War Emperor

Chapter 1694: Lonely family

At this moment, the sky was silent.

Lin Han was enveloped by countless awe eyes, and many people were deeply shocked.

Lonely, among the five great sword palaces, like a fabulous man.

At this moment, he was defeated.

Lost in the hands of Lin Han.

Lin Han was chased and killed by three immortal emperors from all over the world. He was incognito. He learned art in Canggu Sword Mansion. It only took more than two years to reach this step from the lowest level immortal.

The experience is legendary.

Countless young girls looked at Lin Han, and their eyes showed incomparable admiration.

This is the person who is truly worthy of admiration.

"Lonely Shang, what else do you have to say now?" Lin Han looked calm, looking at Lonely Shang, and said indifferently.

Defeating the opponent is also of great significance to him.

He also has a sense of excitement and accomplishment in his heart.

Lonely Clenched some fists fiercely, finally sighed, and said, "There is nothing to say."


Speaking of these last two words, his tone suddenly changed, and his eyes became sharp.

"What you defeated was me, the first genius of the Five Great Sword Palaces, but didn't defeat me as a lonely family."

After speaking, he suddenly exploded with an extremely tyrannical manner, and stood up fiercely again, like a dusty powerhouse, unlocking the seal, smelling of madness.

"Lonely family?"

There was a big earthquake all around.

Many leaders of big forces have changed color.

The Lonely Family, in the fairy world, is a family that resembles gods and demons.

Eight hundred thousand years ago, the Lonely Family came out of a demon named "Lonely Against the Sky". At that time, he practiced profound arts, and something went wrong, causing the demons to explode.

In one night, he smashed hundreds of thousands of powerful people in the eighteenth realm of the fairy world, causing a sensation in the entire fairy world.

Many of those powerhouses are important figures of the masters of big forces.

How could they let go of being killed like this?

There was also a big storm in the fairy world.

Many big forces joined forces to deal with lonely families.

At that time, the lonely family was indeed a big superpower, and almost no one dared to provoke it.

But in a big battle, the lonely family was almost destroyed.

In the end, a trace of blood was retained, and the lingering breath continued.

Over the years, they have been very low-key, and have never appeared in the fairy world.

Now it is almost a family that is about to be forgotten by everyone in the fairy world.

Lonely Shang is from a lonely family, which is naturally shocking.

No wonder, he was born out of nowhere. In Canggu Sword Mansion, he quickly climbed to the position of the big brother. For many years, no one could shake it.

"Lonely family?" Lin Han's expression also changed. He also listened to this family, which was once very glorious and prospered to the point where the fairy world trembles.

Even though their vitality was greatly injured by the first battle, their background was terrifying.

Lonely Shang came from this family, which is really unexpected.

"Worse, the Lonely Family background is against the sky. As one of the descendants of Lonely Shang, he must have a secret card that is unknown to the world. Now he obviously wants to give it away and show it."

Luo Yan was a little worried.

Lin Han is now in a big battle, which consumes a lot of money. If the loneliness and the tough hole cards have not been displayed, it is naturally difficult for Lin Han to fight.

She felt that the war might be about to be reversed.

Qian Yuan also sighed lightly and realized this.

There were also many masters of the Five Sword Mansion who had been lonely against the sky and killed.

The Five Great Sword Houses have always held hatred for the remnants of the lonely family.

Being alone in the Canggu Sword Mansion would hide his identity, but it was normal.

He also began to worry about Lin Han.

"Lin Han, as long as you have a lot of calculations, you will never think that I am the heir of the lonely family. You are far from defeating me. Today, I will use the magical power of the lonely family sealed in my body to end your myth."

Lonely Shang laughed loudly.

In order to protect him, the family members were indeed in him, sealing a huge force.

At the critical moment, there is a world-shaking power.

Now he will use it.

For his own reputation and the lonely family, he must defeat Lin Han and establish himself.

At the same time, he can also announce to the world.

The lonely family will officially appear.

"Kill!" Without the slightest nonsense, Lonely Shang roared and rushed towards Lin Han.

On the surface of his body, the divine power exuding, the vast ocean is like a vast ocean, at least ten times stronger than before.

The invincible momentum seemed to have formed a monstrous torrent, even if it was far away, many geniuses flew out with a look of shock.

This is not something that people from the Wind and Fire Realm can contend with.

Even if the powerhouses of the Supreme Void Realm see it, their faces are green.

Powerful in the Taixu realm, this is the realm of the master of some big forces.

For many people, it is difficult to reach for the whole life.

Lin Han is just a junior, so how could he be able to compete.

Click! Click!

Lin Han's body was also oppressed under this aura, as if it were about to break apart, making it difficult to breathe.

He is uncomfortable.

I feel the bones are going to be broken.

Most people have long directly turned into blood and died.

"Lin Han, swear now, to be a dog by my side, I can spare your life, this is your last chance, you will not send it." Lonely Shang yelled, slapped it with a palm, the momentum moved, threatening. .

The power of this palm is like the explosion of ten stars, and the bright divine light has filled the universe.

There is violent energy everywhere in the world.

A wisp, you can kill a general genius master.

Hundreds of thousands of threads gather together like a catastrophe.

"Dreaming!" Lin Han just sneered, then seemed to think of something, a touch of certainty appeared in his eyes.


Next, in the gaze of countless people's doubts, he once again took out an object from the space stone pendant and placed it in front of him with a bang.

This is a coffin about the size of a low mountain. It is jet-black, dense and deep, and seems to be able to devour human souls.

The whole coffin gave people a terrible taste.

Many people have numb scalp and feel like the most horrible things in the world appear, and their hairs are growing.

"This is the weird black coffin of Shenbao Palace?"

Many people all exclaimed, shocked.

This black coffin, at auction before, attracted the attention of many people.

It is suspected to be buried in Daxu Xianzu.

You know, this is a generation of immortal ancestors, only in the legend, who has seen its coffin?

Right now, Lin Han actually displayed it, which made many people feel a little horrified.

No one knows if it will be dangerous.

Lin Han's move was crazy.

"Lin Han, you can't die, why do you take this thing out?" Lonely Shang was also startled, his face changed wildly.

This is an item that even Qian Yuan, the palace lord who has advanced their skills, is very afraid of.

He was also afraid.

Now he felt like a terrifying existence in the black coffin, staring at him, making him cold.

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