War Emperor

Chapter 1610: Third sword

Originally, she thought that she would have taken Lin Han without any effort, but now she knew that she had underestimated Lin Han.

After the opponent broke into the fairyland, the changes were too great.

"You hurt me, **** it!" The purple man was furious, his eyes glowing with terrible divine light.

As a law enforcer of the law of heaven, it is a huge shame for him to end up like this.

"It's more than just hurting you, I'm going to kill you, let's go." However, Lin cold smiled, without procrastination, and directly shouted, the lost sword in his hand exuded a brilliant light. Strike a sword again!

The third sword of the eight swords of the universe-collapse!

This sword, as if it could cut through eternity and witness immortality, was full of the most powerful and masculine flavor.

The terrible fluctuations swept over, causing the entire Xianshan Daze to tremble, and even the edge of the world, there were clear cracks!


Many people were horrified.

The Eight Swords of the Universe is already extremely powerful, and if you can learn the first sword, you can sweep everything.

Lin Han can actually use the third sword?

This sword light seemed to contain the power of nine heavens and ten earths, six combinations and eight wildernesses, and it was extremely powerful.

Lin Han just smashed it down with a single sword, and the sense of surprise was too great.

"No..." The purple man's expression also changed drastically, and he noticed that this sword was trembling at the origin of his heavenly path. Even if he was only one billionth of the power of the universe's heavenly path, it was also very powerful. People at the Heavenly Sovereign Realm would give him this feeling.

He sensed the smell of destruction.

The moment he roared, stimulating all his divine energy, the blazing divine light, intertwined, formed a huge purple seal, facing Lin Han's sword light, slammed up.

This blow is the mark of Heavenly Dao, his most powerful attack, just like the powerhouse of Immortal Venerable Realm, cannot be an opponent.

Now Lin Han has completely made him aware of the danger.

Only show it.


It’s a pity that Lin Han’s sword light is too blazing, like being transformed into a supreme cosmic sword god. He has the charm of a **** blocking and killing gods and Buddhas. Even if the purple man displays all his attacks, it’s not. opponent.


Lin Han's sword light overwhelmed, and suddenly defeated the purple seal.

Then, the flaming sword light continued to castrate.


A stream of purple blood rushed into the sky, and the purple man's body was cut straight down from the sky spirit cover all at once, spread to the span, causing his body to suddenly become two halves and fly out.

The will of the purple man disappeared with the wind.

The surroundings suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Countless people stood in place with shocked faces, their faces stiff.

That's how the dignified law enforcer died?

Many people have sore eyes.

Lin Han's sword light is too scary.

The Eight Swords of the Universe are indeed the Sword Realm, the most powerful swordsmanship that is famous throughout the world.

Lin Han only realized that the third sword had such a mighty power. If he could comprehend all the eight swords, how powerful it would be.

Thinking about it makes people feel hairy.

Lin Han's face was calm, standing on the spot, looking up at Jie Yun.

Now he has long hair fluttering, his long coat and robe is hunting, and he is holding the sword of loss, really dazzling.

After being fierce and mighty in the sky for a few times due to the death of the purple man, Jieyun slowly dissipated away.

Then, a purple divine flower descended from the nine heavens and shot into Lin Han's Sky Spirit Cover, making the aura emanating from Lin Han's whole body more vigorous.

"Spent it?" Many people sigh lightly.

In history, some people who survived the robbery, even if they did, were seriously injured and dying.

However, Lin Han was unscathed, and directly killed the law enforcers of Heaven's Law, and the methods were truly shocking to the world.

Today’s matter is enough to survive the ages and be remembered by future generations.

"A gift from the heavens?" Lin Han couldn't help but smile when he saw the purple brilliance. This is the reward after crossing the catastrophe. These brilliance is full of fierce thunder and lightning power, which is very important to the cultivator. , Very helpful.

Now he just got it, and he felt a little joyful in his heart.

This will make his physical strength stronger, and his realm more stable, which will be much stronger than the average Immortal Venerable person.

Many people were also deeply envious, and obviously knew that Lin Han was about to post it.


However, at this moment, a terrifying sword light shot down from the nine heavens, as if it could cover the sun, moon and stars.

Du Fangfang shot, full of colorful magic, holding a colorful sword, directly attacked Lin Han.

"Du Fangfang, what are you doing?" Lin Han couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and flew backward.

The opponent's sword was indeed terrifying, even more terrifying than the feeling that the purple man gave him, and even Tian Mubai was far from such a mighty power. Du Fangfang's ability to strike such a power with a sword really surprised him.

"Hey, what are you doing, this gift from heaven, I'm in love with it. Wouldn't it be okay if I want you?" Du Fangfang smiled coldly.

Many people around were also stunned.

Although Du Fangfang ranks high among the Excalibur disciples, he does not have such strength at all.

This sword, I am afraid that even the top ten figures of the Excalibur disciple can't be compared.

"If you want my gift from Heaven, you can't die?" Lin Han couldn't help but sneered.

He felt something was wrong with Du Fangfang, his aura was much stronger than he had seen before.

If it hadn't been for the huge opportunity during the recent period, then she had been hidden before.

If it is the latter, then this charming woman is not easy.

He still felt that it should not be the case.

"Are you looking for death? Then you will know for yourself, Lin Han, you seize our fire crystal mine. Now is the time for you to pay." Du Fangfang sneered. She looked for Lin Han and wanted many treasures on her body. So many people watched, but she was a person in a demon realm after all, with a special technique, she could still be undiscovered.

Lin Han had just gone through the catastrophe, and the consumption was not small, and now it was the time to shoot, she would not let it go.

"I don't understand why you are so powerful, but you think that you want to grab my gift from Heaven on this basis. It's too naive." A cold light overflowed in Lin Han's eyes and displayed the third sword of the eight swords of the universe. It costs him a lot, but his combat methods are more than that.

Right now he sat down cross-legged and took out the nine-day star river piano.

"I don't know what I can do, and I dare to be tough when I die." Du Fangfang sneered, not caring at all.

Lin Han just got the Nine Sky Star Heqin, how far can he show his strength?

I don't think it threatens me at all.

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