War Emperor

Chapter 1639: Black coffin

The sky is silent.

Countless people are full of enthusiasm, and everyone wants to see what the finale at this auction is.

"Come up." The palace lord of the Shenbao Palace took a look, countless people looked nervous, smiled with satisfaction, and then clapped their hands to the side.

Boom boom boom...

Like a giant appearing, not far from the high platform, one strongman walked out, carrying an object covered by a gray cloth.

Each of the Hercules is two meters tall, strong and sturdy, with muscles entangled around him like a snake, full of energy, and looks oppressive.

Lin Han couldn't help but slap his tongue. There were a total of eight Hercules, and each of them was on the road to physical training. They had very high attainments. I'm afraid they can break the world and the earth by themselves, leaving countless cultivators frightened.

This is so, the eight Hercules grinned tiredly, sweating profusely, panting, and even the soles of their feet trembled every step of the way.

It can be seen how heavy the items carried are.

Everyone is more curious.


A dull sound of a metal landing sounded. The eight Hercules finally placed an object about three feet in the middle of the high platform. The entire high platform shuddered. Many people felt that their feet were unstable, and the square trembled a bit. .

Lingxuan was a little surprised, God, how heavy is this item?

Just landing at random is so scary.

"Hehe, I'm not going to sell it anymore, please see." The palace owner of the Shenbao Palace smiled faintly and uncovered the gray cloth covering it. Suddenly a huge iron coffin made of black iron was exposed to everyone.

The coffin is jet-black and made of unknown special materials, giving it an incomparable taste.

The above was dark, as if it could swallow a lot of light, even the sunlight shining on it was swallowed, it was amazing.

Everyone felt an unspeakable yin and evil air, faintly coming out from the black coffin, making people a little bit creepy and shuddering.

It was like a black coffin, sealed with some kind of incomparable evil, which made people uncomfortable.

"Coffin?" Everyone was stunned. The final item of this auction would be a coffin?

This is surprising.

Many people feel that it is a bit absurd.

What is the value of a coffin.

Lin Han was also puzzled. The coffin looked very old, with a breath of time surrounding it, like this coffin, which had witnessed countless changes over the years, smelling like fossils.

Lin Han has an incomparable mental power, and can also vaguely feel that there is this very special wave passing through the coffin.

This made him couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity in his heart, wanting to see who was buried in the coffin.

"Haha, everyone does not know, this coffin, but the origin is amazing. It was obtained from the "Xinshan Mountain" in the big ruins. There are mottled ancient characters on the coffin. After countless appraisers, we repeatedly The appraisal found that this coffin is likely to be related to Daxu Immortal Ancestor." The Palace Master of the Shenbao Palace smiled, and said something that caused an uproar around him.


Like a comet falling into the ocean, the square immediately exploded.

Daxu Immortal Ancestor, this is the supreme powerhouse who created the Daxu back then, disregarding the past and the present.

There are too many legends about him in the world. According to legend, he was an old man who chopped firewood for a lifetime, and one day the deadline was approaching. Seeing the setting sun, he suddenly understood many natural avenues and continued his life alternatively. , Embark on the path of cultivation, and finally rise step by step to complete the supreme powerhouse.

The many forces and treasures in the Great Ruins are his descendants.

No one ever thought that this coffin had something to do with the ancestors of Daxu.

Could it be said that this is not the coffin of Daxu Xianzu?

Lin Han's heart was beating madly, very shocked.

If so, the value of this coffin is indeed very shocking.

In the vast immortal world, how many people can reach the realm of the immortal ancestor through the ages?

If there is any gain in it, it is absolutely shocking.

Immortal Emperor Immortal Regulations, Immortal Emperor Wuliang, and Immortal Emperor Tiandao also had a glow of heat in their eyes, and even their breathing became slightly heavier.

Their purpose is because of this coffin.

If in this coffin, get a strong immortal ancestor level, the inheritance of scales and claws, will be a harvest against the sky.

What's more, they have intuition.

There may be even more amazing secrets in the coffin.

"Haha, how precious is the coffin of a powerful immortal ancestor, I don't need to say it, everyone should understand, in this case, I won't be too long-winded, now this thing is auctioned, but..."

The lord of the Shenbao Palace smiled and said: "We are not going to auction the exquisite immortal stone, but the "Shouyuan Pill". If anyone can give us the Shenbao Palace and refine a lifelong pill, our Shenbao Palace will To whom."

"Shouyuan Pill?" Everyone was startled, not understanding what pill this was.

Only some people who are older and respected have their faces changed wildly. Among them, the Southern Royal Clan's patriarch couldn't help but be surprised: "You are talking about the "Thousand Treasures Longevity Pill". After the refining is successful, you can increase the number of practitioners. Peerless **** pill with a life span of five thousand years?"

"Yes, it is the Thousand Treasures Shouyuan Pill." The Palace Master of the Shenbao Palace nodded.

Everyone was relieved, and then they were shocked.

Thousand Treasures Longevity Pill, this is a kind of pill created by the "Three Clear Realms" of the current immortal world, Taishang Laojun, condensing thousands of precious medicinal materials, after successful refining, it can increase the number of practitioners, five thousand Years of life.

You know, every time you reach a state, your life span is fixed.

No one can continue anything.

After taking this pill, he can live another 5,000 years, which is called heaven-defying.

For some old antiques who are close to their lives, this kind of medicine is enough to make them give everything in exchange for it.

Legend has it that after the Taishang Laojun created this pill, the pill was left, and many experts learned that since ancient times, there are very few people who can refine this pill.

The palace owner of the Shenbao Palace actually asked someone to refine this pill before agreeing to give this black coffin to someone else. The threshold was too high.

Even if some big power masters do not have this accomplishment.

"I'll try..." At this moment, Emperor Xiangui couldn't help standing up, his eyes burning.

After all, he is an immortal emperor. He is very proficient in alchemy. He also knows the conditions of the black coffin auction in the Shenbao Palace. He has secretly prepared for a long time. He confidently refines the Qianbaoshouyuan Pill and it shouldn't be a problem.

So he feels a little confident now.

"Let's come too." Immortal Emperor Wuliang and Emperor Tiandao also stood up. The black coffin is so important that they naturally can't just watch it fall into the hands of others.

Once they get it, they might be able to greatly increase the strength of their own forces and take them to the next level.

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