War Emperor

Chapter 1741: Tyrannosaurus

"What? Dead, what's going on? Who killed him!" Zheng Xiong roared.

Zheng Wei is his only son, he always loved him, and he just died, no less than digging a piece of meat in his heart.

The eyes became scarlet.

"I don't know. He entered Tianqi Mountain with the hunting wind team and died there." The subordinate said tremblingly.

Zheng Xiong exudes a terrifying aura, looking at the direction of Tianqi Mountain, and said gloomily: "No matter who it is, if you dare to kill my son, I will let him die."


The momentum was released, and the whole hall collapsed in a shock.


Then, he turned into a streamer and flew outside.

At this time, Lin Han didn't know that a bad luck was waiting for him.

They traveled all the way on Tianqi Mountain, about seven or eight hours, and finally came to a special place.

This is a basin, in which many special plants grow, with three leaves and blooming petals, which are often splendid and beautiful. Under the sun, they are like five-colored flames, so colorful.

"Smallflower grass." Lin Han was pleasantly surprised. This is exactly the small flower grass, a plant that grows specially in Tianqi Mountain. It contains strong medicinal properties and can be used as a medicinal agent. Asking explorers to find small flowers and plants for them is obviously also for alchemy.

Encountering so many in one breath makes everyone happy.

In this way, all of them can accept the starry sky shuttle array.

If you sell it, you will get a good price.

"Haha, we posted it." Many people laughed and went picking.

Lin Han and Lingxuan did not delay either.


However, at this moment, a fierce beast roar came.

Then, the ground shook and the mountains shook, traveling like a giant, a beast the size of a low mountain rushed out of the dense woods.

It is three hundred feet tall, resembling a tyrannosaurus, and its skin is as pale as a rock, full of firmness.

On its head, there are two horns, like two broad knives, which are ferocious toward the sky, revealing a sense of incomparable sharpness.

Just rushed over, giving the race an invincible and unstoppable momentum.

"This is a two-horned Tyrannosaurus?"

Many people were surprised and changed their colors.

The Double-horned Tyrannosaurus is an extremely powerful beast with amazing bloodlines. It can destroy mountains and mountains when it is in its early days. It grows to adulthood and is a great overlord in the mountains and forests.

In the past, explorers were most afraid of encountering it.

In this place where there are so many small flowers and plants, there will be two-footed Tyrannosaurus beasts guarding it, which is really bad.

Lin Han is also solemn, even if his physical strength is strong enough, he still feels tricky. If he wants to go heads-up, he may not be the opponent of the two-horned tyrannosaurus.

The realm of this beast is much higher than him.

"Don't panic, everyone, line up and fight with this beast." Song Yun shouted at this moment.

He deserves to be the captain of the Hunting Wind Squad, even now he is not panicked.

The wind-hunting team has been out for many years of expeditions, and there is a great understanding between the members of mutual cooperation.

Under their painstaking research, they created a set of formations called "Earth Fire, Wind and Thunder Array".

Several times on the brink of life and death, I helped them turn danger to a breeze.


Numerous members nodded, and there was a divine light blasted out of the sky spirit cover, rising into the air, and then interweaving each other to form a bright array.

Then, as if the whole person was connected as one, they increased their momentum.

Lin Han was amazed. The Earth Fire, Wind and Thunder array was indeed extraordinary. After being put out, the elements of Earth Fire, Wind and Thunder in the entire world rushed towards them frantically, giving them a sense of dominating the world.

This formation does have a way.


In the next moment, many members shouted together, and the four elements of earth, fire, wind, and thunder turned into a killing sword, and they slammed the double-horned tyrannosaurus to kill.

In the universe, a huge wind is set off, like a torrent, unstoppable.

Lingxuan also felt a strong pressure, and his face felt a bit fiery pain.


However, the eyes of the two-horned Tyrannosaurus were a touch of humanized scorn. The hideous horns on the skull shook with a violent force, and a violent momentum bloomed. Instantly, four huge arms of earth, fire, wind and thunder Kill the sword, all broken and opened.

Then, Song Yun and many members felt an extremely powerful counter shock.

Puff puff……

They coughed up blood and flew out one after another, their faces pale.

"None of this?" Mu Qiqi frowned.

Song Yun and the others have already exerted their full power, and the two-horned Tyrannosaurus is not necessarily too powerful.

Kaka Kaka...

The two-horned tyrannosaurus is very excited, like encountering fat food, gnawing members crazy.

Many members were eaten raw by him, uttering terrible screams, and the pictures were **** and chilling.

Lingxuan also felt that it was a bit bad, the two-horned Tyrannosaurus was so cruel, they would all be in trouble if they were lost.

"Hey, let me come." Finally, Lin Han shook his head, only to stand up.

If he doesn't make a move, I'm afraid the members of the Wind Hunter team will all die here.

"Animal, stop me." Lin cold yelled, his voice blooming like a thunder, the two-horned tyrannosaurus was shocked, looking at Lin Han, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

I can detect that this human teenager is not easy.

Lin Han's body had a vast and incomparable vitality, which made it aware of a huge threat.

However, it is cruel in nature and does not take it seriously.

There was a cruel look in his eyes, as if mocking a human young man, overpowering himself.


Then, with a loud roar, he rushed again. This time he was even more fierce. There was even an energy light group in his mouth, like a sun, killing Lin Han.

As soon as the energy light cluster appears, everything in the world loses its color, only it becomes the only one.

The momentum is earth-shattering, and it really smashes down, this land will no longer exist.

Song Yun and the members of the Hunting Wind Team were worried.

Now Lin Han carries the hope of all of them.

"Humph." However, Lin Han sneered, he had a way to restrain the opponent.

"The ancient gods, come out!"

At the moment, he drank heavily, the brilliance in his hand flashed, and a big cauldron appeared, which was thrown into the air, and it instantly became tens of thousands of feet high, covering the sky and the sun, full of thick, ancient aura.

Just come out, the space is shaking.

"What kind of tripod is this?" Countless people were shocked.

Like the majestic tripod of ancient times, it must crush the years and collapse everything.

There is great majesty on it, making them surrender.

It's amazing.

"This seems to be the most precious treasure of Canggu Sword Mansion-the ancient divine cauldron?"

Song Yun seemed to think of something, and said in surprise.

This tripod was brilliant in ancient times. The Patriarch of Canggu Sword Mansion used it to kill many masters.

For a long time, no one has become its owner.

Only some time ago, Lin Han, the new big brother of Canggu Sword Mansion, successfully tempered with the ancient divine cauldron, and gained its approval.

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