War Emperor

Chapter 1671: Shock


Finally, in the horrified eyes of countless people, Lin Han finally slapped Jian Jiu’s face with this slap. His majestic strength instantly caused Jian Jiu’s entire head to explode, like a water bag. The endless blood and brains sprayed out, it was horrible.

Jian Jiu also uttered an extremely scream, and died completely.

The soul was wiped out cleanly.

Between heaven and earth, he fell into a huge shock instantly.

The scalp of countless people was about to explode.

It was a shocking event.

The top geniuses of the Five Sword Mansion, like five brilliant pearls, illuminate the endless starry sky. For ordinary geniuses, their status is too high and the light is too bright, they can only look up.

You can't even match your shoulders.

Let alone beheaded?

This kind of genius has never been beheaded in the Great Thousand Realm.

Now at the Five Great Sword Mansion Exchange Conference, the big brother of the Shenfeng Sword Mansion was killed by Lin Han, which was a record.

Many people feel like they have witnessed history.

"Do not……"

The disciples of the Shenfeng Sword Mansion all yelled out with a sad expression.

The big brother is the faith in their hearts, just like that, it's a big blow to them.

This is also a huge humiliation to the Shenfeng Sword Mansion.

Their gazes looking at Lin Han were full of hatred, and they wanted to tear Lin Han to pieces.

Outside the Great Ruins, the killing intent in the eyes of Jian Shenfeng was also strong to the extreme, and even his teeth were almost broken. Since becoming the peak powerhouse, he has a peaceful mind and overlooked all living beings. He has not had much emotion. Today he feels The lungs are almost exploding.

Jian Jiu was killed, unforgivable, he had completely remembered Lin Han.

The lord of the other big forces was also horrified, thinking that Lin Han was really crazy.

There is no taboo. For many years in the fairy world, there has not been such a young man.

His name will be remembered for a long time by the world.

"Hurt my disciple of Canggu Sword Mansion, with a vicious heart, and a surviving death. Today I can also be regarded as walking for the sky, clearing a big malignant tumor for my five sword mansions." Lin Han looked cold and cold.

It wasn't that he was bloodthirsty, it was Jian Jiu who did too much, if it wasn't for him to arrest so many people, it would be the case.

Moreover, he still has to use the method of blood refining, to refine all Luoyan into essence and blood to perfect himself. Such a person really deserves to die, so his expression is very calm.

"Well, this is?" Then, Lin Han found a bone in Jian Jiu's corpse, which was gleaming. Right now, with a bang, Jian Jiu's headless corpse exploded directly, leaving no whole body dead. , A golden bone appeared on his chest.

This bone has nine sword patterns on it, each of which is bright and mysterious, as if it is recording some secret in the universe, and it is shining with a mysterious atmosphere.

Against the backdrop of the nine sword patterns, this bone looked extraordinary.

"Nine-patterned sword bone?" Lin Han seemed to think of something and couldn't help but smile.

As we all know, the reason why Jian Jiu was able to become a genius with a brilliant reputation in the Great Thousand Realm is because he was born with a sword bone with nine patterns and has a unique advantage in cultivating kendo.

Within the nine-stripe sword bone, there is a majestic and incomparable innate origin energy, which is the energy that ordinary people dream of.

It's a big gain just to get it.

If he absorbs the power of these nine-stripe sword bones, not only will his strength be greatly improved, but his kendo talent comprehension and physical strength will be greatly increased.

This made him feel a sense of carelessness in his heart.

In the surroundings, many geniuses were also full of jealousy towards Lin Han. To obtain the nine-patterned sword bone is equivalent to inheriting the talent of Jian Jiu. Lin Han originally had an incomparable talent against the sky. It's just more abnormal.

The disciples of the Kamikaze Sword Palace were very angry.

Lin Han didn't even look at the Shenfeng Sword Mansion. How could the remains of the big brother be collected like this?

"Luoyan, are you all right." Lin Han didn't care about their thoughts, and after putting away the nine-stripe sword bones, he flew to Luoyan and the others and asked.

After Jian Jiu died, the furnace of the fire had exploded long ago, and Luoyan and other more than a thousand disciples of the Canggu Sword Mansion had all come out.

Fortunately, they didn't have any casualties, but their original blood energy was absorbed too much, and their faces were a little pale. Just recover for a while.

This made Lin Han breathe a sigh of relief.

If half an hour later, it is conceivable that Luoyan and the others will have been poisoned, and Jian Jiu's strength will be greatly increased by then. In this big market, I am afraid that there is no genius that can stop him.

"It's okay, thank you very much this time." Luo Yan shook his head and smiled sincerely at Lin Han.

This time, Lin Han was indeed equivalent to saving her life.

She also didn't expect that Jian Jiu would have a big misty starry sky sword, and she would fall into his hands.

Therefore, she now felt that Lin Han seemed to shine, full of compelling charm and demeanor.

Lin Han just smiled, saying that Senior Sister Luoyan was polite. He was taken care of by Senior Sister in the Canggu Sword Palace. Besides, everyone was a member of the Sword Palace.


At this moment, the mountain suddenly shook, and at the end of the earth, a huge "giant" appeared at the end of the earth. It was a thousand feet tall and full of gold, like an ancient giant walking between the earth, every step When he fell, the world was shaken, the earth was bumpy, and even the mountains under his feet were covered with soil bumps, constantly collapsing.

"Ancient giant? Is this the genius of giants?"

Many people exclaimed.

People of this race are extremely rare in the Great Thousand Realm.

Lin Han didn't feel right. This was not a real giant, it was like a statue of heaven and earth. He felt a familiar breath on the giant who was thousands of feet high.

"This is Wu Changkong!" Luo Yan said softly.

Wu Changkong cultivated a giant dignity, which was thorough and domineering.

"What, he is Wu Changkong?"

Many people were stunned. Even if they heard that Wu Changkong had a huge and incomparable image, he could see it with his own eyes at the moment, and they felt shocked.

Such a huge image, as if it could open up the world, is too scary.

Everyone felt that there was a tingling scalp smell.

Wu Changkong, what are you doing when you show the Faxiang?

Look at it like this, some people are unkind.

"Wu Changkong, what are you doing here?" Lin Han was also aware of this and flew high into the sky and asked.

In Wu Changkong's world, there were two rounds of sun-like, blazing eyes, staring at him all the time. He felt that Wu Changkong was coming towards him 80%.

"Haha..." Wu Changkong laughed and swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger, and said: "Lin Han, you are so rebellious. You killed Jian Jiu and you have committed a heinous crime. Wu Changkong, as the leader of the five major sword houses, naturally wants to You take the behead and return to our five major sword palaces, a brilliant universe."

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