War Emperor

Chapter 1732: Rolling

Then, Xuantian Dayin fell down fiercely, causing Deyue'er to be forced back a few steps again. With each step, he stepped on the solid square floor with clear footprints, showing the strength he endured. , How powerful.

"Invincible again? How could this happen?" Yue'er was a little dazed.

She felt that Lin Han was like a bottomless pit, no matter what tricks she used, the other party could come up with a stronger attack.

This made her feel dreamy, how could Lin Han be so strong.

"You are not my opponent at all, haven't you recognized it." Lin Han smiled faintly.

Yue'er felt more humiliated, and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, it's not over yet, come again!"

At the moment, her delicate body shook, and the divine light bursting from within her body became more flaming.

A mirror flew out of the heavenly spirit cover, shining brightly, and the sky filled the sky, which seemed extremely sacred, like some kind of most divine and holy thing appeared between the heaven and the earth.

In the void, even patches of golden lotus rose.

"This is the Xiaguang mirror?" Lin Han raised his brow and asked unexpectedly.

This is the 59th-ranked artifact in the list of artifacts. It is powerful and powerful. According to legend, it can shoot everything under the mirror, making many powerful people in ancient times frightened.

Unexpectedly, Yue'er still has such a baby.

In terms of rank, this was far stronger than his Xuantian Great Seal.

"Yes, it is Xia Guangjing, Lin Han, you stinky boy, I want to suppress you severely and make you surrender to me." Yue'er Yinfang squeaked, and was repeatedly caught by Lin Han. Knocked back, causing her to move real fire.

At the moment, she pinched a cumbersome seal in her hand, and above the mirror, the light suddenly rose, like stars blooming divinely, making the entire universe resonate.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of glow shot out from it, and slammed through Lin Handong.

This ray of light was not so gross and terrifying, but it was very sharp, like the extinct celestial light in the universe, as soon as it appeared, Lin Han felt a very dangerous smell.

It is as if if he is pierced through, no matter how strong he is, he will die on the spot.

There was a solemn taste in his heart.

"Crazy God Battle Armor, block it for me." Then, Lin Han took a deep breath and shouted with a cold expression.

During this period of time, the Crazy God Battle Armor has been incorporated into many precious gods by him.

The defensive power is much more powerful than before, he has never used it.

Now is the time to verify it.


Under the urge of Lin Han's mind, a layer of brilliant blue light radiated from the Crazy God's armor.

Among them, a series of runes began to evaporate, as if expounding the secrets of the universe, there was a very mysterious feeling.

Then, after Yue'er rushed towards Lin Han's Kuangshen Battle Armor with a fierce blow, the space there actually collapsed, making Yue'er's attack invisible, without causing any damage to Lin Han.

Like Lin Han's mad **** battle armor, it can lead the opponent's attack to another mysterious space.

"how can that be?"

Some of the high-ranking officials of the arithmetic were shocked.

This armor is too weird.

Much better than before.

At the moment, they couldn't help but marvel.

It seems that Lin Han used the prehistoric to forge the sword furnace to make the Crazy God War Armor tough again.

The prehistoric sword-making furnace is worthy of being the first sword-making furnace in the universe.

"No...why!" Yue'er gritted her teeth as well, feeling extremely uncomfortable as if she had received a heavy blow in her heart.

This was her most powerful attack, she still couldn't defeat Lin Han, and she couldn't accept it either.

Moreover, Lin Han didn't hurt a single hair, which made her bitter.

She now has the feeling of attacking and hitting the air.

"Let's lose." Lin Han was also hit by some real fire, sneered immediately, and then the brilliance in his hand flashed, and the Blood Falling Emperor Sword was displayed by him. The sky was overwhelmed, and the terrifying aura caused cracks to be opened.

Some low-powered people flew out like weeds.

Even some elders have a solemn expression on their faces.

On this sword, there is the breath of the blood cloud sword and the lost sword?

Could it be that he merged these two supernatural swords together?

This shocked their hearts.

This is really a perversion, such a high-level Excalibur, it is too difficult to merge, almost unrealistic.

Lin Han did it abruptly.

The Xueluo Emperor Sword was really like an invincible Emperor Sword, even if it was them, there was a little hairy in their hearts.

On the square, some people's weapons were trembling, as if courtiers saw the emperor and saluted Lin Han's Blood Falling Emperor sword. The scene was spectacular.

A touch of horror also appeared in Yue'er's heart, and she sensed a huge danger. If she was hit, the consequences would be unthinkable.

At the moment, she gritted her teeth fiercely and blocked her face with the Xiaguang mirror.


The sword power was overwhelmed, and the Xiaguang mirror was directly flew out in an instant, smashing a large mountain not far away.

Yue'er suffered a huge backlash, and this time she finally fell to the ground fiercely.

She was badly injured, her breath was so weak that she could not stand up.

Fortunately, she took a healing pill in time, otherwise her current appearance would be even more miserable.

"Miss Yue'er, I have accepted." Lin Han smiled at Yue'er.

Yue'er Qiao's face flushed, and she felt very shameless.

It was shameless to lose to Lin Han like this.

Lin Han's toughness also deeply shocked her.

Is the other party really only less than three years old? Some people are far inferior to him when they have soared for three hundred years or three thousand years.

Lin Han glanced at the square, saw that there was nothing to say, then turned and left again.

He really didn't want to be entangled here.

"Wait a minute." However, just then.

The master of the divine calculation gate flew down from a high position and stopped in front of Lin Han.

"What's the command of the master?" Lin Han was startled, clasping his fists.

This is the Great Thousand Realm, a top-notch man, he dare not neglect.

"Haha, Lin Han, Yue'er is a bit more savage and willful, but he is not bad at heart, so please bear with me. The old man, Tianji, is a very senior senior in my sacred school. Since he has set this for you Marriage matters, my **** counts the door, all of you will only comply with it, so you can marry Yue'er with confidence, presumably now Yue'er has witnessed your strength and feels that you can be worthy of her, so I won't object too much."

The master of the fortune-telling sect chuckled lightly, and then said to Yue'er: "Yue'er, do you think?"

There was a touch of majesty in the tone.

Yue'er couldn't help her pretty face whitening, knowing that although the sect master was very kind on weekdays, once the majesty matter was exposed, she did not dare to refute it.

Besides, the potential that Lin Han has shown now is amazing.

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