War Emperor

Chapter 1620: Purgatory

"You have already lost even the Great Swordsmanship, what are you still fighting against me?" Lin Han shook his head and sneered.

Ye Chen didn't speak, the more Lin Han was like this, the more angry he was.

Right now he stood up and took out a dagger. A blood stain was drawn on the center of his eyebrows, drips of red blood flowed out, and his face was covered in a short while, looking like a blood man.

Many people were stunned, not understanding what Ye Chen was doing.

Lin Han was also startled. Could this guy harm himself?

"He wants to stimulate his own potential and use the great ancient sword, the most powerful blow." Qian Yuan narrowed his eyes, shaking himself.

As far as he knows, the Dazhuo Ancient Sword has a taboo sword technique that, when used, has the power of weeping ghosts.

It's just that every time you use it, it consumes a lot of yourself, unless it comes to life and death.

The masters of ancient swords who have possessed the great clumsy sword in the past will not use it.

Ye Chen obviously wants to be like this.

"Ye Chen, this is a discussion in the same school, it is not necessary to divide birth and death, why do you do this." At this time, Wen Fang also sighed, and then said with a heavy tone.

If Ye Chen uses this trick, at least 50 years of cultivation will be lost.

Although it was nothing to his long life.

But for this kind of genius, a big transformation can happen in 50 years.

He didn't want Ye Chen, so his strength fell.

"No, today, no matter what, I will defeat him." Ye Chen gritted his teeth fiercely and said with determination.

This is not only for his reputation, but also for Caiwu Fairy!

The festival between Lin Han and Fairy Caiwu was very big, and the latter had been unable to take the other party.

Fairy Caiwu is his lover.

He promised the other party, he would definitely give it out.

Therefore, even if he had spent fifty years on his cultivation level today, he would still do it.

Moreover, if he does not defeat Lin Han, this battle will inevitably become his demons, and it will be difficult for him to grow again in the future.

"With my blood, the spirit of sacrificing the sword, the great ancient sword, the great secret sword technique, now!" Ye Chen dragged all the blood flowing out of his heavenly spirit cover with his fingers into a blood mass, and then dripped it on the great ancient sword. On the thick epee full of ancient meaning, his mouth was also firm, spit out such a paragraph.

This is like a kind of chanting, every word carries a special spirit.


After the words fell, after the Dazhuo Ancient Sword absorbed the blood of Ye Chentian Linggai, a terrible blood glow suddenly appeared on the simple sword body. In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, and the world seemed to be the end of the day. Even clusters of scarlet clouds appeared, setting off the universe like a purgatory.

"The breath of Dazhuo's profound swordsmanship is so evil?"

Many people were pale and trembling to themselves.

This weather is really amazing.

Everyone felt like some terrifying power between heaven and earth, awakening in the sword body, full of an astonishing smell.

"This is the power of purgatory?" Qian Yuan narrowed his eyes and said with a sigh.

According to legend, the master who practiced the Dazhuo Ancient Sword was an immortal ancestor named "Dazhuo Xianzu".

He used to be famous in an era, sweeping the universe invincible.

In an accident, he opened the legendary purgatory, and sealed part of the **** purgatory power within the sword body!

However, this kind of power was too shocking, and Dazhuo Immortal Ancestor set a restriction.

Unless the future owner of the Dazhuo Ancient Sword sacrifices with the blood covered by the Heavenly Spirit, it cannot appear.

He had read this rumor in a very old book, and he thought it was illusory, and used it as an error.

Now it seems that it is obviously true.

The power of purgatory, even if he only hears its name, it has not been seen!

I can't help but feel a little excited to see it this time.

"Be careful of Lin Han, the purgatory power of this big clumsy ancient sword is extraordinary." There was also a touch of surprise in Hong's tone, and then he said heavily.

The ancient giants who reached the level of the immortal ancestor in ancient times are all looking for purgatory and ways to break the universe!

They firmly believe that this can reach a higher level of power, and can help them to make progress and go further.

It's just that the saying of purgatory is too vague, like reincarnation!

Although there are many ancient records in the world, no one has really experienced and seen it!

So this kind of power is very powerful!

Ye Chen was going to show it, which was naturally amazing.

If Lin Han is careless, it might really be in danger of life.

Lin Han nodded, his expression was extremely solemn.

I have to sigh in my heart, the other party is indeed the fourth-ranked arrogant among the Excalibur disciples!

The hidden methods are really shocking.

"The power of purgatory, now, kill me!" Ye Chen looked like a madman, like an affected mind, and his eyes became crimson like blood, and terrible light waves overflowed.

He gritted his teeth and let out a hoarse roar, as if using the power of his whole body, holding the thick hilt of the big awkward ancient sword in both hands, holding it high above his head, and then slashing towards Lin Han with a sword.

In an instant, a vision appeared directly in the void!

This is not a sword light, but a real alien world!

I saw that in the world of purgatory, there are eighteen layers of hell, there are reincarnation millstones, there are bridges of Naihe, and there are ten temples of Yama, all of them are filled with ghosts and blood. Even in some hells, many people are being oiled. Some harsh scenes such as pot, tongue hooking, whipping, etc. are shocking and make people afraid to look directly at them.

Above the Ten Temple Yama, each one is also magnificent, with a special majesty that shocks people.

Such a vast world, boundless, like a universe, containing endless space, the scene is amazing!

At this time, the surroundings were silent, and all the disciples in the square were numb with the shocking expressions of this scene, their throats were dry, and they were speechless.

This is an extremely challenging picture!

Even if there is a theory of **** reincarnation in the world, no one has really seen it!

But now appearing alive in front of everyone, the shock is really insurmountable.

Is there really order in this world, and will people enter a special time and space after death?

Many people are thinking about it!

Perhaps this is also the reason why the characters in the fairy ancestor realm want to explore everything and learn the truth of the universe.

At this point, there are very few new things that can make them feel good.

Lingxuan and Princess Miaomiao couldn't help being full of worries. How could Lin Han resist this kind of blow?

This is simply a lore.

Fairy Caiwu laughed happily, knowing that Lin Han was over!

All the air she held on Lin Han was finally resolved at once!

At this moment, she felt extremely comfortable.

"Lin Han, let's be defeated." Ye Chen also laughed, thinking that he could raise his eyebrows and be ashamed.

Since he got the Dazhu Ancient Sword, he has never used the taboo method on this sword.

Now he is confident that he can defeat any enemy.

Lin Han also had a solemn expression and realized the danger of life and death. However, he was naturally not such an easy compromiser. He said coldly at the moment: "That's not necessarily true. Let's see whose magical powers are better!"

When the word "ba" fell, Lin Han's body surface also bloomed like a sea of ​​Qi, sweeping across the square.

Next, his body was shaken, his hands spread out, and a loud shout full of pride, sounded in the heaven and earth: "Nine Elephants Time and Space, show me!"

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