, and many of the restrictions on it began to crack and crack thick cracks, and then the wall was about to explode.


Many people were pale and screamed in horror. The birth of the black demon is enough to make people horrified. If the restrictions on the town's demon tower are completely disintegrated, all the demon and ghosts inside will rush out, it will be a disaster.

The purple-robed old man and the three elders all smiled bitterly, looking haggard as if they had been old for a hundred thousand years.

They know that everything is over.

The black demon was born, the demons of the town demon tower danced wildly, the Nine Immortals would inevitably cease to exist, and the dark days of the Nine Wonders would also come.

No one can stop it.

Unless a person of the ancestor level descends.

But this kind of character has not appeared in the universe for tens of thousands of years, and whether there are any immortal ancestors in the current world is a big question.

It is naturally unrealistic to pray for the arrival of such a character.

This makes them very sad.

The Nine Immortals have been passed down for so many years, and by their generation, the real aura is exhausted.

The masters of many big forces are also ashamed.

When the Nine Immortals are over, they can't run away either.

At this time, the sky was truly black, and nothing could be seen.

The same goes for the inner world of countless people.

"Haha, my Nine Heavens Demon Ancestor has come out..."

"The **** Nine Immortals, sealing the Blue Devils for so many years, finally let us break free..."

Finally, the huge town monster tower finally exploded.

Not only the Nine Immortals, but in the vast Nine Wonders, among the countless stars, everyone can feel the monstrous magic here.

One after another, terrible demons were born, laughing and shaking the starry sky.

Many cultivators were silent for a while.

With so many fiends, the existing power of Jiu Xian Xing couldn't resist at all.


Finally, in the eyes of a crowd of terrifying eyes, after the town demon tower exploded, the billowing black energy directly rushed into the nine heavens from under the town demon tower, covering the entire Nine Wonderland, and many galaxies and stars became dim.

It seemed that an incomparable character really appeared, and within a single thought, the blood engulfed the realm.

You know, each of the eighteen realms of the fairy world is extremely vast, containing tens of millions of stars and stars. The total area is an astronomical number. Normal cultivators want to cover such a large area with their own blood. may.

The Black Demon has just been born, and it has done this step, which is so powerful.

Even in the far-away Eighteen Realm of Immortal Realm, there were many masters, all of them looked over with solemn and terrifying eyes.

Dark clouds obscure the sun, this is a sign of the birth of a great evil.

The Nine Wonders Land is about to change.

With lips dead and teeth cold, this catastrophe may spread to other realms, and many powerful people can't help but want to take action.

But after carefully watching the terrifying flesh, they stopped thinking again.

Such an ancient fierce, not enough realm, how many rushes, are moths fighting the fire, all seeking their own death.

Their strength is still very far away from that step, and they dare not change.

"Haha, the whole universe, the eighteenth realm of immortality, my black demon has come out."

Under the gaze of countless creatures in the starry sky, a billowing black mist opened the entire Nine Wonders Realm.

Then a tall demon body, finally from under the Nine Immortals, within a deep pit, slowly lifted into the sky and flew into the stars.

His body is seven thousand feet tall, standing like an ancient mountain, with thick black hair scattered like a waterfall, adding a wildness.

The whole body is as black as ink, as if cast from the endless source of magic energy, and as strong as iron.

The face is like a knife cut, very cold, a pair of eyes, red as blood, dotted in the eye sockets, like cast by the blood of hundreds of millions of living beings, the turn of the eyes gives people a monstrous taste, which makes people fearful It's cold, and the soul is about to split.

Around him, there are black galaxies surrounding him, and many stars rise and fall, as if dominating a vast and mysterious universe, there is a scent that the universe will collapse and surrender after a word.

What is tough, the Black Demon gave everyone the best answer at this time.

At this moment, he laughed very freely, and his voice spread throughout the universe.

After being sealed for so many years, I finally got out of trouble, this kind of mood, no one else can understand.

Lin Han couldn't help swallowing, a fierce and mighty figure in the ancient times, he really deserves his reputation.

Although he had encountered Gaitian Demon Venerable before, Gaitian Demon Venerable had a serious exhaustion of his original power and was completely incomparable with this black demon.

Under the strong blood of the other party, he has no doubt that as long as it leaks a little, he can almost be destroyed.

The gap between him and this kind of person is difficult to measure by numbers.

"Black Devil, congratulations on getting out of trouble, and please take action to destroy the Nine Immortals, and then help me kill this bastard!" Lin Jiutian laughed excitedly, feeling like he had made a feat and found a backer.

He rescued the Dark Demon, no matter what, the Dark Demon would remember this favor.

When speaking, he pointed to the people around him, then pointed at Lin Zhentian, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

A junior, who beat him so miserably today, and killed him so badly, he couldn't swallow this breath anyway.

So he laughed very hideously, ready to let the Black Demon take Lin Zhentian down first, so that he could torture Lin Zhentian well.

"Are you teaching the deity to do things?" However, at this moment, the Black Demon glanced at him coldly and said with a hint of mockery.

Lin Jiutian's face changed, he stepped back a few steps, and said in surprise: "Black Demon, what do you mean, would I rescue you, this group of you are not willing to help me."

I felt that the attitude of the Dark Devil was not as expected.

There was even a touch of hostility towards him, which made his whole body uncontrollable.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Han's mouth, and his expression was a bit pity. How could the Black Demon be led by the nose so easily as an ancient murderer?

Lin Jiutian, in front of the black demon, looked like he was taking credit for himself, and he would naturally not end well.

He thought that he had rescued a big backer, maybe he might be a murderer, and the first one would kill him.

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