War Emperor

Chapter 1796: Lin Shuaiqi appeared

The four masters, plus Zhao Youbin, were all killed by Lin Han.

Lin Han's record is really brilliant.

Many people couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and raised a look of awe at Lin Han.


Compared with the faces of the soldiers of the Jin family and the Zhao family, the faces of the soldiers in the City Lord's Mansion could not help but cheered.

Without their four masters, these soldiers will be nothing to worry about.

Lin Han is equivalent to saving the entire City Lord's Mansion by himself.

Lin Han let out a sigh of relief, and also let go of his heartstrings. For him, this battle was a bit tired and consumed too much.

Then he looked at the soldiers below, with a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

Now that the four masters and Zhao Youbin have been resolved, these people naturally can't let go.

After all, they killed many people in the City Lord's Mansion.

At the moment, he smiled indifferently and said: "You guys get on the road too!"


When the voice fell, Lin Han opened his five fingers, and in an instant, a large area of ​​thunder light appeared in his palm, like a thunder field erupting, terrible thunder and lightning descended from the sky, and each of them was full of destruction.

With this move, Lin Han was like a Thor, full of supreme sense of detachment.

"No, don't."

"Don't kill us, we just follow orders."

Those people all screamed loudly in an instant.

Under the terrible thunder and lightning, they smelled death.

How can this be contended, there is no hope at all.

But Lin Han's expression was cold, but he didn't mean to keep his hands at all.

In the end, all the lightning fell down, as if you could recognize the enemy.

With the sound of bombing, almost all the guards of the Zhao family and the Jin family were wiped out.

The light breeze blew, the city lord's mansion was full of broken arms and limbs, and the blood gathered into a small river. The scene looked very bloody.

Lin Han stood alone in the air, with soft hair flying, like a young murderer.

"Bold!" But just at this moment, a shout full of anger sounded, and then the void crack opened, and a young man with a tall stature appeared, with a handsome appearance, like a fairy in the dust, and his whole body was filled with an incomparable richness. The air of the fairy.

With his appearance, a great majesty swept the audience, making many people feel a little trembling.

"Lin Shuaiqi?" Many people changed their expressions and exclaimed.

This person is Lin Shuaiqi, a man in the core group of the Nine Immortals.

Unexpectedly, he also appeared.

"Lin Shuaiqi, what do you mean? Could it be said that you also participated in the siege of Jin Susu and Zhao Youbin?" Lin Han saw Lin Shuaiqi, his face also sinking, and a touch of coldness passed through the dark eyes, and he shouted .

By doing so, Jin Susu and Zhao Youbin had committed the great crime of the Nine Immortals.

If Lin Shuaiqi also participates, the nature will be even more different.

Lin Shuaiqi's expression was a little cold. He did know that his identity was inconvenient to show up, so he waited outside, but he realized that Jin Susu's breath had disappeared, so he couldn't help entering the formation to check it out. Lin Han was so open. A scene of killing.

His eyes were gloomy as if dripping water, and he looked around and said, "Where is Jin Susu?"

There was an unpleasant charm in his heart.

Isn't Jin Susu dead? After thinking about it, I feel that it should not be possible.

After all, Jin Susu was very powerful and had three uncles, how could Lin Han kill her.

"She has disappeared and turned into a mass of muddy flesh." Lin Han smiled faintly, and pointed his finger at the muddy flesh not far away.

Lin Shuaiqi looked at it, and his pupils suddenly shrank, and he recognized that there was a residual Jin Susu aura in the muddy flesh.

This made him suddenly rushed to his forehead with a look of rage, his eyes were scarlet.

Jin Susu is his lover. He took great pains and chased for a long time before letting this proud woman agree.

Before he could taste her taste, he was killed by Lin Han.

He now felt like a cold knife was stuck in his heart, suffocating in pain.

He looked at Lin Han's gaze, like a beast that wants to eat people, with his teeth clenched tightly and a cold murderous voice burst out from it: "I want you to pay for Jin Susu's life!"

After speaking, his body burst out with infinite rays of light, rushing towards Lin Hanzhen.

The momentum is like a torrent, unstoppable.

Lin Han's eyes cooled slightly, this **** really was in the same group as Jin Susu.

"Hold on." But at this moment, Zhao Cunshan flew over, knowing that Lin Han was not Lin Shuaiqi's opponent, and said with a serious expression: "Young Master Lin Shuaiqi, it is Jin Susu and Zhao Youbin who joined forces to destroy my City Lord's Mansion. First, you, as a member of the core ethnic group of the Nine Immortals, should be dealt with by your father. How can you attack my City Lord Mansion just like them now."

Taking a deep breath, his eyes were a little cold and said: "Aren't you afraid of being known by the Nine Immortals, you will suffer too?"

Lin Shuaiqi is obviously in a rage now. He doesn't care about it at all. He smiled sullenly and said, "Just deal with it? It is impossible for the Nine Immortals to know what happened here. You killed Susu, and I want all of you to be buried in the area. Go ahead."

Lin Shuaiqi took out a purple long sword and slashed it against Zhao Cunshan.

As a famous genius of the core group of the Nine Immortals, Lin Shuaiqi is very powerful. This sword cuts out and carries a power of the great world.

Even if Zhao Cunshan, as the master of a city, is far from an opponent.

He took out the Yin and Yang Ruyi and resisted it. Before he had time to display it, the sword came to the front, and with a puff, he cut a half-meter-long wound on his chest, and the blood sprayed like rain.

The wound was deep, three inches long, the skin and flesh were rolled up, and the bones and internal organs inside could be clearly seen.

"Father..." Zhao Mengjie suddenly screamed out, with crystal tears falling in his eyes.

In front of her, her father was hurt like this, and she was very heartbroken.

Lin Han's eyes suddenly became cold, Lin Shuaiqi was too rampant.

"This is just the beginning." Lin Shuaiqi laughed angrily, looking very relaxed, and then with a sigh of gaze, he looked at Lingxuan and Xiaolan not far away.

He saw a woman and a bird with a pale face. He licked his mouth and said gloomily: "Lin Han, I heard that these two people are your partners. Today, let's see how I tortured them so that you can try it and lose your close relatives. The taste."


He really saved himself, and raised his arm after speaking.

The blazing sword light instantly divided into a dozen ray in the air, like a spirit snake, each ray showed a tricky arc, killing Lingxuan and Xiaolan.

Even if they had a formation arranged by Lin Han around them, it would not help. This formation was used by Lin Han to resist some ordinary soldiers, and would not be effective for a master like Lin Shuaiqi.

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