War Emperor

Chapter 1778: Roc Secret Technique

A look of hideousness and rage appeared on his face. Zhao Tian, ​​the most outstanding descendant of his line, died like this, and it was a big blow to him.

His whole body was trembling now, and the killing intent in his eyes almost broke out substantially.

Zhao Cunshan, Zhao Mengjie, Zhao Lao and others looked at each other, and they were a little shocked, even they had never thought that Lin Han's record would be so brilliant.

It is conceivable that Zhao Youbin would be a toothless tiger without Zhao Tian, ​​and they are no longer threatened by them, which makes them very happy.

Especially Zhao Mengjie, only to feel that Lin Han's demeanor is so gorgeous now, Fang Xin couldn't help shaking fiercely.

This guy has been a bit unpleasant since seeing him.

Now I know that the charm is extraordinary.

For a while, she couldn't help biting her rosy lips, and there was a feeling in her heart that if he could truly marry him, it seemed to be a good destination...

"Asshole, Lin Han, I want your life." At this time, the roar spread, Zhao Youbin finally couldn't bear it. The murderous intent in his chest caused his whole body to explode, and he slapped the table fiercely. The table in front was instantly broken into pieces.

The soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and his body resembled a violent old lion rushing towards Lin Han.

The five-fingered claws glowed with a strong killing, attacking Lin Han.

Many people were taken aback. Zhao Youbin is an old and strong man, far from being a young man but contending.

He wanted to deal with Lin Han, even though Lin Han had three heads and six arms, he couldn't be an opponent.

Is Lin Han going to die too?

"Zhao Youbin, what are you doing, can't you afford to lose?" At this moment, Zhao Cunshan coldly drank, naturally it is impossible to watch Zhao Youbin deal with Lin Han. The moment his body moved, it also turned into a divine light and flew away. In front of Zhao Youbin.

A palm shot, a fierce energy light group exploded, Zhao Youbin was immediately shocked and took a few steps back.

Even if he is also the head of the family, there is still a gap in strength between him and Zhao Cunshan.

"Zhao Cunshan, get out of the way for me, today I must say that this kid was killed, he was smashed into thousands of pieces, and his bones were thwarted and ashes." Zhao Youbin gritted his teeth, his eyes covered with scarlet blood. Angrily said.

Zhao Tian's death made him almost lose his mind, and his face looked like an old ghost.

"Hmph, you are too unruly, right? In the outer line, life and death are fateful. In the past, your line of people who killed my City Lord's Mansion was not a few, but now you have to do it. You are the Nine Immortals. Isn’t the rule like nothing?"

Zhao Cunshan sneered.

The genius of his City Lord's Mansion was killed by Zhao Youbin's hands several times.

I was suffocated a long time ago, and now I am getting revenge, and I feel very comfortable.

Zhao Youbin's face twitched. The rules of the Outer Vessel Da Bi were indeed the case. If he died, he could only blame him for his inferior skills, and he could never be liquidated.

Now he really felt a sense of helplessness.

"Retreat." At this time, the Deacon Lupa also stood up and sighed.

Zhao Tian is a good seedling, and as he grows up, even if he compares to the geniuses of the core group of the Nine Immortals, he will not be far behind.

He died just like that, and he also had some regrets.

But the rules are like this. As a deacon, he presides over the external pulse competition, so he can't sit back and ignore it.

Zhao Youbin only gritted his teeth and stared at Zhao Cunshan with scarlet eyes, like a poisonous snake trying to bite, and said sternly: "Zhao Cunshan, I will never end with you, even if I never die, I will definitely find revenge ."

He is willing to spare everything.

Zhao Cunshan just sneered at him and ignored it.

"Okay, the game continues." The green-robed deacon waved his hand.

Zhao Youbin and Zhao Cunshan only sat on their seats again one after another.



The atmosphere in the field eased.

Many players looked at Lin Han's eyes, still with a strong look of awe.

This is really a young murderer, even Zhao Tian was killed by him, the method is too amazing.

Not surprisingly, he will definitely achieve a good result in this external pulse competition.

After all, there are very few that can rival Zhao Tian.

"This is the fifth-level immortal bone?" Lin Han didn't care about the looks of the people, flew into the air, waved his hand to detain the fifth-level immortal bone in his palm, and couldn't help but smile.

Level 5 Immortal Bone is indeed very dreamy, like a colorful jade, filled with extremely powerful energy.

He has the intuition that when he absorbs it, his strength will increase a lot.

After all, this is Zhao Tian's original power.

Immediately, he waved his palm and put away the fifth-level fairy bone.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Youbin, who had just sat on the seat, bit his teeth even more angry and almost sat down on the ground.

This **** killed Zhao Tian, ​​but even took his fifth-level fairy bone, which is horrible.

"The Dapeng secret technique is in my control."

Then, a strange black light radiated from Lin Han's eyes, looked at the Dapeng egg again, and drank softly in his mouth.

He displayed the Eye of Soul Eater again, and finally saw the secret in the Dapeng Egg.


At the next moment, he felt as if he had come to a strange starry sky, with pitch black all around.

A huge golden-winged roc, soaring in the void, spread out its wings as if it could cover the galaxy, and its momentum was magnificent.

Lin Han was as small as a worm in front of him.

"This is the secret technique of the Golden Wing Roc?" Lin Han was shocked, this kind of situation was really amazing.

You must know that the Golden Winged Roc is a kind of ancient sacred bird, even if the true dragon and phoenix see it, they will be afraid of three points, so its secret technique and power are absolutely stunning.

Lin Han couldn't help but a touch of excitement appeared in his heart, and he focused on watching, like a martial idiot who saw the martial arts mental method that made him tempted, and frantically absorbed the secrets above.

About half an hour or so, Lin Han's closed eyes suddenly opened. Suddenly, a fierce cry of the golden winged roc screamed in his body, smashing the nearby stone forest and many stones in an instant.

Some people with low strength even screamed sternly, their bodies flying upside down like weeds.

Even on the viewing stage, many people's teacups broke instantly.

The patriarchs of many foreign families couldn't help being surprised.

A single sound makes people feel a sense of fear.

This Golden Wing Roc's secret technique is really amazing.

Lin Han also smiled excitedly, squeezed both fists, feeling the inexhaustible power in his body.

Then he glanced at the high platform, couldn't help but smile with pride at the corner of his mouth, stretched his arms, brushed, and a pair of golden wings appeared behind him, flying towards the high platform.

There was another exclamation all around.

This was obviously the change that Lin Han had produced after getting the Golden Wing Roc's Secret. It was awe-inspiring, like a real reincarnation of an ancient god, it was so amazing.

Those with excellent eyesight can feel it, and there is a strong smell flowing in the feather wings.

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