War Emperor

Chapter 1791: Kill

"Second Qi Realm?" Jin Susu was also a little dumbfounded when he noticed the difference between Lin Han.

No way, how is this practice?

Some time ago, there was only the eighth peak of the One Yuan Realm.

Now that she has reached the second state, she is a little dizzy.

Really abnormal.

Cultivation moves upward at a speed that ordinary people cannot understand.

Zhao Cunshan smiled, knowing that Lin Han must have swallowed those 100 Nine Sun Pills.

But there was some shock in my heart.

After all, the energy in each of the Nine Sun Pills is amazing.

It takes a lot of effort for ordinary people to absorb.

Lin Han was able to absorb one hundred of them in just a few days, which was also a shocking achievement.

I am afraid that only the other party's weird Dantian can do it.

"Yes, old clapper, today is your death date." Lin Han smiled slightly, his eyes glowed, and he entered the second level of the Second Qi Realm. His strength increased too much, even if Zhao Youbin was no longer in his eyes. .

boom! boom!

Accompanied by two vigorous and explosive sounds spread.

Two more appeared beside Lin Han, Liuyun weapon, a sword and a shield.

All of them have been practiced by the Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace Sacrifice. In terms of power, they are much more powerful than ordinary Liuyun weapons.


Lin Han pinched a fingerprint with both hands, his face was slightly cold, and he shouted. The three Liuyun weapons immediately radiated a brilliant rainbow light, like three big stars, to kill them towards Zhao Youbin Town.

With Lin Han's current strength at the second level of the Second Qi Realm, urging the three magic weapons, even Zhao Youbin at the sixth level of the Second Qi realm is not an opponent.

The three magic weapons seem to form a formation. After attacking more than twenty moves, with a puff, finally the sword with red light was cut off from Zhao Youbin’s eyebrows. Zhao Youbin’s entire body was horrified by the people in the Zhao family. In his eyes, they were split in half, and blood flowed long.

The breeze blew, and the surroundings became a little silent.

Lin Han stood alone in the air, with soft hair flying with a sharp demeanor.


After a long while, everyone in the Zhao family yelled with red eyes, very sad.

The owner of the family was killed like this, they felt like the sky was falling, and their eyes were a little black.

Zhao Cunshan also felt a little dreamy. This was the first time in the outer line that there was a junior who could kill a person at the Patriarch level.

Lin Han's record is really a bit dazzling.

"The people of the Zhao family retreat quickly, don't make mistakes here, otherwise your fate will be the same as your Patriarch, and you won't die."

Lin Han looked at the iron-clad guards in the Zhao family and shouted.

The sound exploded like thunder between heaven and earth.

The Zhao Family's Iron Guards, no matter how firm their minds were, they couldn't help but have six gods at this moment.

After all, when the Patriarch died, they lost their backbone.

"Everyone followed me to destroy the City Lord's Mansion and avenge Patriarch Zhao."

Upon seeing this, Jin Susu knew that these people should not be allowed to retreat, so he took a step forward and raised the golden sword in his hand, his pretty face was cold, and he gritted his teeth.

The voice is generous, full of hostility and momentum.

The Iron Guards were instantly determined. Although the Patriarch was dead, Jin Susu also had a certain prestige in their hearts.

This is the eldest lady of the Jin family, with the help of the masters of the Jin family, they are completely fearless.

"Yes, revenge for the Patriarch!"

"Patriarch, how can we retreat from such a tragic death."

"Today, the City Lord's Mansion must be destroyed to wash away the hatred!"

Right now, many iron guards roared out one after another, bloodshot in their eyes.

Lin Han killed Zhao Tian and then the Patriarch, extinguishing their hopes in this branch.

This enmity is too great, if you don't report it to everyone, you probably won't be able to pass this hurdle in your life.

They are all people who have experienced iron and blood trials, and they are full of blood, and naturally they don't want to linger.

Jin Susu's words completely aroused the morale in their hearts.

Every soldier clenched the war ge in his hands, and the killing intent in his eyes broke out substantially.

Lin coldly glanced at Jin Susu. This woman was so deliberate that she even bewitched the Zhao family's guards in a few words.

So I am afraid that a big battle is inevitable.

He couldn't help but look at Zhao Cunshan again to prepare him.

Zhao Cunshan also understood what Lin Han was thinking, nodded solemnly, raised his palm gently, took a deep breath, and shouted behind him: "People in the City Lord's Mansion, all be on guard, prepare for a **** battle!"


In the open space, all the high-level officials and guards of the City Lord's Mansion shouted together.

Their morale was even higher, and Lin Han took the lead in killing Zhao Youbin, which made them feel confident.

Even if they die with the Jin and Zhao people, they still have confidence.

As long as Lin Han doesn't fall, they will have inexplicable power.

Zhao Mengjie looked at the young man who was hovering in mid-air, tall and godlike, as long as he stood there, he could boost morale, and there was a touching smile on the corner of his mouth.

I have to say that Lin Han does have a unique temperament, which is convincing.

She has to thank Lin Han for this.

If there is no morale, the city lord mansion will die.

Jin Susu's beautiful face was just a sneer, and he yelled: "Take revenge for Patriarch Zhao!"

Up to now, it is useless to say anything. Only a real battle can solve everything with force.


As her voice spit out, the iron guards of the Zhao family and the elite masters of the Jin family behind her roared together, and then rushed towards the people of the city lord's mansion like a torrent.

The people in the City Lord's Mansion also gritted their teeth, their eyes were scarlet, and they clenched the weapons in their hands, fighting with them.

The fierce fight is about to happen!

"Ah, I hacked your uncle to death."

"Kill me, punch me!"

"Today, only the winner can get out of here."

With the two parties together, the next moment, in mid-air, on the ground, it is like a Shura field that harvests lives. Every minute and every second, there are people from both sides falling into a pool of blood, cursing and screaming Sounds, shouts, one after another, in an endless stream.

Cultivation is a cruel thing, and in the universe, the strong eating of the weak is an eternal law.

Lin Han had gone through too many hardships and storms along the way. He was used to such a scene, but he just sighed, but he didn't feel too much emotion. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Jin Susu.

There were three middle-aged men beside Jin Susu who had never left.

One of them wore purple robes, one blue robes, and one red robes.

There is a sense of indifference on everyone's face, like three wooden stakes, without human feelings.

Invisible, but also through a strong color.

It seems that such a scene, to them, is like a fight with ants.

Feeling the extraordinaryness of these three people, Lin Han frowned slightly, knowing that they must not be easy.

The volatility that radiated from his body made him perceive a dangerous color.

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