War Emperor

Chapter 1739: Enter Tianqi Mountain


A loud and earth-shaking noise spread, and the whole street trembles a bit.

Some tall buildings collapsed, as if two giant ancient beasts collided here.

Lin Han's fist and Zhao Zhu's palm finally smashed away fiercely. However, Lin Han's physical strength was obviously stronger, and Zhao Zhu's bloodline of the giant clan was not good enough.

The latter screamed and slammed into the wall of a building not far away, directly smashing a big hole there, causing smoke and dust.

It even broke through, seven or eight huge buildings.


Countless people were in a daze.

Zhao Zhu lost to the enemy, and was directly beaten into the air by one move.

how can that be.

Now I finally understand that Lin Han really possesses a powerful physical body, which is not a blindfold at all.

They looked at Lin Han with a horror, no longer the contempt and doubt they had before.

Song Yun and Mu Qiqi looked at each other seriously, and felt that Lin Han was unique and not simple.

"No, why is it like this..." Zhao Zhu fell into the ruins, a pair of eyes lost incomparably, this result was too much for him.

Being run over by an unknown man, he felt it was a huge shame.

"Now I don't doubt that I am using the blind eye method." Lin Han smiled lightly.

Zhao Zhu's face flushed.

Lin Han has real talents and learning, he began to be jealous.

"Haha, little brother, welcome to join our team, I hope we can cooperate happily." At this time, Song Yun also smiled, and was more polite to Lin Han.

Lin Han nodded.


A group of people leave here.

Lin Han's performance was talked about by people in Taikoo Giant City.

To the south of the city, there is an incomparably magnificent mountain range, each of which is tens of thousands of feet tall, towering into the galaxy, towering old trees, and looking up, the sky above is shining with stars, very dreamy.

Lin Han, Lingxuan and others came to the foot of Tianqi Mountain.

"Attention, everyone, there are many monsters in Tianqi Mountain, fierce beasts are like clouds, and there are even some peerless great monsters beyond the sky-reaching realm. We must be careful." Song Yun solemnly said.

Even though it is not the first time for their Wind Hunting team to enter Tianqi Mountain, they will be extra cautious every time they advance. As long as there is an accident, they will be forever.

The other members nodded. They are all people who have experienced life and death, and they have good temperaments.

"Little brother, I don't know where it comes from?" Mu Qiqi smiled at Lin Han after entering the forest.

The sound is like a clear spring flowing over a rock, which is pleasant to the ears.

Lin Han's performance also surprised her and couldn't help asking.

"I have no school or school, just a wild kid." Lin Han smiled.

He has many treasures, and he doesn't want people to know his identity.

May cause unnecessary trouble.

"Okay." Mu Qiqi didn't care. It's normal to be careful when going out.

"No, be careful!"

At this moment, they finally entered Tianqi Mountain, Song Yun seemed to find something and shouted.

I saw that when passing a low mountain, the low mountain exploded, and a huge black tortoise rushed out of it and ate the two explorers in one bite, spraying blood like a bursting balloon.

"This is the Black Rock Turtle?" Mu Qiqi frowned.

The black rock tortoise is a kind of mutated animal. It can grow up to a size of forty or fifty feet at will. Because of their turtle shells, which are like black rocks, and they are good at camouflage, they are easy to be caught when they are motionless. Seen as a low mountain.

Unexpectedly, when I first came here, I met one end.


The Black Rock Turtle ate the two of them all, with a bloodthirsty light in their eyes, obviously not full, and yelled at the crowd, then used all four hooves to rush again.

It does not move slowly at all, it is very fast, like an unstoppable beast, with its big mouth open, it is ten meters long, like the gate of hell, facing Mu Qiqi's direction.

"Attention, Miss Protection." Song Yun said anxiously.

He is leading in the front, a little far away, and the black rock turtle is so fast that it is too late for him to go back and rescue.

Only scolded other members.

Those members, knowing Mu Qiqi's status, rushed up with a touch of death in their eyes.

It's a pity that the black rock tortoises were too aggressive, and the wind blew them up and hit them on the boulder. Everyone wailed and even the weaker people were shaken to death on the spot.

Mu Qiqi's slender figure looks very weak under the black rock turtle

Like a dying flower.

Song Yun was a little desperate. The Black Rock Tortoise had reached the seventh level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, and few people in the team could resist it.

The people around Mu Qiqi just happened to be a little weak.

Now it's almost certain to die.

A panic flashed in Mu Qiqi's beautiful eyes.

However, at this moment, a figure of a young man stood in front of her.

Hit it with one punch, as if facing a terrible sea alone.


The huge black rock tortoise was instantly hit like a ball.

The young man remained motionless, as steady as a rock.

"It's you?" Mu Qiqi was surprised. It was Lin Han who saved her.

Even if Lin Han defeated Zhao Zhu before, she never expected that she could compete against the Black Rock Turtle.

After all, the Black Rock Turtle is much better than Zhao Zhu.

Lin Han's performance made her look admiring again.

"Are you all right." Lin Han smiled faintly, and said to Mu Qiqi.

"It's okay..." Mu Qiqi replied, thinking that Lin Han seemed to be shining, with a calm temperament, a calm temperament, coupled with a very mysterious, exuding an invisible charm.

Just looking at the boy in this way, there was a wave of waves in her heart, and her ears were a little blush.

"That's good." Lin Han nodded, the team was obviously dominated by Mu Qiqi, he didn't want to, she died just after entering Tianqi Mountain, which would affect everyone's morale too much.

At this time, angrily preached: "You bastard, how do you protect the young lady? If there is a problem with the young lady, can you afford it?"

A tall man came up with an angry face and shouted at Lin Han.

"Who are you?" Lin Han frowned.

The other party is so powerful.

"You don't know who I am. You humble boy, you really have no knowledge. Tell you, I am the young master of this big evil hall. I am responsible for protecting Miss Mu Qiqi. In this team, everyone must Listen to me, including Song Yun, kid, I don’t care who you are and what background you have. Please be honest here and protect Miss Qiqi. If she loses a hair, I will make you dead. do you know?"

Zheng Wei pointed Lin Han's forehead with a grinning smile.

Fortunately, Lin Han blocked the Black Rock Turtle, otherwise it would not be that simple.

"Why are you so domineering? He has already rescued Miss Qiqi, and you are still so strong." At this time, Lingxuan couldn't stand it and said.

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