War Emperor

Chapter 1700: Space channel

"It's okay." Lin Han has made up his mind that the ancient Li Dynasty must soar.

This is his wish.

Seeing the persuasion, Qian Yuan only sighed. When he parted, he gave Lin Han a jade pendant, saying that it could resist a certain degree of space cracks.

After Lin Han thanked him, it turned into a stream of light and entered the mirror.


As soon as Lin Han entered the mirror, he found that he had come to a spatial passage, straight down, surrounded by silver light gleaming, as if he could lead to Jiuyou.

Shutting through this, Lin Han felt an uneasy feeling, just like those silver lights, if he killed himself, he would also be in big trouble.

The space channel is not stable.

"I hope there won't be any problems." Lin Han murmured.

In ancient times, there were also cases where some people entered the space channel and nothing happened.

He usually has good luck and hopes it will be the same this time.


But the next moment, a scene that left him in a daze appeared.

I saw that just as his thoughts fell, a silver space crack slashed towards him.

The speed is very fast, even more terrifying than thunder and lightning.

Before Lin Han had time to dodge, a **** wound was cut from his back, and he grinned in pain.

Damn, it's really lucky, what to say.

He couldn't help but shed a brilliant light all over his body to defend.

The power of this space crack is too strong, far beyond the ordinary, mixed with the aura of the fairy and heaven.

Click, click, click!

Next, the silver thunder and lightning of the cheat book, like a waterfall, poured towards him.

If it is an ordinary master, it will immediately scare the scalp numb and pass in despair.

Within the space channel, there is nowhere to hide. Such a space crack is a one-shot kill.

Even the characters of the too virtual realm can't dodge.


Lin Han's thoughts turned, and without a word, he displayed the Celestial Suit, and the armor of Shenwu was worn on him, setting off him like a Celestial God.

In Daxu, he got many treasures, including many materials.

He poured those materials into the Mad God War Armor, and practiced it again. The current Mad God War Armor is much more advanced than before.

Just like this, there is a huge majesty sweeping over it, as if the ancient times are descending to the earth, letting all things surrender.

In this case, the silver space cracks did not hurt him.

Lin Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling a little excited in his heart.

Those materials are really useful. He felt that the current Crazy God War Armor was more than five times stronger than before. After displaying it, even a general character in the too virtual realm would not be able to hurt him with a full blow.

Now he really has a feeling that all laws will not invade.

"Attention, the space cracks and the fluctuations are stronger. This space may all collapse." At this time, Hong's voice filled with solemnity.

If the space really collapses and the space is shattered, Lin Han will be useless even if he has the War Armor of the Mad God, and will be exiled in the special time and space of the two worlds.

His life is over, and he can't find a way back.

"No way." Lin Han also had a numb scalp, he didn't want to end up like this.

If you really live in this space and time, what is the difference from being imprisoned forever?

The taste of loneliness alone was enough to drive him crazy.


Next, the scene of Lin Han's pale face appeared, only to see that the space channel really collapsed, and there were large space cracks in the void outside, coming in mighty, like a tsunami, which was tens of thousands of miles long and magnificent.

Lin Han was as small as an ant in front of him.

This made Lin Han couldn't help but feel desperate. The cracks in Shicai's space were only occasional flashes of lightning. The cracks in this space were swept by a tsunami, and it was not a concept at all.

He is really over.

Even though I have gone through many ups and downs along the way, I have never felt this way.

"Use the time and space of the nine elephants to see if you can survive this catastrophe." Hong also sighed secretly, Lin Han was unlucky, such a space crack and a big tsunami, even if some of the giants in the immortal world, they all have green faces when they see it. bumped into.

It is true that normal will die.

Now there is no way, only to try with Jiuxiang Time and Space.

There is an intuition in his heart that the Nine Elephants Time and Space is a profound and profound magical power that can absorb the energy of all things in the universe and strengthen himself.

Maybe, the time and space of nine elephants can absorb this energy.

If it succeeds, Jiuxiang Time and Space will become even more weird and powerful.

Lin Han nodded, and that's all there is now.

Boom boom boom...

When the thought fell, Lin Han shook his body and summoned the Nine Elephants from within his body. In an instant, behind him, nine huge pictures of gods appeared, each of which was shining with fairy lights, as if it contained a piece of mystery. The universe, with an unmatched vastness.

As Lin Han's strength grew, the power of Nine Elephants Time and Space became more powerful.

If the current Nine Elephants' time and space were to be displayed, it would be impossible for ordinary characters in the too virtual realm to be opponents.

Under the control of Lin Han's mind, every **** map of Nine Elephants Time and Space began to enlarge, as if it had become nine huge black holes, which could swallow everything.

The boundless, magnificent space cracks and the big tsunami, entering into it, all seem to be swept into another time and space, disappearing.

Lin Han was under the time and space of the nine elephants, and there was a smell of inviolability of foreign objects.

If someone saw this scene, it would be extremely shocking, and Lin Han would have resisted the cracks in the space where countless masters heard the wind and fear, he was only the peak of the ninth level of the Wind and Fire Realm.

"Successful?" Lin Han was also very surprised.

Nine Elephants did not disappoint him.

This is equivalent to helping him survive a death catastrophe.

"It's not that simple. Even if the Nine Elephants can absorb it, it won't be easy." Hong Dao.

The energy of this space crack is too strong, and it has exceeded the limit of the range that Lin Han can bear.

According to his estimation, Lin Han will inevitably suffer incomparably next time.

Whether he can really survive this catastrophe depends on Lin Han's willpower and providence.


Sure enough, after only a dozen minutes, Lin Han changed color on the spot, feeling that the energy that Nine Elephants could endure had reached a limit, and each **** image was like a balloon full of air, about to explode.

The time and space of the nine elephants was connected to his mind. When he was pushed to the limit, Lin Han naturally felt extremely painful.

A crack appeared between his eyebrows, and blood overflowed.

This made Lin Han couldn't help but let out a painful scream, this kind of feeling was really unspeakable.

He has never seen such a scene in the time and space of his cultivation of the Nine Elephants.

He knew that he really ushered in disaster.

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