War Emperor

Chapter 1714: massacre

The dignified immeasurable immortal emperor, a powerful man on the 9th floor of the Supreme Void Realm, was actually injured by Lin Han.

This scene is too shocking, many people think it is very dreamy.

Lin Han was fighting across nine small realms.

In the entire fairy world, who has such a record against the sky throughout the ages?

The difference in energy between the nine small realms is already an astronomical number.

"Immortal Immortal Emperor, how does it taste?" Lin Han smiled long and noticed that the Qiqiao Linglong Orchid was crazily refining and decomposing in his body. He felt that his strength was getting stronger and stronger, and his spirit was like a dragon. The strands of hair were glowing, like a huge treasure house of energy, which could not help overflowing.

He also had a sense of accomplishment when he crushed Immortal Emperor Wuliang in this way.

However, he knew that the powerhouses at the 9th floor of the Supreme Void Realm were not easy to deal with, and had finally gained the upper hand, so he couldn't care less.


He continued to chase after victory, holding the Xueluo Emperor Sword in both hands, facing the head of Immortal Emperor Wuliang, and smashed it down again.

This time, the light that radiated from the sword body was extremely red, like a condensed form of the blood of all souls, full of a breathtaking evil spirit.

Even behind Lin Han, a pair of scarlet eyes opened.

Each eye is bigger than the stars, illuminating the vast universe, and the scene is shocking.

"Do not……"

The immortal emperor immeasurable was finally completely horrified, smelling the threat of death, he could reach the world-wide realm within one step. In the entire immortal world, he was regarded as a first-class powerhouse, so he would die in the hands of Lin Han, which was too awkward for him. Up.

He couldn't bear this result. At the moment, he used almost all of his power to resist Lin Han's terrifying sword.

But it was of no use, Lin Han's sword was extremely sharp, and it was beyond the range that people of the Void Realm could bear.

The most important thing is that the long-lasting vitality in Lin Han's body is still very strong. This kind of power carries a mysterious flavor, making Lin Han's attack more domineering and invincible.

Finally, Immortal Emperor Wuliang was split in half, his chest exploded directly, and his internal organs and lungs were sprayed out.

Lin Han used the Blood Falling Emperor Sword to shock again, and with a loud bang, the body of the Immortal Emperor Wuliang was blown into mud.

When reaching the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, the physical body is already extremely abnormal, even if it is beheaded, it is not easy to die.

Immortal Emperor Wuliang was not far from reaching this realm, so Lin Han was just in case.

The wind blew, and the surroundings fell into deathly silence.

Immortal Emperor Wuliang died too, and Lin Han used his blood to fall into the emperor's sword, shaking him into mud.

The brilliant record makes everyone's eyes a little sore.

In one day today, three immortal emperor-level figures have been killed by Lin Han.

Lin Han's move would cause huge waves in the vast Great Thousand Realm, among the countless stars of Ganges Sand.

This is a legend that belongs to a teenager.

Lin Han also breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. Fortunately, there is a Seven Orifice Exquisite Orchid, otherwise he wanted to deal with Immortal Emperor Wuliang, but it would not be so easy.

"Next, only Immortal Emperor Tiandao will remain."

Lin Han looked at the direction of Tiandao Mountain and muttered to himself coldly.

Tiandao Mountain is just north of the Great Thousand Realm.

Back then, the four immortal emperors worked together to deal with him, and he wanted to kill them all.

"Lin Han, don't be impulsive. I heard that the Immortal Emperor Heavenly Dao had recently attacked the Heavenly Transcendent Realm in retreat. Now it is very likely to succeed. Your current strength is not his opponent." At this time, Luo Yan flew over and reminded.

Among the four immortal emperors, the immortal emperor of Heaven is the most powerful.

As early as decades ago, he had already reached Consummation in the Taixu Realm.

Now if he breaks into the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, Lin Han will be the opponent.

Once entered, it was another world, completely beyond the reach of the characters of the Void Realm.

There is a big gap between Immortal Emperor Wuliang, a figure in the nine-layer Taixu realm, and him.

Lin Han nodded, knowing that the characters in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm were powerful, and the black-clothed men who appeared in the ancient Li Dynasty before had the spirit to be invincible under the starry sky.

If it weren't for Chaos Wood, it would definitely be able to sweep the ancient Li Dynasty, and no one can beat it.

Now that he wants to fight against this kind of character, he is indeed a lot worse.

"Then what to do, is it at this juncture now that I have to give up in vain?" Lingxuan also flew over, a little out of breath.

She knew the hatred between Lin Han and the four immortal emperors.

At the beginning, the Four Great Immortal Emperors made a huge movement in the Great Thousand Realm and captured Lin Han who had just ascended.

They have a lofty identity, and they treat a teenager like this, which is too big to bully the small.

She also wanted the immortal emperor Tiandao to receive due retribution.

"It's okay, as long as Lin Han completely refines the Seven Orifice Linglong Orchid, after the strength has greatly increased, dealing with the characters of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm should not be a problem. It's not that you don't want to avenge him, just take a moment." Luo Yan laughed.

The energy in the Qiqiao Linglong Orchid is too majestic, even if Lin Han's physique is against the sky, it is impossible to absorb it in such a short period of time. There must be huge energy hidden in his body.

By completely absorbing these energy, Lin Han's realm will definitely increase greatly, and it will be the time to kill Tiandao Mountain by then.

"Okay." Lin Han weighed it and nodded slightly, feeling that this was the safest way.

This connection battle, combined with the Blood Cloud Sword and the Lost Sword, did not consume much of his original power.

He wants to cultivate, and he is the safest in Shangtiandao Mountain.

"People of Tiandao Mountain, let you live for a while, and when I am completely successful, it will be the time when I will kill your Taoism." Lin Han looked in the direction of Tiandao Mountain and sneered.

The movement here is so great that the people of Tiandao Mountain are naturally paying attention. Hearing Lin Han's words, most people of Tiandao Mountain are angry.

So courageous, when they say what Tiandao Mountain is, they just slaughter.

This is a huge humiliation to their Tiandao Mountain.

The eyes of the people in Tiandaoshan exuded a killing intent, and they wanted to smash Lin Han's corpse.

However, they all pressed their patience. Lin Han has indeed become a climate now. Even if it consumes a lot of money, if the battle really starts, their casualties must be great.

Give them time to make arrangements, and they will be confident that Lin Hanruo will come to Tiandao Mountain just looking for death.

Therefore, they felt that it was safest to wait for Lin Han to die by himself, and then clean him up.

"My door to Tiandao Mountain is open to you at any time. As long as you have the ability, you are welcome to Tushan." In Tiandao Mountain, a terrifying old man made such a voice.

The voice was cold, like an old ghost in Jiuyou.

Lin Han just sneered without saying much.

What the result will be, the world will naturally know when the time comes.


In this way, this matter came to an end for the time being.

Lin Han's deeds, like a hurricane, quickly spread among the countless stars in Daqian.

Countless people were shocked beyond words when they heard it.

This was really a demon-like young man. Within a day, even the three immortal emperors and the entire Southern Emperor were wiped out, and his name survived the ages.

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