War Emperor

Chapter 1606: Swallow

Du Fangfang sneered, feeling that God was helping her.

These people were injured in the hands of the king of pterosaurs, it was her good time.

"Devil furnace, kill me!" Du Fangfang immediately pointed out, and with a sudden bang, immeasurable demonic energy erupted, forming a tsunami that swept across several people.

Amidst the boundless devilish energy, a black stove appeared, with an extremely simple shape, with patterns engraved on it, revealing an extremely evil smell.

As soon as this furnace came out, a large number of magic fires appeared, forming a huge fire net, and all of the divine sword disciples were enveloped in it at once.

Including Zhao Gang, they all screamed sternly, because those devilish fires were too domineering. After being contaminated, their bodies, like ice and snow encountering boiling water, quickly curled up and evaporated.

The pain is beyond words.

"Du Fangfang, you will definitely have to die. The high-level officials of my Canggu Sword Mansion will not let you go." Zhao Gang gritted his teeth and roared.

He knows that today they are already in danger. The Demon Refining Furnace is a very powerful magic treasure. In the magic mirror, they are all famous and have killed many righteous masters.

Du Fangfang possesses this furnace to display it, and they will undoubtedly die.

"Hey, the high-level staff of Canggu Sword Mansion? For those dim-eyed guys, if they could discover my secret, they would have discovered it long ago." Du Fangfang sneered, disdainful of the high-level members of Canggu Sword Mansion.

After all, she hasn't become the top figure in the Canggu Sword Mansion, and she can't get into the eyes of the senior officials of the Sword Mansion. In addition, she has always been low-key, and the senior officials of the Canggu Sword Mansion are unlikely to find her.

"You can go on the road with peace of mind, give me all the exercises!" In the end, a cold glow shot out from her beautiful eyes, no longer said, those flames instantly increased a bit, making Zhao Gang and others all refined into ashes. And soon their energy was stripped out, forming a bright pill after another.

Some are red like gems, some are green like emeralds, blue are radiant, and some are glittering.

This is their pill of origin!

This method of practicing people into pill is very evil and secretive.

Even the person in the magic mirror doesn't know much, once you have cultivated it, you can instantly get the essence of your life's cultivation and form a great tonic.

In the magic mirror, there are many famous and powerful people who rely on this method to become a generation of heroes and famous all over the world.

This is also the reason why the demon in the magic mirror hates the people of the Great Thousand Realm.

There is too much blood on their hands.

Now Du Fangfang is also practicing this kind of method, if others know about it, he will definitely be amazed.

The five disciples of the Excalibur have a high level of cultivation. She has obtained the essence of the five people's lifelong cultivation, and her strength will definitely increase greatly. This is a great opportunity.

People who are not righteous will be extremely envious.

"Haha, great." Du Fangfang couldn't help but laugh. If she swallowed these five pills, she would definitely change dramatically.

"Tian Mubai, it's up to you now." Finally, she looked at Tian Mubai in her arms with a cold smile on her mouth.

The current Tian Mubai had long been in a coma, and his face was as pale as paper, but his face was still extremely handsome, revealing a fascinating charm.

Du Fangfang stroked Tian Mubai's face with her slender hand, and could not help but sighed slightly: "It's really a bit reluctant. Unfortunately, your man Dan is more majestic than the five of them. I will not miss it. ."

"Du Fangfang, what are you doing!" At this moment, Tian Mubai seemed to feel something, and finally rolled his eyelids slightly, and slowly woke up. After seeing the surrounding scenery, a touch of anger appeared on his face instantly, and he shouted.

The five Zhao Gang have been refined into human pill, this is the method of the magic way, only Du Fangfang has this ability.

Therefore, he was a little shocked that Fangfang turned out to be a traitor to the Demon Sect.

"What are you doing? Naturally, I will refine you into an adult pill. Go obediently." Du Fangfang smiled, her expression deceptive, the person in the magic mirror, and the cruel mind. Even if she has a good feeling for Tian Mubai in her heart, it won't be caused by it. After changing his mind, Tian Mubai was still in the furnace of refining.

"Asshole, my Tian Mubai was half-life wise, and it was destroyed in the hands of you slut." Tian Mubai couldn't help but roar out, very unwilling.

He is too weak, more than ninety-nine percent of his powers can't be displayed, only obediently refined by those demon fires, and his body gradually curled up.

After a while, Tian Mubai's voice disappeared, and the vitality disappeared. The whole body became a huge silver **** pill, exuding incomparably powerful fluctuations. The size of the pill was one size larger than that of Zhao Gang. Circle, we can see the majestic energy of Tian Mubai.

If someone else knows that he is magnificent and magnificent, he will be embarrassed if he falls into this situation.

Du Fangfang laughed madly, as if seeing six big pill, eating them in one bite, and then burst out a terrifying divine light all over his body, illuminating the world.


Almost for an instant, the whole Xianshan Daze shuddered, as if some strong creature were about to be born, a terrifying and vast aura permeated the square, all the creatures in the Xianshan Daze were trembling, one They prayed in the direction of Du Fangfang.

Now Du Fangfang has become the "emperor" here, much better than the king of pterosaurs.

"Lin Han, now I will kill you, take the treasure from you, refine you into an adult pill, and then the entire Canggu Sword Mansion disciple, who else can compete with me? Even if I am alone, I can One or two shoulder to shoulder." Du Fangfang looked in one direction with a blazing glow in his eyes, and smiled with excitement. The mountains around the shaking were resonating, and huge rocks fell.

Lin Han possessed the Lost Sword, Void God and Demon Picture, Nine Sky Star River Piano, Prehistoric Sword Furnace, Heavenly God Set... There are too many treasures, killing him is a gain against the sky.

At the same time, Lin Han is so young and talented. After refining adult pills, her vitality must be more vigorous, allowing her to grow again.

For her, the benefits are unimaginable.

She just thought about it, and her whole body was hot.

Lonely Shang is the big brother of the Canggu Sword Mansion, whose demeanor illuminates the endless stars. Even if she is the top-ranked disciple of the Excalibur, she feels that there is a huge gap between herself and him.

Now that she finally has a chance to bridge this gap, why is she unhappy?


At this point, she was traveling like a queen, flying towards the distance with the mighty momentum.

Although she is not sure, where is Lin Han's current direction, in Xianshan Daze, within thousands of miles nearby, it will only be a matter of time before she finds Lin Han.

The wind blew, and there was a sense of killing all around.



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