War Emperor

Chapter 1768: marry you?


After about ten seconds, the One Yuan Divine Ring split a clear crack, then exploded with a bang, turned into a light spot of sky energy, and dissipated away.

A fierce counter-attack force struck Zhao Mengjie's body. As if hit hard, her body fell from the air like a kite with a broken line.

The robe dances like a wounded flower, with a little bit of poignancy.

There was a sudden silence all around.

Many people's expressions were stuck on the spot.

There is no doubt that Lin Han won.

Zhao Mengjie, who was at the pinnacle of the Unitary Realm, was also defeated by him.

Many people have a strong admiration for Lin Han.

Those contestants who had not played against Lin Han also turned pale, and felt fortunate. Fortunately, they did not succeed, otherwise they would be far from the enemy.

With so many dazzling trump cards displayed by Lin Han, their combat power has completely awed them.


The sound of Jiao Chu's heavy landing sounded.

Zhao Mengjie fell to the ground, her beautiful and pretty face was pale without a trace of blood, and there was still a trace of red blood at the corner of her mouth, which made people love and affectionate.

Lin Han sighed softly, this battle was extremely costly for him.

There was sweat falling down on his forehead.

However, he has a celestial demon body, and after taking two longevity medicines, almost his mind has been turned, the longevity qi in his body is running, his face is ruddy again, and his eyes are superb and very energetic.

"Miss Zhao, are you okay." Then, he flew to Zhao Mengjie's side and smiled bitterly.

He didn't want to hurt Zhao Mengjie.

As a last resort, he couldn't control his power.

As he said, the palm of his hand waved a large amount of growth air, and it was attached to Zhao Mengjie's lower abdomen to transfer energy into his body.

After a while, Zhao Mengjie's pale face also began to become ruddy.

This made many people slap their tongues again, and Lin Han even had this kind of recovery ability.

Under the aura of longevity, as long as people still breathe, he can be cured, too extraordinary.

"I'm fine." Zhao Mengjie stood up, backed up a few steps, and kept a distance from Lin Han.

Her silver teeth gritted her complexion.

She was arrogant and powerful. She lost to Lin Han and let Lin Han be treated, which made her unable to get off the stage.

"In that case, please give me the Yiyuan Pill. The point of offense today is still looking at Haihan." Lin Han hesitated for a moment, arching his hands.

To embarrass Zhao Mengjie, he was also helpless.

"One yuan pill?" However, Zhao Mengjie's mouth turned slightly, tracing a sly arc, and smiled: "One yuan pill, naturally it can be given to you. When we get married, it will be yours..."

"Uh..." Lin Han was stunned for a moment, somewhat suspicious of his ears.

Zhao Mengjie actually wants to marry herself?

Many people also expressed deep envy for Lin Han.

It's really Yanfu Qitian.

It seems that in this battle, his powerful combat power has already conquered Zhao Mengjie.

Such a beautiful woman with beautiful national beauty and natural beauty, Chen Yuluoyan, becomes her own woman, tasting her tenderness and jade body every day, it makes people dream of thinking about it.

Moreover, Zhao Mengjie's strong personality is also an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

Some young talents who have long admired Zhao Mengjie all showed jealous eyes at Lin Han as if they had murdered their father.

"Miss Zhao, aren't you joking with me?" Then Lin Han's mouth twitched, said.

He has already said that participating in the competition is not for marrying each other.

Now that the other party is like this, it really makes him a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, I'll take care of you. The purpose of the competition is who wins to be my husband. If you win, if you don't marry me, how can this be true? Anyway, if you want a pill, you have to marry me." Zhao Mengjie smiled Tao.

It is very different from the previous strong appearance.

I know that Lin Han attaches great importance to Yiyuan Pill.

She said so in order to avenge Lin Han.

For some reason, the thought of Lin Hanzhen marrying herself made her heart rippling.

This is an emotion that has never occurred in other young talents.

It seems that it’s not bad to marry Lin Han and ask yourself...

Lin Han frowned and looked at Zhao Cunshan.

When Zhao Cunshan saw that Lin Han was really unwilling to marry Mengjie, after frowning and indulging, he moved his body, flew to the ring, and smiled with his hands under his hands: "Lin Han, if you really don't want to marry Mengjie, you can, but You have to promise me one condition."

Lin Han was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "As long as the younger generation can do it, the city lord will give you any conditions."

Winning not to marry Zhao Mengjie is a great loss to the face of the City Lord's Mansion.

The city owner was able to let go, making him a little grateful.

"Hehe, wait for you to cultivate yourself in the future, and I will tell you." Zhao Cunshan smiled slightly, trusting Lin Han very much, and believes that as long as Lin Han agrees, he will definitely not shirk off. When the palm of his hand turned over, a sign appeared in his palm. The jade bottle, handed it to Lin Han with a smile: "This is the One Yuan Pill, please accept it, little friend."

Witnessing Lin Han's strength and extraordinaryness, he did not assume a superior posture and meet as peers.

With Lin Han's potential, he will really grow up in the future, it is very likely that he will look up.

Lin Han stretched out his hand to take it, and after opening the cork, he saw a jade-like pill displayed in the jade bottle.

The size of the finger belly, snow white as jade, like a crystal pearl gem, contains a special medicine.

After smelling the medicinal properties, Lin Han felt that his realm was a little loose, and he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

Obviously, this is exactly the pill specially designed to help cultivators break into the unified realm.

If you continue to take it, it will not be a problem to break through the unitary state.

"Thank you, City Lord." Lin Han said to Zhao Cunshan, arching his hands to thank him again.

It's rare to see a predecessor with such an extraordinary tolerance.

"You're welcome, my little friend is from the Great Thousand Realm and is running all the way. It's better to go to our city main city for a break for the time being. It's also easy to discuss the details of your favor later." Zhao Cunshan smiled lightly.

Lin Han pondered, then nodded.

Taking the other party's pill, turning around and leaving is not justified.

After he bid farewell to Lin Mo and Lin Yaoer, he went to the City Lord's Mansion with Ling Xuan and Xiao Lan.

This martial arts contest to recruit relatives came to an end.

Many people's opinions are still unfinished.



The City Lord’s Mansion is a vast building with spiritual earth all over the place. Palaces, peaks, lakes, and plains are located, like a small magnificent mountain and river.

Among them, there are clusters of buildings and purple qi, which is a rare treasure place for cultivation.

At night, in a palace, Zhao Cunshan was drinking tea in front of his desk, and the moon was hanging high, revealing a poetic and artistic mood.

"Father, why did you just give the one yuan pill to that kid, what can he do for our City Lord's Mansion?"

Zhao Mengjie was also on the side, playing with the teacup in her hand, with a hint of resentment in her tone.

She originally wanted to rectify Lin Han, making Lin Han embarrassed.

But her father relieved Lin Han, making her feel a little unhappy.

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